Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

I knew there were CSI books but I didnt know theres ones with Ryan, im deffinatly gona have to read that!!
Right now im reading CSI Miami:Heat wave instead of Ryan its Speed but i still love the book the author is very detailed he describes every little thing about the charaters its very interesting. But now knowing theres CSI Miami books with Ryan i have to read those :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

Thank you so much I__luv_JTogo!!!!! Thank you for reminding me about SU2 or else I would have forgotten!! I think I recorded the very funny episode you mentioned earlier, it doesnt come on for an hour or so, cant wait! Thanks again.

I really have got to find those books!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

Me too, I saw the books online...somewhere??? I am almost possitive that ebay will OF COURSE have them. lol. What does ebay NOT have?!?!? lol.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

try searching at bookfinder.com. the author is Donn Cortez.

i tried searching there and they have them. new ones and second hand. :) i borrowed from the library but i do want to get one for myself. :) :)

in Riptide, the author emphasis for on his fashion sense.. saying that he was a geek and he started wearing the sweater vest and long sleeves when he started as a csi...then moved on to tshirts under jackets.. and now open collar shirts and blazers just like Horatio.

i LMAO after reading that part because i realised tht it was true. cos in S3, he wore sweatervest, den in S4, he wore tshirts under jackets and in S5, open collar shirt & blazers.

You guys will love the book~! :) :)

and to ILuvJonathanTogo, if Ryan were to dye his hair blonde, omggg. he'll look very very weird. i can't picture him with blonde hair like horatio. hahaaha~~! in the book, he looks up at Horatio and regards him as his "idol" of something like that, maybe that's why, he's been acting like Horatio.

awww. :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

I watched SU2 tonight. Jon is so great. My husband got up to go to work and he saw the part where Jonathan shrieked. :lol: He started laughing so hard. I think my husband likes laughing at Jon. :p
I don't mind though cuz he's pretty nice about it, and he does seem to like the show whenever he sees parts of it.

My fav ep tonight was the one with the dragon. Carl the gnome was really funny too. The Medusa one was nice too, since it had plenty of Jon in it. The Halloween one had John de Lancie in it - he played Q in the Star Trek Series, so that was cool.

Anyway lots of cute Jon moments. I'm going to work on screen caps.

Oh, a scary thing happened tonight. The car wash down the road from me went up in a blaze of fire. I was just about ready to watch the first SU2 ep of the night and I heard something outside. When I looked out the window I saw the whole thing in a blaze and all these fire trucks and emergency vehicles were down there.
All these stupid people were out of their houses looking at it. They had to broadcast over the emergence broadcast system for people to remain in their houses and to avoid the area due to the dangers of smoke inhalation.
Dumb people had their kids outside watching it too. I couldn't believe it. Experts say that most people who die from house fires actually die from smoke inhalation before the fire ever gets to them. :rolleyes: Think people, think!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

WOW :eek: Thats very scary Athlov did you hear anything else about what happened? SOrry for the off topic-ness. People get inside your houses, dont stand outside! Geez :lol:
Anyways Im very excited to watch SU2, I will watch it soon. I cant wait to see Jon at his adorablest. :lol: is that a word-adorablest?
:) Hope everything is okay there Athlov
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

I can't watch SU2 unless its on during Saturdays and Sundays... :(

Also, I just bought Riptide. If you have a Barnes and Noble in your neighborhood (or any other book store), its under the mystery section with Donn Cortez as the author. There are three others that he wrote that I'm going to go back and get. One of them looked hilarious, but I can't remember the name.

BTW: Thank ALL of you for the warm welcome... I think I will fit in quite nicely. :) also, would it be possible for someone to pm me Jon's myspace page?
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

Ryan? Dye HIS HAIR??? No way. The natural dark brown hair should be kept natural! :lol:

I've got a friend whom I showed some Ryan pics to, & she thought he was a comedian or something. SU2 sounds SOOOOO good. Why don't they show it here?! The caps are to drool over...& besides seeing a crazy smiley Jon (if I ever got a chance to watch it :mad:) I get to see magical creatures. I watch this cartoon called American Dragon on Disney Channel. I mean, yes, it's a cartoon, but I can't resist the dragons. & the artwork's pretty cool too. 95% of my cartoon drawings are all American Dragon artwork.

Is my dragon obsession bothering anyone? :D

Anyway, are there any SU2 videos (with Jon in them of course) on the net?
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

WOW Athlov that is scary. :eek: Hope ur ok :)

IluvJonathanTogo i dont know if adorablest is a word but if it is it realy describes Jon hehe :p

More i hear about these book the more i want one.I love books espically mystorys course i dont think any book will replace my fave book of all time , Hound of the Baskervills , love that book .....but anyway i really got to look for these books.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

HAHA I taped the 3 episodes of SU2 that were on tonite because my husband said "You are NOT putting me through that trainwreck again right?" I was like "HUMPFT!!!!!" So I went upstairs and taped it. I missed the first half hour of the first episode.... I am sure I missed some Jon moments but that is ok.

I can't wait to see the one where he screams at the rat and says "Oh that was unprofessional". I almost fell off my chair when I saw that clippet on Twiz's page a few months ago. Even to this day my husband will walk by something and scream like a little girl (on purpose) and then say that line in a dorky voice... I laugh but inside I am rolling my eyes!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

i watched a clip of the SU2 on Twiz's page and i LOVE the part where he shrieked when he saw the rat. he said something like..

"there's a rat the size of a poodle!"

poor jon. he's scared of rats. LOL. it was hilarious and cute of course! :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

OK I updated my page. :D

73 New Larger caps for 305: Legal

SU2 205: The Eve (112)

LOL He touched the boss. hahaha :lol: You can tell that he used to bite his nails. They are way too short. :p


He looks proud of himself.

Cute grin

He does that a lot.

He gets in people's space a lot.

LMAO He making clicking noises in Nick's face.

His reaction when the bad guy calls him a drone. :lol: Hey!

That guy is BIG!


Look, he's on TV. :p

Hand Porn

Cute frown

That shirt is too funny, and he looks so cute in it.

There were so many of them with his beautiful hands in them and ones on the phone. You'll love them. ;)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

Heh...guess who actually remembered to watch SU2? Me! :lol: I'm so proud of myself.

I didn't get to see one complete episode due to being busy with other things, but I did see the majority of all three of them.

I loved his character! Funny, quirky, kinda geeky (in a totally endearing way ;) )...I love those kinds of characters.

athlov...your caps reminded me of my favorite scene from the three episodes. It's the one where he was making the clicking noises in Nick's face. :lol: I laughed so hard at that.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

OH EM GEE I laughed my head off at the part where it was like:

Jonathan: *SHRIEKS*

Nick: WHAT?!?!?!?


hahaha and also the one where he was making the clucking noises. And when Nick like did that Judo move thing on him and he was like "OOOOOOW" **It was hilarious how he said it!!! haha** I started laughing. haha he's so adorable :) The whole time I was like aawwwwww . lol
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