Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party!'

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Ok - so I bought photoshop today! CompUSA is going out of business so they had software 25% off. With my husband in the hospital.....I might need something to keep my mind off of things......
Here is another pic for you....
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

First of all, wlecome to the thread ericloce!!! You will so enjoy yourself here!

Aww, katbug! I hope he gets better soon! Your too lucky to have Photoshop, though, so that will most definatley keep you occupied!

By the by, thankies so much for the pics! They are gorgeous! Again, I hope your husband is okay and well in no time! :D

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

i hated Ryan's outfit last night, the boots were eww, welcome all the new people and katbug i hope your hubby gets better. Thanks for the hot pics.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

i know!! those looked like the same one's Speed wore in lost son. and i was like....wiat a minute is he wearing Speed's shoes?? and the suit.....ewwwww. not a good look for Ryan. white doesn't look good on him for some reason. unless it's one of those sexy lab coats...
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

I really hope your husband gets better Katbug. Have fun with your photoshop, I wish I had it lol, I cant wait to see the icons you make.(If you are going to make icons.)
Today, I stayed home from school, yet again..ear infections, now its like the flu or something, grr, anyways enough about me:
I thought Jon was GORGEOUS. That blue he was wearing on Monday's episode, my goodness! I forgot the last time he wore blue, oh my goodness, he was so gorgeous. I like how they are doing his hair now, for the past few episodes, its been kinda messy, I like it.
This might be considered a spoiler, not sure why but I got a little warning when I didnt use a spoiler code before so...
In the promo, It looked like he was wearing a suit and jacket again. It also looked like his shirt is orange!! Again!! Except for this past episode, he has been wearing orange a lot. I like orange, infact its my favourite colour but a little less of it would be good!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

I so agree, ILuvJonathanTogo. I thought he looked surprisingly sexy in that suit with the blue under it!

Yah, his hair is awesome (well awesome-er because they can never "mess up" his hair) all of a sudden!

An by the by, I hope you get better, too, ILuvJonathanTogo!!! :D

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

I liked his outfit. It was just the shoes didn't match and just RUINED the outfit.

Did anyone else notice him changing the subject when Alexx asked him, "Have you ever seen someone go through a detox?"
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Someone else finally brought it up! Thankies so much, Heather! I was gonna say something, but I didn't wanna sound crazy like I was just heaing things! But, guess what? I wasn't! :D

I notiticed that, too! And I was like "Wait a second. Is there something you wanna tell us, Ryan?" Why was he so quick to change the subject? Coincidence? Hmm...

I will have to go back and watch it on my DVR and see what I think after I "examine" it about a billion more times. :lol:

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

yeah i did!!! it was like he or someone he knew had gone through it. i liked the suit but not the shoes!!!and i had to do a double take at his shoes because they looked like the same ones the Speed wore in Lost Son.......and i was like "wait a minute? is Ryan wearing Speed's shoes?" and yes his hair is just so sexy. i love it!!!!!!!!1
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

yeh about the detox thing ...
remember too how he was so weird about the possibility of delko doing drugs?
he was like not really wanting to talk about but he was very firm every time he was talking to eric

so maybe someone in his past was into drugs?
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Very good point, h4jt. I always thought he was firm and so obviously anti-drugs because he is a cop, and Eric is a cop, and cops are supposed to uphold the law, not break it.
If I'm making sense at all.I'm so out of it because I wish it was Monday. :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Tell me about it, Heather!

I totally know what you are talking about, hot4hjt. Great point!

How great of a story (but sad, none the less) would it be if a family member of Ryan's had a problem with drugs?

So much to talk and think about! Argh!

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Well, I didn't get a close look at his boots, but I did notice that something was wrong there. They just didn't look right with that suit.

Something else didn't sit right with me about the suit. It looked new and all snazzy and stuff. There was just something about the way he was walking around in it.

The last time we saw him walking around like that in a new suit was sometime before Death Pool 100 came out, and we learned about the gambling thing.

Makes me wonder if he hit a big jackpot again or something.

I did really like the blue shirt though - especially with his neck showing like that. :D

I didn't really think much about that detox statement. It just seemed like the scene was moving along and they needed to say all they could in a certain amount of time. But I could be wrong - I'll have to go back and watch that again.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

The last time we saw him walking around like that in a new suit was sometime before Death Pool 100 came out, and we learned about the gambling thing.

Makes me wonder if he hit a big jackpot again or something.

Wow, I never thought of that! Very good point, athlov!!! Now I am all curious! Argh! :(

It would maybe make sense, but then again, maybe it is just a coincidence..

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