Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party!'

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

athlov said:
Has anyone tried that WIKI section on CBS.com for CSI:M?

I have already read it and it's a cool idea. :)
It summarizes all the little information we know about Ryan.
I also like the summary for each important Ryan episode. Altough I'm not happy with the description of 'Death Pool 100': Calleigh finds out he's a gambler.
:( so, he's a gambler? and Ryan is maybe not so innocent as we all like to think? NO!!! for me, he's the hero and the gambling incident was an accident. :p

Alexx/Ryan scenes: Don't forget the bloater scene. :lol:

you can also add that the relationship was strained because Ryan lied to her about his eye. :(
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Yeah, that summary is a little...different, but I do like the idea! Ryan will always be a hero to me! :D

The bloater scene in "Detah Eminant" is one of my most favorite Alexx/Ryan scene's ever!!! :lol:

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

I had pizzaa that day from Pizza Hut so maybe that what caused the dream to be at pizza hut... I dunno lol

Yay 100 posts!!!

Not to sound cheeky or anything * Goes red and embarrased * but can someone make me an avatar and a banner pleasee ? ? ? Lots of pleases and lots of thankyoous
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Or as RyanAddict said earlier, Ryan looks adorkable!!!

By the by, for your icon and banner, you can probably go find some good one's at LiveJournal or in the FanArt Index. That's where I got my icon, which was made by Lilly!!!

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

ha ha that pic of Jon dancin is so funny!!! he is so adrokable!!!! not to mention drop dead sexy!!!! that man could melt snow with his hot n' sexiness!!! although that might be a little difficult in southern cali. lol :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

if anyone here has facebook, theres some hilarious togo facebook groups ... they have a TON of pics of him too
i found a bunch of pics i havent seen before :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Man alive you guys post fast
Ok to catch up:
Great pics every1!Were do i find this videow you guys are talkin about?
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Did I miss the episode where they discovered that Ryan was a gambler???
Also..Grrr I dont think SU2 was on Friday, I was sad. But I dont think Jon is on it yet anyways. When does Jon come on?(*ahem* Athlov, you are kindo our SU2 expert) :lol: Thanks :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Miami isn't known for it's consistency, maybe one of the writers woke up one morning and decided one of the characters should have a gambling problem and Ryan is the only one they dare mess about with. Maybe he's doing undercover work for Horatio or the FBI or aliens from Alpha Centauri. Whatever the reason; I still say that someone with his training in science (all about procedures, recording, analysing) would not screw up as often as the writers have him doing. They haven't given much of a backstory on Ryan (for which fanfic writers can be very grateful) but they aren't even sticking with the little they've given!
Reading the posts on this and other fora makes me wonder whether it's worth watching S5 at all.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

I agree with you, Annwn. If I were to go into a real crime lab, I don't think I would find anyone who messes up as much as Ryan. But this is CSI:Miami...The word realism is not in their vocabulary!

I must admit though, because of Ryan and his a gambling problem, it is keeping me interested because it is going to effect both him and the lab later and I am very "excited" to see how it turns out and what everyone's reactions are when Ryan gets fired. :(

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Ok, after trying to catching up on everything you have said in the last days...Here are my thoughts.

I have never seen that WIKI section that you're talking about. And I don't even know what that is. *feels stupid* Can someone please give me the link or something (sorry if it was posted before, if so I apparently missed it).

About who has the best relationship with Ryan, I am not sure, Alexx sure has a great relationship with him, lovely to see. But as mentioned by someone, she is not really the one who would go out with him or something. Calleigh would, I think. Eric would, too, if the writers didn't insist in the rivalry between them. Anyway, that can get better. And I hope so. I don't want to see Ryan pissed with anybody :rolleyes: Though he looks good when he is angry :p

Just to finish, the "Hardy Boys" scene in "Silencer" is a really good one, I just watched it yesterday, and when Ryan mentioned the eyes factor I just thought "Totally agree :D" It's a good, funny scene.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

i love that scene!!!! i love the playful friendly banter between the two!! it relieves some of the tension between them. and is shows that they an be good friends. also in Man Down. there was a very moving scene. where we see Ryan grab that guy by the shirt and shout "He put a bullet in my friend!!!!!" that part just made me go awwww. he cares.
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