Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party!'

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

ForgottnEvidence welcome to the Ryan thread and Miami forum, I hope you're enjoying your time here. :) I just wanted to let you know that you have up to 24 hours to edit your post (by clicking the 'edit' button near the 'reply' function) if you wish to add more as opposed to double posting. Thanks. :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

ummm so guess what guys!?
my band wanted to redo a skabba song ... and ...
jon is letting us do it ahahah :)
he said to rock on with his blessings ...

soooo i better not get sued for it ...
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Elise Thats so awesome! You better hope that, the Jon you are talking to on myspace (thats how you asked him right?) is the real Jon, so you dont get sued.
I wish you could like post a link to the song after you guys record it, I would love to hear it :)

Im trying to build up the courage to ask Jon to be my friend on myspace. Im so nervous, I want to send him a message so I can have him reply. But I dont want him thinking that Im some obsessed fangirl, well I am an obesses fangirl but I think he is probably annoyed of getting messages like that. So I dont know what kind of message to send him!!! I guess Ill ask him to be my friend. Geez Im nervous :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

well im 99% sure that i was talking to him ... one of the girls that i work with works with one of his friends (who i know is actually friends with him because there are sooo many pics of the two of them together) and he claims that its really jon.

he doesnt really write back unless you ask him a specific thing and ask for a reply.

i got a reply back within 10 minutes but i told him to let me know either way on the song because i didnt want to go ahead and do it (even though thats completely legal with the new laws) until i had permission.

i just dont think that pple should be asking him lots of things about his private life or being all fan like. from talking to his friend, they use myspace to keep in contact with each other, and they really only write to each other. he never writes on anyone elses page unless its his friends. so i dunno ...

he rejected my friend request when i sent him one. ahahah
maybe im just not cooooool enough lol
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

If you look at his blog, it says he signed up for myspace in Apr of 2004, way before he had too many fans, and you can't change your "look up" name, so I'm 99% sure its him.

IluvJonathanTogo, just ask, it doesn't hurt. I've left him one or two comments and sent him a message, he didn't reply back, but he didn't take me off of his friends list or send my a reply to stay away. :lol: So it never hurts to ask. ;)

hot4jon, can I be friends with your friends? ;) just kidding. I hate it when people use other people just to meet other people. I like to think that people are being nice to me and being friends with me to actually be friends with me. If I'm meant to meet people then I'll meet them in my own time. :cool:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

ILuvJonathanTogo said:
I dont want him thinking that Im some obsessed fangirl, well I am an obesses fangirl but I think he is probably annoyed of getting messages like that.

I feel real stupid. I've sent him 3 messages on MySpace, & the last two were really short, silly questions that must've annoyed him. I might sound nuts - but I feel like apologizing, even if it's in a small way... :eek: Should I or should I not? I think I've wanted to send a long, nice message to him this week, but I've forgotten what it was gonna be about.

My thoughts about Ryan are going crazy these days. Yesterday, I was watching this programme about 4 explorers who got lost in the Amazon jungle, & how to survive if you ever get lost there. One guy got swept two miles down the Amazon river, & my sis was like, 'Ever think about Ryan drowning?' Then this crazy thought came to my mind - Ryan getting kidnapped, taken out to sea in a boat, but the boat crashes, & Ryan's badly injured, & swept away by a strong sea current (not far out to sea!). When the team finds him stranded along a swampy shore (with NO alligators, sorry AliGtr) & then we have yet another nice hospital scene in the end.

I know it's kinda mean to think about him suffering like that, but if all this was made into an episode, we Togoholics would be blown away! :eek:

This is a VERY LONG post...:lol: What do you guys think of my avatar? :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Awwww no Hot4jontogo that sucks!!! How are we going to go to his house and yell take it off?!?!?!? Grrr weather....
Anyways, CSI Miami is on tomorrow woot woot!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

loyal2wolfe, if they decided to do an episode with a story like the one you just imagined, that would be great...Of course it's hard to see our Ryan getting hurt, but being the Angst Whore that I am, I would love it! But they can't just start putting main character's life in danger just like that, after all, we still want to have cases where they are the CSI's not the victims :lol: But yeah, maybe one day they might do something and put Ryan in the hospital again. But once again, something is telling me that it's not really logic to put Ryan in danger twice(considering the nail here) while other characters have never been in one of those situations...

About the whole MySpace thing, I don't have MySpace, so I am not really into the subject, but anyway I think that sending him several messages with questions is not really the best idea. I understand that people want to show support, and feel like they should get the opportunity to have some contact with him, but he must get annoyed with too many questions...But for those who can write him a message, well my opinion is that if you feel like to, maybe it doesn't hurt. But just one, saying that you love his work, congratulations, those kinds of things, not questions at all. And obviously do not expect an answer back from him. This way you let him know that you're a fan without bothering too much. But I wouldn't do it anyway, but that's just me, I don't feel like I need to send him a message. Anyway, for those who already sent messages, some of you probably don't regret it, some of you may do. Well, I am sure he understands that people just want to be nice, so he might feel good for that! :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

CSI_Dani said:
But yeah, maybe one day they might do something and put Ryan in the hospital again. But once again, something is telling me that it's not really logic to put Ryan in danger twice(considering the nail here) while other characters have never been in one of those situations...

CSI_Dani, all these mad ideas about Ryan that I come up with, their all the result of my crazy mind at work. :p & it kinda makes me feel good, too.

I think that sending him several messages with questions is not really the best idea. I understand that people want to show support, and feel like they should get the opportunity to have some contact with him, but he must get annoyed with too many questions...But just one, saying that you love his work, congratulations, those kinds of things, not questions at all. And obviously do not expect an answer back from him. This way you let him know that you're a fan without bothering too much.

Words of wisdom. :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

when i wrote him, all i did was ask about being able to use the song ... i really like it, i have a really good time playing it, its just a really fun song.

when he wrote back it was short and sweet:
go forth and rock,please, with my blessings

so thats enough for me ...
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