Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

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It is possible that they'll make a movie...all 3 CSIs join up to stop a life-threatening mega crime spree, with some new cases to solve. Cool. :cool:

But it would need A LOT of careful planning. & they won't be able to squeeze all those cases into a one and a half hour film. Maybe 3 hours is long enough, but they might rush things a little too much. After all, a CSI movie is something BIG.
Lathaina said:
have you eaten yet?

Nope. I will soon. :) Just a reminder - I think you should put more content in your posts, Lathaina.

I really have no idea why, but all the cute guys (at least for me...hehe :D) in all 3 CSIs will get REALLY badly hurt at some point. & all these 'CGGH' (cute-guys-get-hurt) episodes are super popular & make me all tingly inside. Ryan gets nailed, Eric gets shot, Don Flack from NY gets bombed up, & in LV Greg gets beaten up & Nick gets buried alive. All these guys are....CUTE! Sorry if I'm slightly off topic. :D
when i see them get hurt i....
-squirm in my seat
-say hurry and get help!!! really loudly ( this often leads to me getting scolded but oh well)
yeah i think thats about it...
greg is definately cute for sure!
Hi y'all! :D Been a very long time since i posted :eek:

Welcome to all the new comers iv missed! :)

P.S. Twiz , SanderSidle turn on ur MSN :lol:

Ok i just read a few more posts and Athlov WOW :eek: congrats girl!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

Aligtr Love ur monday pic tooo cute! :)
I have not seen much of the show from last night yet. 10:00 is kind of late for me. I have a 3 1/2 year old and I work full time......so I generally tape all my shows and watch them commercial free! However I did tune in before I went to bed and OMG was he smokin' hot at the beginning of that epsiode and he was really good with Eric and mistake.
I did double check my DVR and it seems he is in all 3 episodes of SU2 that were on Friday night.
Grumbling now.....still waiting for my season 3 DVD I ordered last week. Hope it gets here today.
Question for those married. How does your husband deal with your Togoholism?
katbug said:
Question for those married. How does your husband deal with your Togoholism?

He makes fun of me. Oh well... he doesn't mind watching the show though because he thinks Calleigh/Emily is hot. He WON'T watch SU2 though.... he refuses to appease my Togoholism to that extent! So I just tape it and watch it at another time.
OMG!! he was so cute in last night's episode.....i loved his hair....and i like how he told Eric he messed up(very kindly and sweet)..and that it was ok and he knew what it was like to have to re-adjust.....but, i don't know why Eric snaped at him like that....i mean Eric knows that Ryan went through a similar ordeal...so why doesn't Eric let him help?.....maybe over time Eric will realize that he does need help and maybe he will let Ryan help..and Ryan can offer tips from his first hand experience last season...
Need4Speed I was thinking the same thing. Why doesnt Eric let anybody help? He is like so defensive, he has to realize that he was freakin shot in the head!!!!! You need help, and its okay to except it especially from someone who has experience and is willing to help!
Im sorry that I went off topic a little :D

I had a weird dream last night. Jon was there. He was like my friend kinda. He was of course famous in my dream but for some reason, nobody around me had any idea of who he was, so he hung out with me. He was hilarious, he did the funniest things :lol: I hope I have that dream again, dang I want to meet him!
that sound similar to i dream i had .....only it had Jon and Adam in it........ :D .....but anyways i hope Eric will come to his senses soon...before he acidentally screws up a whole entire case........he needs to realize that he needs someone for support and help.........
Athlov Those pics are cute and hilarious. I lik the Whaaa, Look at That Hair! one, its funny:lol: I guess his hair was on the spikey side again. I hope they arent going to make that a regular thing. Its good once and a while but I dont think it should be spikey all the time. :D
Thanks for the caps athlov! :)
and your little describtions of the pics are always so funny. :lol:

So, there wasn't much Ryan in the episode?
I think it's normal that not every character can get a lot of screentime every episode.
We know that Ryan will get more attention in later episodes if we like it or not. ;)
I like the spiky hair, but I also hope he will cut it when it's too long. I don't want a deju vu of late season 3 style. :p
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