Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party!'

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Yes, it's true - the singing is horrible. It was torture having to listen to it while I was making screen caps. :p


ETA: Oh, are timestamps are getting really close together. We need to be careful. ;)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

HAHA those are great!!!! and he looks so high!!! HEHE!!1 it just makes me giggle uncontrolably!!!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

I havent posted all yesterday, it was a busy day. Anyways, that music video was hilarious. I was the talk like on our old thread. Yeah, the singing isnt awesome but he looks cute :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

that_girl1 said:
that showed that Alexx accepted him and that she could work with him
by the way what episode was the first quote from Happilyhappy ?

I got to say, watching CSI:M in fast motion is hilarious. I can still tell what they are saying. That scene is from 402 Blood in the Water.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

yea my brother gets annoyed when i say what the characters are saying before they even say it(confused?)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

yeah and every time they test for blood and the indicator turns that farmiliar hot pink i scream at the tv "IT'S BLOOD!!!!" before they even say anything, but no one dares say anything because of the fact that i'll go psyco if they interfere with my CSI: Miami watching rituals. and if my dad is watching it with me and it's a repeat he'll be like "so who did it?" and then i'll be like Shut up!! you'll have to watch and see. which he never likes because he dosen't really get that into the show so i sort of force him to watch it.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Thanks for the happy birthdays guys!! Made my day :D

Gone 2 days and 2 new pages? You guys go fast!

This might be late but I had a Jon Dream like always and it was a bit weird]

Well we were at Pizza Hut, lovely, and suddenly this dood with a gun jumps out of no where and starts shooting at everyone! Me and Jon went under the table and he suddenly pulled out this gun. He and the Dood had a shooting match until they ran out of bullets and then had a fist fight. Obviously Jon won but this Dood was like swearing and stuff and then my alarm woke me up!

Strange....... I remember most of my dreams.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

That is a nice dream! But, here is my question...Why Pizza Hut? Do you or Jon have a dying love for pizza? :confused:

Other than that, a fist fight always makes for good action! :lol:

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

ha ha i have dreams like that too!! only mine usually end with whipped cream and *ahem* i let your imaginations take over :devil: hehe
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

guys i know im not a moderator or anything but its getting realllly chatty in here and its really hard to keep up with all the posts .. it seems that when i think im almost caught up three more pop up. sorry to seem like im being a brat or another b word you would like to substitute instead of brat ... but its reallllly annoying to try to read everyones posts when theres so many!!!

heres a pic of jon dancing :)

hes got his dancin feet on ...
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