Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party!'

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Jons acting in man down was unbelieveable! he did such a terrific job on that!I love that eppy not only do you see the emotional ballance of the team you see how even tho Ryan and Eric disagree alot they still care for eachother.
As for crying in the eppy I didnt i was just sitting there bitting my nailes with antisapation(sp?)on what would happen next.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

:lol: It's "anticipation"! But, that's okay!

I totally agree with you Raging4Ryan. They both care for eachother even through all their bickering.

By the by, who wasn't biting their nails during that epi? :D

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Hi! I'm back. And I feel rotten. :( Nasty cough, no sleep - I want to curl up in a ball and never come out. I need some Togo goodness. And there are pages to catch up on! Wow!

Don't get me started on the connection between Eric and Ryan - I'll get in trouble with the mods! :devil: But, trying to leave unwelcome shipperish tendencies aside, they wouldn't fight so much if they didn't care about each other. You don't fight with someone you don't care about - you ignore them. They're a little like brothers who fight and bicker all the time, but totally have each other's back when there's trouble. Eric was the same with Ryan in Nailed, wanting to go with him in the hospital. Ryan was totally stressed out at the thought of Eric being hurt in Man Down. I may have other theories to account for their closeness, but I don't think that its existence is deniable. :D

Just before I run off to the appropriate shipper thread to let off steam, I have a Mondaypic. From Nailed. He looked so pretty in this episode, and I thought that his eyes looked especially good (pre-nail). I always wondered if the producers wanted to draw attention to how lovely they are so that we'd cringe even more when he got the nail shot at him. It's a possibility.

AliGtr's Mondaypic


Credit to Jonathan Togo Online. Do you think they'll ever come back?
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Welcome back, AliGtr! Great Mondaypic - it's to drool for. Hold on, I gotta go get my drool bucket.

AliGtr said:
I always wondered if the producers wanted to draw attention to how lovely they are so that we'd cringe even more when he got the nail shot at him. It's a possibility.

Yeah, maybe they want us to see how warm & shiny his eyes really are before he gets shot. It kinda helps in a small way, because we'd probably pity him a little more. :lol:

My sis told me that when a wolf looks at you, you feel as if it's looking through you, not at you. I think she read or heard that somewhere...she watches a lot of Discovery channel. In short, wolf eyes are seriously so beautiful! :eek:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Hey, that's a really cute pic, AliGtr!

ILuvJonathanTogo, your avvie is GORGEOUS! :)

Next episode here is Darkroom. I've heard it was a good episode, but what do you guys think? I can't wait until I can watch Ryan agaaaain.. :p

this is one of my faves.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

HAHHAH!! k guys i totally just went thru the mcdonalds drive thru (i know ... horribly bad for me but yum!) and there was a complete jon lookalike working there!! hes like in his early 20s im guessing, anyways, his name is john, which is soo funny to me ahah
anyways, im going back tomorrow with my camera and im gonna get a pic of him for yas ahahah ... like seriously, he looks just like him lol ... i asked him if hes ever told he looks like anyone and he goes, "no one around here, but i get that i look like that dude from csi a lot" and i laughed and said thats what i was thinking too hahah

lucky me ... he lives in my town ;) hahaha

anyways ... i thought that was funny
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Like, oh my god! I have got to take a look at this guy!

The first thing I notitced about Jon is that his eyes are so beautiful. Just the way they look in every epi..*dies* I swear.

Ah, "Darkroom". I thought that was a pretty good epi. I personally thought is was cute when Nat's sister called her and after she was forced off the phone, Nat looked at him and said "They're gonne kill her Ryan." And he quickly responds "Listen. No, listen! If she called, that means she's still alive right?.."

I just thought it was sweet because he obviously didn't like Natalia very much when that epi rolled around, but when Ryan saw that she was hurting, he was quick to console her.

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

hahaha that is soo funny.......totally get a pic of him lol.iv had that happen before where a hott guy lloked like a guy from one of my fave bands it was soo fricken sweet.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Welcome back Ali! :)
Thanks for the Monday pic and I hope you feel better soon.

I wish there would be more funny scenes between Eric and Ryan. They should joke more often. I think Eric considers Ryan as his annoying little brother. :lol:

I saw 'Free Fall' today.
Ryan looked good in the episode.
I somehow liked that he was concerned about Erica. It shows he cares about people even if they annoy him (he rolled his eyes very often :lol:)
It was also cute that he was sad about Leo's and Sienna's death.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

That epi was great for those two reasons, inge! I love how Ryan cares for people even when he acts like he doesn't give what happens to them! Even criminals!

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Nice picture AliGtr :) I hope you feel better soon!

The other thing I have to say is that I WANT TO SEE MAN DOWN...After what you have all said, can you imagine how I feel? :rolleyes: It must be so awesome, I am happy just to imagine I will be able to watch it...Don't know when, but I know I will have to :p

Who was the one who mentioned a guy who looks alike Jon? That must have been strange and funny at the same time. If I were you I would imagine I was actually spending too much time here and I was actually seeing Jon everywhere :lol: A picture of him would be good...

By the way, the other day I notice lots of people from my class were dressed in orange, and I couldn't help it thinking about Ryan, of course. Then I was telling them how he looks great in orange, and guess what? My portuguese teacher just arrives wearing an orange sweatshirt, a colour in which I have never seen him wearing! Just the right day! I know this is stupid now, but it was funny at that time :p
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

ahah that was me that saw the jon lookalike ahahaha

ahah guys i did the funnnniest thing ahahah ... my friend is auditioning for csi (ny tho) and she was getting all her papers ready and i gave her a note for jon ...
ahahah on the envelope it has instructions that i would really appreciate it if someone could get it to jon.

i didnt put my name on it and i made this on the way to the post office with her ahah

she said im retarded but its not like hes gonna know where it came from ... and i wont ever know if he got it or not ... but all the same, my silly friend and i couldnt stop laughing at it.

heres the note.

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

That is a totally great letter, hot4jontogo!!! I wish I was as creative as you are!!! :D

Aww, don't worry, Dani!!! You will see "Man Down" soon enough! :D I know it!

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Hi guys, I worked on the Ryan and Alexx page a bit. Here is what I have written so far:

While not of the romantic variety, in this relationship Alexx plays the older sister, sometimes motherly, role in Ryan's life at work. After the death of her friend and beloved 'baby boy', Tim Speedle, her first response to Ryan's coming was, "I don't need anymore friends." However, after seeing his firm work ethics and patient efforts to find his place among the brokenhearted team, she soon warmed up to him and welcomed him as one of her own.

One episode that comes to mind first is " " in which, after Ryan correctly surmised the correct cause of death of a victim, she says, "Look at my boy! All growed up."

Since then, the pair has had many memorable moments in and out of the lab. Though, their relationship like every other has had its tense moments as well. In episode 423: Shock, Ryan admitted to Alexx that he had given her false information about his eye in his efforts to draw out the mole.

I need to fill in the blanks and check the facts before I make the page though. Memorable eps and stuff can be added afterwards, but I just want to get the main part correct first.

I feel so dumb when I write sometimes. I'm just not sure how it sounds to other people. Is it OK? :confused:

Here is the CSI Miami WIKI page. I'm planing to add a subpage to this one for Ryan and Alexx. :)

ETA: I'm going to take a nap until CSI:M comes on. I'll catch you guys tomorrow.
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