Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party!'

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

loyal2wolfe,I understand how thinking about anything about Ryan is good for us! Oh, and thank you :)

hot4jontogo, that was very nice of him (if it's really him, which you guys believe to), simple and sweet :rolleyes: That's good he aproved and I am sure you have a great time ;)

By the way, the other day I was in a shop, I was supposed to be there to give my father an opinion about that suit he was going to buy, but there were right there next to me those orange sweatshirts, so imagine what happened: I started looking at the sweatshirts and thinking about Ryan :rolleyes: It was nice.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

CSI_Dani said:
About the whole MySpace thing, I don't have MySpace, so I am not really into the subject, but anyway I think that sending him several messages with questions is not really the best idea. I understand that people want to show support, and feel like they should get the opportunity to have some contact with him, but he must get annoyed with too many questions...But for those who can write him a message, well my opinion is that if you feel like to, maybe it doesn't hurt. But just one, saying that you love his work, congratulations, those kinds of things, not questions at all. And obviously do not expect an answer back from him. This way you let him know that you're a fan without bothering too much. But I wouldn't do it anyway, but that's just me, I don't feel like I need to send him a message. Anyway, for those who already sent messages, some of you probably don't regret it, some of you may do. Well, I am sure he understands that people just want to be nice, so he might feel good for that! :)

AMEN to that sister! WOW that just said all I wanted to say, and probably even better. *bows down to Dani*

Anyway...yeah Ryan getting hurt again? I'm all for it. Bring it on, I'm an Angst Whore at heart and soul. (Bet you didn't know that yet :p)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

i dont wanna see him hurt again!!
is the new one on TONIGHT!??!?!!? i just heard it on tv ... whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

it would make a good story line if he got hurt but then i would be all *cry* but maybe we would get some good character interaction if he was in the hospital

*dances* yay halfway to 100

i have a nother question... what exactly is SU2 cuz im kinda confused

oh btw i LOVE his tatoo its really sexy :devil: he he maybe we'll get to see it more often ;)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

I think that it would be VERY interesting is Ryan got hurt because I imagine the charecter interaction being incredible.

I think, though, that if he DOES get hurt again...It will have to be Horatio that saves him because they aren't that "tight" even though H is always covering for him, or it could be Calleigh to save him just to satisfy us CaRWash lovers. <33 AND create some depth between their "relationship" with eachother.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

su2 = special unit 2, a show jon was on before doing csi
its like a buffy the vampire slayer sorta thing but its cops .. thats what i got from it at least
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Lols. You're basically right, hot4jontogo. It is very science fiction, but Jon is just TOO CUTE in that show. *blushes*
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Hm, I don't want Ryan get hurt again. :p
It would be more interesting if he rescues one of his team members. ;)
Hero!Ryan is better than Hurt!Ryan.

It would be funny to see his tattoo in the show too, it would create interesting discussions.
but I doubt it. It doesn't fit the character.
or maybe it does, because it seems that there isn't a given line for his character. :rolleyes:
Sometimes the writers do what they want with his character, the main thing is he's acting like a fool. :rolleyes:
(but always a cute fool :D)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Agreed...A VERY cute fool. Lols!

I do think Ryan's character is very "fuzzled". He just seems like the kind of person, that most times, knows what he's doing, but then he just goes out of whack and loses himself, which makes him my favorite, most interesting, and by FAR the HOTTEST, character on the show.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

*raises hand* If he ever gets hurt again, I volunteer to nurse him back to health! Wait...I'm not on the show. Shoot, I keep forgetting that!

I agree with inge, I like Hero!Ryan much better. The first time I saw "Nailed", it was very distressing, but after about the third or fourth time (not that I've seen it that many, nooo... :) ), it seems a little overdramatic. Hero!Ryan is much better!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Hmm...Once I think about it, Hero!Ryan IS much better.

-MAJOR GASP- He should SO save Calleigh in an episode, then he will be a HERO for sure!!! :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

oh yeah!!! and i love to see him in one of Eric's sexy form fitting wetsuits!!!! that would be so OMG HOTT 'N SEXY!!!!!!!!!! i'd just love to see him all wet!!!!!1 oooohhhhh so sexy!!!!!!!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

how come we never see him or any of the other characters eating anything ever??? ahahah ... its weird ...
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