Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party!'

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

*puts mod hat on again*

I know this post is going to be lengthy, but I want everyone to read it very carefully and then in your next post, please let me know that you have read and understood what I am about to say.

While the number of chatty/spammish/off topic posts in this thread have decreased somewhat (for that we thank you), the fact that we still have several members who are saying that they are having a hard time keeping up with the posts in here suggests we still have a bit of work to do. We have always tried our best to allow a little leeway when things veer off topic, we don’t want to limit discussion if we can help it, but we also want all of our members to enjoy posting here, and I believe you all can see from reading some of the previous replies that this currently isn’t the case.

Examples of chatty/spammish/off topic posts:

“OMG!! He loooks soooo sexy in that pic!”

“LOL!!! I agree!! He’s so cute”

Also, discussing things that have nothing to do at all with the subject of the thread and then adding a tiny bit about Jonathan/Ryan at the end of your post does not mean your reply is on topic. If you want to discuss those types of things with other members, please do so using the private message service or one of the instant messenger services out there.

Truthfully, I don’t think that anyone would mind reading through several posts at one time if the actual discussion aspect of the thread was present. For example, yesterday morning—in my time zone, there was a very good discussion going on about Ryan’s OCD and the various ways it manifested itself throughout the show. That being said, we’re not trying to say that you can’t post the ‘drooly’, or ‘squeeing’ style posts, those can be fun to read too, but they should be done in moderation. I said something similar in the Adam Rodriguez thread yesterday, but I think it bears mentioning in here as well. There is absolutely no doubt that those of us who frequent this thread think that Jonathan Togo is an absolutely gorgeous man, but surely we can come up with more to discuss about him than just his looks. Don’t you think that’s doing him a great disservice? He is more than just a pretty face, don’t you all think? True, his body of work may not yet be as extensive as some, but Ryan alone should give us plenty to talk about.

The spoiler code...guys, I want you all to imagine for a moment that you’re a totally spoiler free person. Then think about how you’d feel if you opened this thread wanting to discuss Jonathan/Ryan and all you see was nearly a full page of spoiler code. It would be pretty disappointing, wouldn’t it? It’s fine to use spoiler code in the character/actor threads, but it should be done so sparingly. This is why we have the Spoiler Lab thread and the episode specific threads. You can discuss Ryan-specific spoilers in those threads as well. Promo pics may be discussed in depth in the Miami pictures thread.

Lastly, guys...I understand how frustrated some of you are and that you’re just trying to help, but please don’t backseat mod. If you’re unhappy with the way things are going in a particular thread, please pm either Geni (speed_cochrane) or myself with your concerns and allow us to handle it, that’s what we’re here for. Otherwise we end up with several members asking everyone to slow down, and then others saying that those posts are annoying and that only serves to draw the thread even more off topic, plus it could lead to disagreements or hard feelings.

I sincerely hope this will be the last time for quite awhile that Geni or I have to come in here and remind everyone to slow down.

Thanks to everyone for taking the time to read this. :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

Sure thing Jen I will try my hardest to stay ontopic and to not spam, Sorry... :D

There is absolutely no doubt that those of us who frequent this thread think that Jonathan Togo is an absolutely gorgeous man.
Indeed. When I read that, I started cracking up :lol:

I read and understood your post
I think we need a topic to start us off again, I cant really think us anything though.. :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

I have read and understood ThumpyG42's post.

I think we should start with an episode that everyone has seen, so that we don't use spoilers, and everyone can be involved with their opinion.

What is your favorite Season 4 episode with Ryan?

I'm at a toss between Three Way, Nailed, Urban Hellraisers, and One of Our Own.

I'm going to say Urban Hellraisers. It was the first episode that Ryan came back after his eye injury. The fact that he knew how to play the game made Horatio have him play it. Do you think that Eric and Horatio had him stay to play the game kind of as a way to keep an eye on him; to keep him out of the field?
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

I think it was because he already had the game and knew how to play it. plus the killers were not going to stop and they needed to find out what they were going to do next as soon as possible, when you think about it the game is first priority because that's what the killers based thier killings on and having Ryan play the game is the only way H could find out what dangerous stunt they were gonna pull next. puls in this epp we get a really good look at Ryan's eyes. and my friend and i argued about the color of them all the time untill we see them in this epp and they are clearly Hazel as i have told her all along.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

I think that Three-Way and Nailed are my favorite Ryan episodes of Season 4 .

