Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party!'

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

actually in an older Ep "Blood Brothers" (saddly with out Ryan becasue this was back in the days of Speed) while Cal, Eric and Speed are waiting for Clavo to come out of the club Speed is eating popcorn.....
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Lol! Yahs! You're right!

And I know that Ryan is chewing gum in some episodes..But does that count as eating something? :confused:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

i don't think so. you don't really eat the gum. just chew it. sometimes you see them drinking coffee. but mostly in S1. and Speed was seen drinking an energy drink. but the only time i've ever seen them eating is that one time i mentioned b4 with Speed and the popcorn...
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

ive seen frank drinking booze before ... and H ordered coffee but i never saw him drink it (that was the one that was on today)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Yeah! That was kinda the episode where you really sorta learn who Frank is. That was a good epi as I recall..

But drinking and eating are two totally different things. *sigh*
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Well, I mean, is it really important to see them eating?! Like that's probably not really important for the show, therefore they don't show it. Maybe this is one of the reasons, I don't know.

Well, I have a question for you. I think I saw a picture in this thread once where Ryan was wearing a green jacket and a white T-shirt. What episode was it from?
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

uh. i'm not sure. he has lots of clothes and i'm sure wears them in more than one ep. but i if i remember correctly in cop killer he had on a green jacket w/ orange stripes and i think i saw a white t shirt under it...but that's just what i saw.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Uh, I believe that is "One Night Stand" from Season 3, and also like Need4Speed said, "Cop Killer" which is the epi right before "One Night Stand". ;)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Hey everyone just a reminder to please slow down a bit on the posting as to give people some time to respond to all that has been said. It's a little difficult and not to mention tiring when one wants to respond to a post and refreshes the page to see five more posts. Please allow a reasonable amount of time between each response. Thanks. :)

As for the jacket question, I'm drawing a blank on it at the moment, so I'm afraid I won't be able to help with it. :eek:

And I was thinking, maybe it would be nice to see Ryan out for dinner with a lady friend when the restaurant gets attacked by people. (Lady friend not meaning someone from the team but perhaps someone Ryan can lose and get a personal arc) This way, he'd get a storyline where he'd might be injured/forced to save a bunch of people. Very heroic. :)

What do y'all think about Ryan getting a storyline that intertwines his work and his personal life? (Not that it hasn't happened before, but the guy needs something stand-alone from the other characters)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

oh i think you're right and i usually write down what they are wearing(yes, i know i'm obsessed)...hmm i guess i forgot for that ep. but in the US one night stand is coming on this saturday. so i'll watch it and post it then. yeah that deffinatly needs to happen. like with Eric in Urban Hellraisers when he's at the bank.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Lols! It's okay!!! I write like...s Summary AND Review for every epi, so I know what it's like being obsessed!!!
And I am proud!!! Wootness!!!

I also think you are TOO RIGHT speed_cochrane. Seeing Ryan out with a lady friend would be VERY nice! :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

ha ha i do that too and i revise them everytime i see the episode with some new info or bloober i missed.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

speed_cochrane said:
What do y'all think about Ryan getting a storyline that intertwines his work and his personal life? (Not that it hasn't happened before, but the guy needs something stand-alone from the other characters)

I'd like to see him have a stand alone storyline as well, and not one that involves an injury, since we've already had that, nor one that has him doing something 'not so smart', which we've also seen happen before. I wouldn't mind seeing a storyline in which his personal life and professional life become intertwined as long as it was handled properly. :D I know I tend to insert the words 'handled properly' into my posts a lot, but I still feel a bit burned by last season, lol.

inge... I'd like to see them work Jonathan's tattoo in the show for the very reason that it doesn't fit the character. ;) If that makes sense.

One last thing about the whole myspace deal...I have to agree with what CSI_Dani said. Please note: I'm not trying to tell anyone what they should do, I have no say over anything that anyone does at myspace or whatever, but since the subject keeps coming up here, I'd like to offer my thoughts. And I'm assuming it's really him here, I've viewed the page myself, and it appears to be, but who knows for sure.

If it were me, I think if I'd requested to be his friend and was accepted, I'd just post a comment to thank him for adding me and then say something about how much I enjoy his work on Miami and show my support that way. Maybe send him one message or something. Also, if I did send him a message and got a reply, I think I'd be happy and leave it at that, I wouldn't want to annoy him with a ton of messages, you know? To those who did message him and got a reply, please don't think anyone is trying to make you feel badly, they're not at all. It was very cool that he replied and you have every reason to be happy about it. ;)
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