Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party!'

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

hot4jontogo said:
i dunno ... my best friend is severely ocd, she wont leave the house without checking the coffee pot and the lock a gazillion times and even then most of the time she turns around and checks the lock again ... everything in her house is color coordinated, like EVERYTHING. she cant put anything blue on a table that has only green things on it ... shes weird like that. but she forgets her purse at my house all the time.

so i totally believe the whole ryan forgetting his wallet thing ... because if its not something youre obsessive about then everything else sorta takes over and to him, maybe remembering your wallet doesnt seem as important as making sure that your socks are properly lined up.
i so know what that's like!!!! i'm like majorly OCD!!!!! and i do forget my wallet/purse sometimes because i'm more worried about wether or not my clothes are in order by color and type or if i organized my socks by type and size or if my Flute is clean....i'm in the school band, so i get Ryan's whole obsessive gun cleaning thing. His gun cleaning obsession to him is like my flute cleaning obsession to me, it's gotta be clean or i freak!!!!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Need4Speed said:
His gun cleaning obsession to him is like my flute cleaning obsession to me, it's gotta be clean or i freak!!!!


Ooooooo u play the flute in the school band! Cool. Well, if your flute ain't clean I don't think you can play properly. & besides, it's also nice to show off your beautiful, clean, shiny flute. :lol: I too have to polish my violin like crazy after playing.

Okay back to topic - in Under The Influence, I remember Ryan telling Horatio that he was only a little OCD. I guess he meant that it was really, really mild, & he was just OCD enough to keep his gun clean.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

i know that it has to be clean to play it properly but i clean it way more than necissary. at least two to three times daily.
even if i haven't played it recently.

anyways back on topic........yes but then remember what H said when he checked Ryan's back up weapon?? he said "that is quite a case of OCD" implicating that Ryan had maybe slightly more than mild OCD.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

loyal2wolfe said:
Need4Speed said:
His gun cleaning obsession to him is like my flute cleaning obsession to me, it's gotta be clean or i freak!!!!


Ooooooo u play the flute in the school band! Cool. Well, if your flute ain't clean I don't think you can play properly. & besides, it's also nice to show off your beautiful, clean, shiny flute. :lol: I too have to polish my violin like crazy after playing.

Okay back to topic - in Under The Influence, I remember Ryan telling Horatio that he was only a little OCD. I guess he meant that it was really, really mild, & he was just OCD enough to keep his gun clean.

Even though H let him to be a CSI becouse of his OCD(maybe the reason of speed didn't clean his gun)
But the point is...."Ryan never shoot his gun so far!! :p"
So it seems no big deal whether Ryan has OCD or not..... :confused:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Need4Speed said:
yes but then remember what H said when he checked Ryan's back up weapon?? he said "that is quite a case of OCD" implicating that Ryan had maybe slightly more than mild OCD.
H actually said that? I must have missed it. I didnt know somebody actually mentioned his OCD, I thought it was just kind of assumed.

Guess What? I was looking on Ebay, just curious to see what kind of Jon stuff was floating around the web. Somebody is selling a Jon Togo pillow! Its so cute, it have the ever famous black leather jacket pose with the sunset-like background. Yall know what pic Im talking about right? Anyways it says something like "Love Jonanthan Togo" or something like that. Its very cute :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

if i ever had a jon togo pillowcase i would hope that someone would shoot me ... no offense to anyone out there with jon togo pillowcases ....
its just ... i dunno ...
creepy ahaha
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

actually his OCD is mentioned quite a few times....

in After the Fall when Ryan and Eric are in the judge's house looking for the nitrous oxide mask Ryan says

"this just made our job a whole lot easier...he has OCD" and the Eric says "sounds like someone i know" Eric was talking about Ryan....

and then in another episode Calleigh says some thing like "Ryan, you're OCD...would you ever throw a picture frame away?" it went something like that. i don't remember exactly.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

I know they mention it a few times Its just he doesnt act like it very much. I mean hes always making mistakes and stuff like that.So i think hes got a very low OCD problem. course this is just my opinion.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

I know about the time zones and the difference, but 7 posts in 15 minutes? Guys come on, please, I live in Holland, I have to actually sleep when most of you Americans and Canadians are still up, and every time I wake up there's like a new page. Yes there are a lot of Togoholics and we all have a lot to talk about, I do know. But it just isn't funny anymore to wake up to have missed an entire page. And I'm sure I'm not the only one feeling like this. I can't even follow the discussion anymore because it's over before I read through it. So maybe, just maybe, would it be possible to slow down a little bit in posting? For the sake of us in other timezones living persons? *makes puppy dog eyes*

Now, Ryan's OCD was mentioned in Under the Influence, After the Fall, Recoil, Payback (that was the photoframe), and I'm feeling like I forgot one but I can't think of which one.

It is a mild case. It's said. Ryan doesn't have severe OCD, believe me, we'd know. Him making mistakes doesn't really have to have anything to do with OCD. OCD has more forms, you can be obsessed with washing your hands, but then you can still gamble and spray too much luminol. Just my 2 cents.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

About the posting Dutchie iv asked for pple to slow down i wake up in the morning and theres a hole new page to catch up on so ur not the only one who feels this way.

Yeah I guess its just a mild case of OCD. THeres just these little things i cant see an OCD person doing but maybe thats just me. :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

I seem to remember that having OCD can go hand in hand with having an addictive personality. Getting obsessed with doing something is rather like being addicted to it. It's probably a fine line. So maybe the gambling thing isn't so far out there after all?

My own personal theory is that he's having a hard time with something, maybe personally, and the gambling started as a relief from that and got to be out of hand. That's only my own rationalisation of the idea, because I haven't seen any of S5 yet, and also it really sounds a little bit too thought out to be what the writers have in mind. But he would need a real reason to do something like that, I think. He's not so reckless as to do big gambling without a reason. In my opinion, anyway. Someone who didn't like him so much would probably say otherwise.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

This is way too big of a storyline to not have some kind of a backstory.....please please can we have one??? begs TPTB.
Which Ryan season do I prefer..gosh that is hard to say. I do have a thing for the cute underdog type so that would fall for season 3. BUT I do think is gorgeous in season 4 and who would not want that in a man???? However - I cannot possible say what I would do if the smokin' hot VERY sexy Ryan from season 5 showed up at my door! :devil:
Can I have them all please??? I have been good this year.....
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

But the point is...."Ryan never shoot his gun so far!! :p"
So it seems no big deal whether Ryan has OCD or not..... :confused:

Ryan has shot his gun in 424 Rampage, and in another episode this season, but the name escapes me.

I'm at a toss between Ryan from season 4 and EARLY season 5.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

But the writers aren't even keeping to the 'bio' for Ryan on the CBS website. It says that he pays attention to detail and he's ambitious. He's also intelligent - now I may be wrong but if someone is ambitious, intelligent and pays attention to detail - I really don't think they'd make so many mistakes as Ryan does. It simply doesn't 'compute'.
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