Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party!'

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

ahahah i love when he wears black socks with light colored clothing ahahahah
its such a "man" thing to do ahaha
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

I forgot to tell you guys this earlier. I had another Jon dream, but I wasnt in it though. I was just dreaming of like a continuation(sp?) of the episode on Monday. It was weird as always lol. A couple nights ago, I had a really short Jon Dream. He showed up at my door and was like "Am I at the right house?" then I woke up. Im so angry at myself :lol:
What would you do if Jon actually did show up at your house? I would faint! :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

ILuvJonathanTogo said:

What would you do if Jon actually did show up at your house? I would faint! :)
Scream, give him a hug as an apology for blowing out his eardrums, and offer him some tea. ;)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

ILuvJonathanTogo said:
What would you do if Jon actually did show up at your house? I would faint! :)

Great question! I would freeze & become paralyzed with fear for a while, maybe even faint or go into a coma for a week. :lol: But if I was in 'confident mode', I'd invite him in to have a nice chat. But I'll mess up my words for sure.

Ryan??? In boots??? Not my style either...Why is he wearing new, weird outfits now??? :confused: We're all okay with his lovely jackets & lab coats. & he'd better wear a sweatervest soon!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

If Jon should up at my door id probably stand there in shock for a few seconds then id shake it off and ask him in and id over flow him with questions about every thing csi related or not :lol: I couldnt do any more then that fiance would flipp lol
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

I'd probably drop down dead if Jon showed up at my door! :eek: No. Actually, knowing me, I wouldn't recognise him. :rolleyes: I'd ask him what he wanted, probably assume he wnated to talk about religion and close the door. I'm that stupid. I don't recognise people out of their usual places. I'd be kicking myself for ever afterwards.

What's the most frustrating thing in the world? Reading all the comments about Ryan's outfit in the last US episode and not having pictures! :p Pictures, please? Anyone? This outfit sounds absolutely gorgeous, and I can't quite get an image of it in my mind. athlov , are you out there? You know you're the screencap queen. :D What can I offer you to post a pic or two of Ryan from this last episode? Brownies? Flowers? Little baby booties? Name your price! :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Personally, I don't care if he wears too much orange. He is sexy in orange. I mean like he rocks orange.

Katbug I am so sorry about ya hubby!!!!!! Best wishes and he better get well soon else I will come over and kick his illness's butt!!! Or would ya like me to do that now so he gets better quicker??? :D He will be just fine. You'll see ;) I can see the future and he is fine. You'll go see him and he'll be tap dancing and jumping around ;) You'll see. He'll be totally finnee!!!!!!

Athlov post a pic of his fabulous outfit and I shall pay you 4000 talkcsi dollars :D I come from the UK so it shall be no good if I give you pounds... :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

yes, i would love to see some pics, even tho i hated that outfit, and Ryan looks so good in orange, but i like him best in jeans, striped button up shirts, and his movie star jackets. so hot. Yeah, and if Jon showed up at my door, i would either passed out/be speech;es, or not even know it was him, :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

I haven't seen S5....... I like him im purple......
Have anyone noticed that in an eppy (cant remember)
hes wearing an purple shirt then whan hes looking at a car.....
it changes 2 orange.......then purple again.....
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

ummm if jonathan togo showed up at my door i would probably apologize for sending that letter, assuming that he got it and freaked out and went looking for the weirdo that sent it.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

lol! Ryans funny. (steals him)

Sammy: NEVER!!!
Horatio: sorry, I dont get into fight I can't win....your're on your own...
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Just a quick update....hubbys cancer started spreading and that is why he is in the hospital - getting treatment. Thanks for all the well wishes and if you want to know more please PM me.
ILuvJonathanTogo -I do plan to learn to make icons....may take me awhile to get going with it. I have to download something to make it work with my vista computer. I also thought JT looked stunning in this epsiode....so much I missed the shoes. Don't think my eyes went that low! :devil:
Happilyhappy - totally mised the detox comment. How did I do that??? Must have been drooling. Anyone see his dimple this week!
Aligtr - I cannot find pics!! I wish I could. The man was smokin' in this eppy. BTW - I will PM you later today.
RyanAddict - come on down. You can help my hubby - he said Monday he was going in to kick some Melanoma ass this time so you are welcome to help!
So how about some pics of him in orange again today??

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

i might have been once or twice but i just have one question. whats with the name "one kinky party"????
i mean come on...
what could be hotter than that?!?!?!? :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Yay I get to kick some butt!!! Aww bless if need anything I'm always here if ya need to talk :D

I don't care what he wears he's hot

If he was at my door I'd invite him in then kiddnapp him ;) ;) Mwhahaha
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