Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party!'

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

I'm in USA, and so far, they haven't got any posters... hot4jontogo, want to buy it for me and send it my way?? :lol:

Ryan with spikey hair is a cross bewtween a hedgehog, and a cockatiel. :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Ryan with spikey hair is just hott. :D

Uhh, like where are those posters?! Miami should have some because it is "CSI:Miami" after all, but there are none down here! :(

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

aww man u guys are lucky!!
i dont have a walmart near where i live but i dont even think taht my mom will let me buy the posters and if she did i wouldnt put them on the wall more like in a frame to preserve the beautiness of jon!!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Just about everyone in my family works at Wal Mart but here in the U.S...even my hubby works at the dist center. I have them all checking in to this for me hehe. If I find out we got them I'll let you all know. When I found out that Togo was doing instores in Canada for the board game I had my nephew who was a csm look into getting him at our Wal Mart, it didn't work eh. Speaking of the csim board game if anyone is interested in buying just because you can play as Ryan ...don't waste your money. I got it and oh boy there is a piece you can play as him but he's not on the board with the other csi's, Yelina and Valera are but not him. There are cards with clues and each set has 4 different cards with each csi on it..H, Cal, Delko,Alexx but no RYan...I was like wtf...good thing I only paid $10.00 for it.BUt then the next week I go to Wal Mart and it's marked down to $5....I want my five bucks back.

I'm not liking the spiky hair, don't get me wrong he's still smoking hott but the hair ...I can live with it.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

i like his hair short but when its so messy that it looks like he just rolled out of bec i dont like it
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Yeah I agree with you the spiked hair is nice but if it looks like hes straight frm bed its not so good.

And OMG you can get Ryan posters at wal mart!?!?! I could never put one on my wall tho lol dang why am i getting married? :lol: (kidding)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Happilyhappy said:
Ryan with spikey hair is a cross bewtween a hedgehog, and a cockatiel. :)

I used to call 'Spiky Ryan' a porcupine, but I realized that porcupines are those larger ones with the really long spikes, so I kinda got it wrong. Hedgehog is a better word to use. Thank you 4 correcting me, HappilyHappy. :)

Sometimes my sis & I call him a 'landak' - Malay word for porcupine. It's pretty catchy. Hehe, a 'Sexy Landak'...:lol:

Both his S4 & S5 hairdos make him look...so....mature, but I prefer S4's because for me, it kinda maintains his sweeter look, whereas the spiky hair makes him look hotter. I totally agree bout the S3 messy hair, or the 'just rolled out of bed' hairdo...
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

I went to walmart today after i read that post, and no posters, i was really sad. About Ryan's hair, the spikey look is okay, but i like it best in season 4. season 4 hair so hot.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

The second that there is confirmation of Jon posters at Walmart, Ill already be there, buying the whole stock! I was just wondering that the other day, I was sitting in the car and was thinking, hmm how much would I love having a poster of Jon on my wall. Of course, we all know, just one poster wont work, but after I get many, I will never leave my room. :D
The spikey hair is ok, but I perfer the messy-less spikey hair-do. Or as you guys are referring it to "the just rolled out of bed" hair do :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

I think the spikey hair is the best it makes him look smokin :devil: S3 hair i didnt really care for it looked like he never touched a comb lol and i prefur guys that brush there hair lol S4 wasnt bad but again i like S5 best :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

My lord. It is hard to say which hair I like best because I am a sucker for great hair. :D

I would have to say the season 4 was the best. It had that innocent look, but the tough guy "don't mess with me" look all at the same time, and that is just hott.

But, then there is the season 3 hair. I think that is just down right sexy because it really brought out his eyes. :D

Then, last but not least, the season 5 hair which sort of reads like "I am mature, tough, and I could own you any day."

But, again, season 4 hair for the win! :D

But that is totally just me...We all have our opinions! :D

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

see it's wierd why they make it look like he just rolled out of bed. it should be buggin the heck out of Ryan because he's OCD and i know from my own experiences with it that you can't stand to have anything messy, including your hair. now, Jon doesn't have OCD but he still should be trying to make it seem like he does on the show and he's not doin too good a job.....that's why i don't like the spikey just rolled out of bed look because it makes Ryan's OCD less believable...
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Its becoming harder and harder to believe the OCD story cuz theres been many things that say he isnt. Like S4 he left his wallet on his dresser. I cant see a guy thats OCD forgeting to grab his wallet.

WOW that was off topic :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

i dunno ... my best friend is severely ocd, she wont leave the house without checking the coffee pot and the lock a gazillion times and even then most of the time she turns around and checks the lock again ... everything in her house is color coordinated, like EVERYTHING. she cant put anything blue on a table that has only green things on it ... shes weird like that. but she forgets her purse at my house all the time.

so i totally believe the whole ryan forgetting his wallet thing ... because if its not something youre obsessive about then everything else sorta takes over and to him, maybe remembering your wallet doesnt seem as important as making sure that your socks are properly lined up.
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