Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

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i don't think he has a myspace...i looked him up on mine and all i got were fan clubs....i know that Adam Rodriguez(Eric Delko) has one....he's on my list of friends :D ...........but i don't think Jon has one yet.......just so you know.......
i saw some people mentioning that he has a myspace acc.
maybe hes doing it under a nickname and then he gives clues to who he is or something like that?
Lathaina, please don't double post. There's an edit function on the right upper side of your post that you can use for 24 hours ;)

Yes, Jon has a MySpace, and I'm 90% sure it's him.

I've dreamed that he was in the supermarket where I work once. That was strange. I remember thinking: "What the hell does he have to do in this crappy town in Holland?" :lol:

Anyone else have nice dreams about Jon or Ryan or any other character he played?
well i guess i'm gonna have to look again...because i could only find Adam's(Eric)myspace......so maybe i'll have another look.......
If you search by name - look under Jon Togo and you will find 2 names.....his is the top one I believe.
ok thanks...i'll do that...and if you are interested Adam has one too....search adam rodriguez and the top one is his.....
i had a good dream last night also.
i dreamed i was working at starbucks and he came in to get a coffee. i didnt speak to him. he left.

and that is totally something i would do too ... if i met him, chances are i wouldnt say a thing to him. just smile, nod, maybe tip my hat if i was wearing one.
hot4jontogo said:
he has a myspace?
why have i not seen it!? ahaha
i used to be sooo addicted to myspace but then i got onto the whole facebook thing because no one was using it anymore ... but i think i might go back ahah
anyone have the link for it??

and thanks to everyone for the welcome .. i feel loved!! :)

and thanks for the lovely pics guys ... im working on the website now ... that way we can just go look through galleries of tons of pics :)

im making the great journey to miami as soon as my passport comes in (it takes a long time to get a passport here) and when i get there im gonna stand on random streets and think "wow .. maybe he once stood here" and im gonna feel like a dork .. but oh well :)

uhh hes too hot ahah ...

What is the website you are working on?
im making a site just of pics of jon ... just galleries ... like every single pic i can find ahaha
im hosting it on a free site until its done and then im moving it to a regular domain

if anyone would like their icons featured let me know :) i will post a direct link to your sites
What is the link to your site? I am sure many of us would like to see it. If you are not allowed to post it here....please send me a PM. Thanks.
Wow, seems cool hot4jontogo :)
I also noticed someone new joined us, or maybe more than one...So Welcome!
And about dreams...I dreamt once about Ryan...I don't remember lots of details, as the dream was confusing, but I do remember he had probably been kidnaped,as he was tied up and i also know he couldn't breath well...It was sad.
And that is it for me today Togoholics/Ryan fans.
WOW been a while since i've been here.

Hey Katie welcome back.
Nikki, I'm missing you today.
China...where have you been?

Someone asked the q's for those of us that have Husbands how they take our togoholism and addiction. Well I'm one that is married with children and my hubby doesn't seem too jealous of him, but whenever he gets the chance to play with one of his pics with the photoshop it usually turns out he has a bullet in his head or he's on fire, something bad. Once I had the pic of him and Delko in leather up as my background on my puter and I went to the store, a few hours later I realized in between them it said "We're gay" He's soooooooo funny. He works on monday nights so I don't have to worry about him teasing while I watch the show but he has watched a few ep's with me and he disses the whole time. OH and when I got SU2 he watched a few eps of it with me and yeah he really ripped him up. Especially the part where he screamed like a woman over the rat and the gun in his jeans...BUT i'd have to say the teasing is no big deal and he's ok with it. For x mas he bought me the csim board game..though I took it back, no one to play with and he bought me season 4 on dvd, so he's a good guy. I always have a togo pic as my background and it's been nearly a year since he's done anything bad to him. NOw my youngest son, JOnathan, really rips on togo/ ryan. He's more jealous then the hubby. But he does like him on SU2.

I think I must be the only person that did not like his hair in this mondays ep. I was also really upset over the lack of screentime and over all just him. The part between him and Delko was really sweet on his part and Delko acting the way he did was Delko for you. I think in the end maybe..(at least I'm hoping) but maybe it will be Ryan who will help Delko with coming to terms that there is something wrong with him.
i hope im allowed to post it here, if im not allowed ... sorry if i broke a rule!!!


its just been started so its not really grand or anything, the logo at the top is just a default logo and as soon as i make a graphic then i will change it

i havent selected the domain name for it yet either ... so i guess for now i will host on freewebs because theyre the easiest and they give me a premium package for free because i use them so often for work.

if anyone has anything to add then please feel free to email me!!
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