Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party!'

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

hot4jontogo said:
this is INSANELY too fast!! im getting really annoyed and im not the only one. some people in here have posted enough to make an entire page on their own in a day.

Thanks Elise. It's seriously about time I say this, & I gotta be honest. Sorry, guys, but...

We've NEVER had a problem this BIG about posting too fast till recently. I first joined when the 13th Ryan/Jonathan thread had just started, & it was really EASY to keep up at that time. The posts were a pretty good length - most importantly, NOT TOO SHORT. Here's a reminder from the All About Chatting, Spam and other Forum Related Issues thread (am I allowed to do this???):

Posting things like, “LOL!!”, “I agree!”, “That’s so funny!” could all be considered spamming as could posting a reply that is essentially nothing but emoticons. So, please try to add more content in your replies in the threads I just mentioned and those like them. If we feel the spamming is getting out of control in those threads, we will lock them.

If you're posting every minute or two or three, you're not posting, you're chatting and should move to one of the chat mediums. Please make sure that you're involved in discussions and not just chit-chatting.

Also, just because you are posting ‘on topic’ doesn’t necessarily mean you’re not chatting. Really guys…it’s a bit tiring, not to mention possibly intimidating to newer members to go into a thread expecting to read and participate in good discussion and instead find a page full of nothing but posts consisting of, “OMG! *random actor’s name here* is soooooo hot!” or off topic chatter.

To tell the truth, I'm getting annoyed too. Our wonderful mods have been reminding us about how fast the thread is moving, so please, let's not ignore what they're saying. Like Elise said, it's SO MUCH BETTER to pm each other, especially if your msg is gonna be short. Last but not least, a forum is different from a chat room, & this place AIN'T a chat room.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Yeah, I agree, even though he is getting fired in that episode, Im so excited for it. We might finally get to learn more about Ryan and his past! For once the writers are throwing us a bone! They have to tell us something about it, a family member, past problems or event or anything! They cant have such a big story line and not tell us much about the character its mostly about. I am really excited :)
Sorry if Im one of those who posts too much, I dont think I am, considering I havent been able to be on much in the past 3 days, but I will try to add more to my posts! :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

I agree with the whole fast thing. He is sexy though..... but that's not what the forms about. So....... erm.... yeah....
The picture is like hot!!!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

I dont really want to be rude or mean or anything but with everybody warning the members here about not spamming and to slow down, its getting a little annoying and its kind of spamming in itself. Some of you just post warning and nothing to do with the thread, I think that spam especially if someone already said what you said. So please just one warning, its getting annoying because most of us are listening to you guys and dont need to be warned with 3 posts in a row. Sorry but Thanks! :D Dont hate me :D

Anyways I asked my friend with help for this wallpaper I was making and of course it had like all Ryan. And she was
like, "Whos that?" and Im like "Its Jonathan Togo! I talk about him a lot, hes on CSI:Miami" and shes like "Oh the OCD guy" and I said "How did you know that?" and she said "Its so obvious".
I dont know how she figured that out with just watching a few episodes! It really surprised me :lol:

This also came up when I was talking to my friend, I thought I would just ask you guys this...Would Ryan look a little weird wearing a sweatervest in the next few episodes? He looked good in them before but now that hes all buffed up and more manly, dont you think it would look a little odd? I think it might, but I would stil be amused to see him in one! :)

ETA: Happy Saturday!
Look at that smile :) From 'Backstabbers'
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

has anyone else seen the pics added to the Modern Day Gallery of Ryan in the episode 'Kill Switch' hes wearing a suit and looks weird in my opinion

i agree with ILuvJonathanTogo about the warnigns and stuff we know that its annoying and ten people dont have to post the same reply a bunch of times! :p

ETA: what epi is that from?! just curious!! and that made my day better!! :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

I don't think he is going to be wearing a sweatervest this season, but who knows they might bring them back next season.

Jon has always been muscular. His muscles are hidden when he wears those sweatervests, Don Johnson jackets, etc. If he wore one recently, he'd look pretty normal, just less Jon.

Altough, I wouldn't mind seeing the vests shrink a little, and him wear a regular white tee underneath. :devil:

I remeber a case where Ryan's OCD comes out! Ok, not really but sort of.

In 321 Recoil, when he is going over the case evidence, he puts them in order of date. Calleigh comes in, and sort of freaks at him when she sees this. I don---hey wait a minute... That seems like a mild case for Calleigh too. :confused:

ETA: I forgot to mention this: I finally was able to see what everyone was talking about when they say they see Jon chewing gum. He doesn't chew gum when he is on camera, but facing the dirction the camera is facing. I saw it in Nailed, and now I'm going to go rewatch season's 3 and 4 to see if I can spot it more. Erm... Later. I should get back to cleaning. :rolleyes:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

^I think the episode 'Recoil' is a perfect example for Ryan's OCD. ;)
I'm sure Ryan's apartment is spotless.

I think (and I hope, sorry) that the sweater vests are gone. :p but we haven't seen a lot of T-shirts episode this season so far. this should change. :p

maybe I'm the only one, but I like the outfit. I think he looks good and so mature and like a real TV star.

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

Ew, dang. What's wrong with that pic? His hair looks like it has a bunch of gel in it, and that tie is hideous. Not to mention that suit jacket is just bad. :(
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

i think that its the color that doestn look good on him. i mean yea he looks like a pro reporter but it not his job i guess. he has to stick to the lab and dead bodies! :p
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

What picture are you guys talking about? Just wondering because I dont follow this conversationg at all :lol: I totally missed the picture...
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

Oh, thanks for showing me that lol I agree, its not the most flattering pic of him but he is cute in it... llol
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

yeah taht color doesn't suit him at all. and i liked it in s3 when he wore tshirts. they really showed off his muscles. and i liked how sometimes they were a little tight, it showed off more of his muscles. :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

i remember in s3 that he wore a lot of sporty clothes like jackets and stuff
looked more like a teenager to me
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

he wore those too. and yeah it did make him look like a teenager. but i liked the S4 wardrobe. button up shirts and blazers. but the suits this season are ok. I mean he still looks sexy but it's not the same sexy Ryan we knew in S4.
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