I'm going to pick Three-Way. Three-Way was good because we pretty much got to see Ryan work solo even though he didn't turn out to be completely right. It was also good to see him finding important evidence and clues on his own. It showed that he has skills as a CSI.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

ThumpyG42 I have read and understood post.
My fave Ryan epi from season 4, I would have to say "nailed" just because i can't think of a reason i like it or "three-way" that one was funny, i liked so many of his comments in that one.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

I actually like seeing him get "Nailed" in the eye because it drew much needed sympathy and attention to him for like the first time ever. plus it broke the tension between him and Eric. i also loved his comments in this epp especially the line he said to Calleigh.... "haven't you ever pushed aside the dinner plates to get some?" i just laughed so much because it gave him a bad boy side and i loved the little naughty girl smirk Calleigh gave him after he said it.

oh and here's a pic where you get a slight glimpse of his tattoo. you can't see all of it but you can see some of it. Jon
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

I dont know which episode from S4 is my favorite. Like some of you said, Urban Hellraisers was a good one because it was nice to see Jon back after the "nail" and it was funny how he played to video game :D
I also, of course, love "Nailed". He really outdid himself in that episode and I think everyone noticed. I also love when everybody gets worried because it shows how much they care :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

I suppose my favourite scene was at the end of 'Deviant' when Ryan and Calleigh..yes, well, that belongs on another thread...
I'm going with 'Driven', which may surprise because it's one where Ryan screws up. However, the difference in this episode is because it's understandable. He was still recovering from the trauma of nearly losing his sight - he blamed himself for the initial injury because he hadn't followed procedure; then although he knew things weren't right he was in complete denial (a common failing and very, very human). By the time he was forced to go for help, it was very nearly too late.
Then he's in a life threatening situation and he freezes - again vey human and understandable. Jon's acting in this was understated and so heartbreakingly believable - the look of complete and utter bewilderment. Masterly!
I also loved that he couldn't follow what Caleigh was trying to tell him when explaining her experience, which wasn't quite the same as she didn't freeze. Too often characters say something like 'I know what you mean' when in fact a rambling explanation is incomprehensible.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

I also like the episode "Three-Way" because ge got to work solo on this one. and he proved to everyone that he could do it on his own. even though he didn't find the killer,but neither did Eric or Calleigh so it doesn't really matter if he found him or not :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

Wow you post fast!!!!!
I like ' Three - Way ' . He is hot and acts so smart!! Which is a good thing as maybe one day he can work a case on his own
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

I read and understood the post ThumpyG42
I cant really choose one of my favorite episodes in s4 of Ryan because they were all so good but I like bits and pieces of s4 becasuse it showed Ryan's development as a CSI since in s3 he was still a newbie
but I did like 'From the Grave' especially when he said "New Mafia my ass" and also when he broke Erika Syke's recorder because that showed that no one can mess with Ryan Wolfe!
In 'Urban Hellraisers' I liked it because he helped a lot in the case and helped get the bad guys
In 'Nailed' I liked it because it was basically centered around Ryan and his eye and everytime they showed a scene with a nail gun we would think that he would get show then and there.
(woah longest post I've ever posted!)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

Here's som sexy pics of Jon!!!! but i suggest you read this first:

Sexy Guy warning:
WARNING!!! these pics are extremely sexy!!! viewing these pics may cause heart problems because they are just so sexy!! so it is strongly advised that before viewing these pics that you have a medical team waiting to revive you should your heart stop from all the sexiness!!! Happy Viewing!!! Sexy in trouble Sexy CSI
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

read and understood, my dear Thumpy! :)

my fav Season 4 episodes are (so far, I haven't seen all episodes):
'Nailed': It's a Ryan centered episodes, but it's not completely about him. I like the friendship scene between Eric and Ryan at the end of the episode and also the Alexx/Ryan sceen at the hospital, not to mention the funny moments between Calleigh and Ryan.
'Fade Out': Ryan angst! I felt so sorry for him. The scene between Horatio and Ryan was also good.
'Driven': another angst episode + Ryan in T-shirt! The freezing part was an interesting storyline. I think he froze because the nail incident was still in his head.

I also liked the Alexx/Ryan scene in 'Blood in the water' (look at my boy, all grown up) and also fight and then the final scene in 'Deviant' with Calleigh.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

in Driven, when he's with Cooper looking around the corner his sleeve lifts up slightly and if you look real close, you can see the star on his tattoo. i don't know if it was his tattoo or a trick of the light, but to me that's what i thought it was.
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