Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party!'

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

I think you are talking about episode 413 Silencer. Green jacket white shirt. :) Introduction of the term "Hardy Boys"
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Let's just face it...There are ALOT of epi's where Ryan wear's a white T and a green jacket. :D

I do think Thumpy is right. A relationship within the lab between Ryan and "somebody else" wouldn't be a bad thing AT ALL as LONG as the writers don't go overboard with the whole scenario. :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

I think that it would be great to get some personal life mixed in with work. The episodes that I most enjoy are the ones that flesh out the character by bringing in some of their personality. Don't get me wrong, I love the cases and everything too, but I do like a little "human" time as well.

I would love to see more of Wolfe's extended family. He mentions a niece in Death Pool, so that obviously means he has at least one sibling. Maybe his niece could get kidnapped or something like that and then we could see him interacting with his family. I can just see him conforting his sister after he has to tell her that his niece is missing, and promising that he would stop at nothing to get her back safe. I think that would really change how his character reacts to certain things and I can see H and him locking horns about it.

Or maybe if we can't get his family in an episode we could get a high school girlfriend in there (as a suspect maybe?). Can't you just see her spilling funny things about Ryan to Cal and Eric? :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

ForgottnEvidence said:
I do think Thumpy is right. A relationship within the lab between Ryan and "somebody else" wouldn't be a bad thing AT ALL as LONG as the writers don't go overboard with the whole scenario. :D

Let me just clarify a bit here. ;) I never said I wanted to see a relationship with Ryan and someone else within the lab. I said I wouldn't mind seeing a storyline where his personal and professional lives became intertwined, that doesn't mean I meant it in a romantic sense, because I wasn't thinking that way at all. I was thinking more along the lines of a family member becoming mixed up in a case and seeing how he dealt with that. True...I know that's happened with pretty much all the main characters already: Calleigh, Horatio, Eric, etc.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Omg :eek: you guys post so fast i was gone for half a day and come back to read a page

Hey!! yeah ryan could save cal and then she could be like omg u saved me cept thats very un Calleigh-ish so maybe he would make her think she saved herself :) now THAT would make a good story line he he ;)

what channel does SU2 come on. Im curous now cuz he looks really hot in those pics on page uhh earlier :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

I think that would be a GREAT idea. One thing I love about Ryan is how he sometimes let's his emotions get in the way of the crime.

I recently read something that the writer's are trying to work on, but me and my stupid-ness, I forgot where...
Supposedly, in the 6th season, there is a murder of a young boy and the main suspect is the dad, who beat his son. Ryan asks to be taken off the case, but later Calleigh confront him and asks him why he's staying so far away from the crime and Ryan, then, tells her that he was abused by his father when he was young. I think it might be sort of believeable because do you guys remeber the look on Ryan's face when he and Calleigh were looking at the boy who was shot in the front of his house in the epi "Man Down"? I think it would make for an incredible stroyline!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

I've mentioned this before, but I think a storyline that involves Ryan's personal life into his professional life would be great.

They can have his niece be involved in a kidnapping. I see a time delayed bomb with a ransom, and a frantic mom coming to Ryan telling/yelling at him to find her before its too late. Ryan races against time to find and save her, even with Calleigh and Delko saying to him "You can't be on the case, you are too emotional to think straight. Let me help."

Either that, or because his niece sounds to be about 12 or 13, she comes into the crime lab frantic looking for him, to tell him her mom is missing, and the same story line can be invloved with his sister instead.

That would be a good storyline. It would also explain why he is so angry at everything/everyone and has no anger management skills. It also explains why he went to school for chemistry and NOT criminal justice only to later become a cop. Maybe he wanted to do one thing, but something happened and it pushed him even further to the decision to be a cop.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

ok ... who else LOVED how he looked on tonights ep??? i LOVE the scruffy look!! his hair was messy, his pants were tight, and he had some stubble ... yummmm
and when alex yelled at him his face was sooooooooooo cute hahahah he looked like a puppy that had been slapped on the nose with a newspaper haha
hes just too cute for me to handle sometimes
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

I like how Ryan looks in every episode, and he's always to cute to handle in my opinion.
And you guys were talking about maybe bringing Ryan's family into some of the episodes, like the niece he has talked about. Didn't they mention Ryan's uncle in the episode Crime Wave? Maybe they could do something involving him. I'm completely up for the ideas about mixing his family members into the episodes, they've done it for just about everyone else so why not him too.
Oh and xTriggerx , SU2 is on the SciFi channel, usually on Friday nights.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Yahs, I truly think it is Ryan's turn for his family to be dragged in...They've even done it with Natalia! I mean, come on!

Yeah, I just hope that happens because it will give his character depth and when he admits to Calleigh about his childhood, it will add for a very good CaRWash scene with Ryan all teary-eyed spilling his feelings.. It would be gold.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Guys...Ship discussion in the Shipper forum please. Remember not everyone ships and those who do don't necessarily ship the characters the same way. Thanks. :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

I watched the pilot of SU2 last night or for some of you, on Sunday. No Jon :( Does anybody know how far into the season, does Jon come in? It was still interesting to see how the show started. I had a lot of question that got answered by watching the pilot episode.

Whats this I..read? Tight pants :eek:
Oh Im definatly excited for this episode now!! About 6 hours to go, grrr give me Ryan NOW. :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Lols!!! Look at us, people! Omg...It is just 40 more mins until the show is on down here!!! OMG!!!! Yay!! I get to see Ryan!! *dies*
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

its sooo weird that pple are waiting hours for the show ... i guess i forget that we are all spread out all over ... i had the show aired here 3 hours ago
and to everyone still waiting?? HE IS SOOO CUTE IT IN!! and they show a lot of him :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

i'm about 20 min into it it's a comercial right now. and i so can't wait till thw whole Calleigh thing and the friends turned enemies.......and so far what i've seen Ryan is HOTT!!!! and hes got a little stubble!!!! whooo so SEXY!!!!!!!
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