Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party!'

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Elise! That is hilarious, his little drawn sunnies :lol: Thats so cute! Thanks for making my day. You and katbug have totally made my day today!!

Im so mad, I realized that I totally forgot about the Judging Amy episode on Tuesday, so of course I missed it. Ill have to check out the screencaps :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

hot4jontogo, that picture is awesome!! It totally made my night! Which you deserve major props for because it's almost midnight where I am and I'm still doing homework, so that picture totally rocked my world tonight! very nice indeed!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Hi yall :) been a long time since iv posted :eek: been very busy had to pull adouble then i almost get killed leaving work :rolleyes: been a very bad day :(

Annnnyyywaaaay i first fell in love with Ryan in 'Under the influence' i thought he was totaly cute and then seein him in uniform just did me in lol i have a thing for cops lol, go figure im marrying one :p
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Ok, my answer to Happilyhappy's 'Togo Crazy' question would be the episode...yup you guessed it right - Nailed. I was watching it with my parents that night, & when I saw & heard Ryan screaming in pain, I was unable to move & speak. Think I froze for a long time...& I've been nuts bout Jon/Ryan since that day. But even before 'Nailed', I was beginning to like him already because he was pretty funny & had that wonderful, neat Season 4 haircut. I ranked him 5th on 'Guys List'. At that time, Chris Evans (he plays Johnny Storm in Fantastic 4) was in 1st place. Hahaha. Can't believe I actually have a personal guys list. :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

ForgottnEvidence said:

Well, I dunno, I didn't see one bit of Ryan in the prevs, but that doesn't mean he won't be in it!!! *crosses fingers*

well we didn't really see anybody....just H, so you never know how much he's gonna be in it and Jon said to me on myspace the other day that there is going to be alot more Ryan :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Raging4Ryan said:
loyal2wolfe i absalutly love your icon :D

Thank you :)
Happy Birthday, RyanAddict!

I've been having Jon dreams this week. Twice. The 1st one was like 4 nights ago. I saw Jon at a hotel lobby & just said hi. & that was it. Maybe I was so shy I forgot to say a few other things...

& the second one was last night (Thursday night). & this was one of the best Jon dreams ever! I met Jon at a party held at my favourite island resort here in Malaysia, & here comes the weird part - I somehow had the ability to fly in this dream, so I wanted to show off my flying skills. I think my family wanted my ability to be kept secret since Jon was there, so when I flew up in the air, they were like, 'Nooooo!' But when Jon saw me flying, he was like, 'Wow, you can fly!'

After the party, I remember my mum saying that I should get Jon's autograph before he leaves for California the next day, so when we went outside, I saw Jon standing by his car - an amazing silver Audi sports car. My jaw dropped. So he gave me an autograph & my mum took a photo of Jon & me. & before the dream ended, some other people whom I didn't know came & we took a photo with this little girl whom I think was the actress playing Ryan's niece! She looked like she was 7 or 8 yrs old.

It was really cool, & if Elise hadn't posted about not going to her DJ friend's party, I probably wouldn't had had this dream because I was thinking a lot about Jon coming to the same party as me. I guess those thoughts resulted in me having this dream. THANK YOU SO MUCH, ELISE! You made that 'dream come true'. :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

My attention has been elsewhere for a long time, Ive been checking up on CSIM from tme to time, but from the comments I've read, I wont be rushing to buy DVDs of S5 from the US, I'll wait till the series has been screened in the UK. Ryan has been my favourite character but if the writers are intent on making him out to be less than he can be, I may skip S5 altogether.
I really can't understand why they still have him making mistakes - he's intelligent, ambitious, a scientist, studied while working (HELLO writers, he would need to be highly organised to do this - take it from one who tried to study with the Open University and only got as far as the first module), and I forgot, he also worked his way through college (in a high risk occupation which if he didn't take the necessary precautions could result in an early death) I wont mention the OCD (sorry, just have).
I supposse what I'm trying to say is that for Ryan to be as careless as to make elementary mistakes (with the luminol, for example) and also to have achieved all he has would require a minimum of multiple personalities.
However, I stil live in hope.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

OOOOHHH i just got a message from Jon on myspace...and i havent sent him one since last week!! but he answered that one. so i wonder what he messaged me about? i lett you all know later!!!!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Happilyhappy said:
Katbug and Ally- It looks like it is from 406 Felony Flight. From the looks of the shirt/jacket combo, and the color of the shirt.
ETA:I will watch the episode to verify, but I am 95% sure its FF. ;)

Athlov THANK YOU for posting caps from Law And Order and Judging Amy. I didn't get to see the episodes, and your caps made my day.

I have a question for y'all. What episode made you "Togo Crazy?" As in, what made you go, "Alright, who is this guy?"

Honestly, would you be surprised if I said Curse of the Coffin? I never really watched CSI:Miami, but I started to get into it in Season 3. However, with school and work I never really was able to watch the show. Season 4 I was able to watch more, and I kept thinking to myself, "Who is he? He is really good in this."

After the lightheartness of Curse of the Coffin, it made me love Jon's acting. He's able to play the "bad" guy (though we all know he's not really bad), the good guy, the cranky guy, the new guy, the funny guy, the sarcastic guy, and the angry guy (etc).

Now I'm driving my mom crazy because I keep looking into the spoilers for future episodes, AND telling her bits and pieces. :lol:

P.S. -No Man's Land was the true episode that made me look into CSI:Miami online. (I was going crazy not knowing if Delko was leaving.)

I am not sure. I can remember my parents were really into CSI LV and I had never watched it. One day they were at my house and my dad turned it on and I enjoyed it and decided to catch up on old episodes. At the same time I decided to check out CSI NY (which I liked) and CSI Miami (which I did not seem to like so I stopped watching it). Then one day recently I decided to check it out again. It must have been a season 3 episode because I thought at first Ryan was Greg from CSI LV. It took a few to realize they were different people but both Adorkable. I think it wasn't until I saw Ryan in season 4 that I was hooked. Cannot remember the specific episode....but if I was to pick the one he stole my heart :D in - it would be the one with the baby. I have not yet seen all of the epsiodes....I do have seasons 3 & 4 on DVD and am slowly watching them.

Ally - I saw a preview last night and it showed Ryan twice. It looked like he was smokin' hot and we will be seeing him in a blue shirt and grey miami vice jacket.

ILuvJonathanTogo (can I call you Sarah here?) YES it is and I LOVE IT!! WooHoo!

Elise - love that pic. That is so funny and made my day!

RyanAddict - happy b-day hope you have a great one. Here is a b-day pic for you.
Happy B-Day!

BTW guys - my name is Katrina. Feel free to call me that.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Okaysies, Katrina!!!

Thank you!!! I am so happy you saw Ryan in a preview for the up and coming epi. I was getting worried there! :lol:

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Ok guys....in my spare time (yeah right!) I have been cruising some of the old Togo threads and came across some pics that are supposed to be from him in some marathon or something like that. Anyways - here is the web links. (Hope that is ok) Warning - shorts!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Is that-? Now way. It can't be. Jon in shorts? *gasp*

Dang. I like those pics, katbug, it shows his muscle!!! *dies* :D

Thankies a bunchies for posting these!!! :lol:

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

ForgottnEvidence said:
Is that-? Now way. It can't be. Jon in shorts? *gasp*

Dang. I like those pics, katbug, it shows his muscle!!! *dies* :D

Thankies a bunchies for posting these!!! :lol:


Well this one does not show much skin - but he is sure pretty in it!

And since I may not be around much the next few days (may not have time to get online much this weekend and hubby is going in the hospital Monday)....here is another pic
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