Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party!'

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Guys, please remember not to quote the images, but place them into links as bandwidth isn't free. Thanks. :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

okee doke!!!! :D and i can't wait till the new epp it's gonna be called "Rush" but that's all i'm gonna say :D i hope there's alot of Ryan in it :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Katbug and Ally- It looks like it is from 406 Felony Flight. From the looks of the shirt/jacket combo, and the color of the shirt.
ETA:I will watch the episode to verify, but I am 95% sure its FF. ;)

Athlov THANK YOU for posting caps from Law And Order and Judging Amy. I didn't get to see the episodes, and your caps made my day.

I have a question for y'all. What episode made you "Togo Crazy?" As in, what made you go, "Alright, who is this guy?"

Honestly, would you be surprised if I said Curse of the Coffin? I never really watched CSI:Miami, but I started to get into it in Season 3. However, with school and work I never really was able to watch the show. Season 4 I was able to watch more, and I kept thinking to myself, "Who is he? He is really good in this."

After the lightheartness of Curse of the Coffin, it made me love Jon's acting. He's able to play the "bad" guy (though we all know he's not really bad), the good guy, the cranky guy, the new guy, the funny guy, the sarcastic guy, and the angry guy (etc).

Now I'm driving my mom crazy because I keep looking into the spoilers for future episodes, AND telling her bits and pieces. :lol:

P.S. -No Man's Land was the true episode that made me look into CSI:Miami online. (I was going crazy not knowing if Delko was leaving.)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

First of all, I wanna wish a very happy birthday to you, RyanAddict! Hope it's awesome!!! :D

Well, I dunno, I didn't see one bit of Ryan in the prevs, but that doesn't mean he won't be in it!!! *crosses fingers*

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Happilyhappy said:

I have a question for y'all. What episode made you "Togo Crazy?" As in, what made you go, "Alright, who is this guy?"

I think the first episode I saw him in was Under the Influence, but it was when the season was rerunning in the summer. I saw him and I was like "Wow, where have you been all my life?" :lol:

Once I saw Jon in action, I was completely hooked on the show. I did eventually go back and watch the first two seasons, but it just wasn't the same. I kept expecting Ryan to walk in and make some sarcastic remark.

I don't think I was really "Togo Crazy" until this past summer during all the reruns. I missed my brand new Togo every Monday! If I had it my way, the show would give us a new episode every week.

What can I say, I love my "Togo Time" on Monday nights! ;)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

What can I say, I love my "Togo Time" on Monday nights!

Yeah, who doesn't love their "Togo Time" on Monday nights? :lol:

Uh, I would have to say the very first time ("Under the Influence") I saw him, I just, like, died. All I could say was "Whoa." I was totally speechless!!! :D

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

OMG OMG OMG Katbug, is that really my avatar you are using or am I picturing things. That was so totally made my day!! :)

Im reply to Happilyhappy's question, I would have said Under the Influence, but I missed it!! I...to this day...have never seen UTI!! Can you believe it?!?!
Im not sure when I fell in love with him :lol: I know it was before "Nailed" because I remember I recorded the episode before "Nailed" and watched the preview for it over and over because I couldnt believe what was going to happen to him!! So Im pretty sure I was obsessed before "Nailed" but "Nailed" definatly put me over the edge of total love for Jon!! That episode really showed how great of an actor he was. :)

P.S. Athlov, that google search you found, its hilarious!! Thanks for showing us :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

When I first saw Nailed, I missed the first 10 minutes. Which means I didn't know that Ryan gets the nail in the eye. When he opened the door and the nail went into his eye, my heart dropped to my stomach and shot up into my throat. I didn't know what was happening, I just kept going, "Wait!! He's still new, they can't be killing him off!" Character drama equaling pain does not sit well with me.

ETA: The photo that Katbug first posted is indeed from Felony Flight. :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Yay!! Thankies, Heather!!!

Well, I saw the whole epi of "Nailed" the first time, but my reaction was basically the same. By the time I saw that one, he was my favey char, in fact, I've liked him since Day 1.

So, when I turned on the TV and saw blood all over his face and a nail in his eye, I wanted to sob!!! I was like "No!!! Please don't die!!!" I was going crazy.. :lol:

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

the first time i saw nailed i wasnt familiar w/ csim but when i saw it i love it!!!
i think i like gory stuff! :eek: :lol: :p
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

I don't remeber which episode it was where I first saw Ryan. But it was some re-run that was playing on A&E. It was the first episode of Miami that I had watched, as well. I was bored, put it on, saw Ryan, and was all "Must see more!"
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

im totally bored and goofy and completely i have no idea tonight ... anyways ... i made this for twiz to make her laugh ... thought yall might get a laugh out of it too. its not even funny. i just ... i dunno ... its funny to me because im completely ... silly.

o m g ... elise is so bored ahaha
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

The first episode I saw him in was my first episode ever and I believe it was 'Shock' as I remember it. Then I saw a re-run of s3 and I was like :eek: what happened to his hair? I liked it longer though. Anyways, I really liked him, but my instand attraction was to Horatio, and Ryan had to really grow on me (mind you, H is still my favorite but Ryan follows!)

Ryan was different in s3, a bit more geeky and small and innocent. He was more a fresh, new character, and this is what drew me to him. However, now he's matured and become even more attractive and appealing to me. He's awesome, just as he was at the begining. :D I kind of had to get used to the s4 Ryan I guess, but now, he's one of my favorites, especially with horatio's whole 'Super-H' allure.
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