Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

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i like it messy because it shows you that his OCD isn't controling his life ....like in season 3 and 4 he was just too neat......although i do like a neat guy because i like Ryan have OCD...but i like his hair now......it shows he's also more relaxed and at ease wit hhis OCD...which is good....because you doon't want it to control your life.....
I watched SU2 again. I find a couple similarities between Jon from SU2 and Ryan in CSI:Miami. Its kind of funny actually. First of all, I saw Jon chewing gum sometimes in SU2like he does in CSI:Miami. Okay well that has nthing to do with the characters but this one does, in the SU2 episode, The Wish, Jon was polishing his "Genie Vaccum"(which he refered to as some other name ad got offened when they called it a vaccum). He was crouching down and just polishing it. Seems a little OCD. Okay so maybe its just one similaritie, just wanted to tell you guys :D
I am new to his CSI page. I usually hang out on the Las Vegas page, but I am quickly becoming a fan of Miami, and a fan of Ryan. I know he was shot with a nail gun, but was there another time that he was shot? name (Uncles)?
Ryan was never shot before the episode "Nailed". That was his first time being shot. Im pretty sure.
Make sure you put any possible spoilers(talking about the gambling) in a spoiler box. Some people might not want to know about anything early. Jsut a tip so you dont get a warning from the Mods. :)

Welcome to the thread!
Welcome to Fort Miami, and it's small town/village, Ryanville (or Wolfeville...which one?) churchmouse. Hope you enjoy it here. he was shot with a nail gun in 'Nailed' *points to ILuvJT's icon* but he wasn't shot again to my knowlege. You also might want to put that last bit in a spoiler bit. :)
Welcome to the thread churchmouse :D

Great pics Athlov I love the Whaa one lol.There all really cute!Plz keep em comin :D :devil:

Cainesugar ,I really like your icon H looks great! :D
Ah thanks Raging4Ryan... ih214 made it. So talented these icon makers are you see. :D

Anyone else LOVE his outfit in 'Triple Threat?' Yellow suits him, and it was a nice soft yellow and another white suit jacket with jeans...he looked absolutle gorgeous, and it was shame he didn't have more screentime. Yay for the casual clothes, he looks great in them.

His hair was also different. I liked it, a bit spikier, but he should cut it soon. And the makeup was different, paler, and it was softer and nicer looking. It suited him more, IMO, because he's a CSI and spends his time in a lab, not tanning. THAT look is better for candid and/or non CSI: Miami related pics. But he looks cute no matter what, right? :D
Ugh! Im so jealous. I checked out Jon's myspace, so many people are talking to him! Im way too scared/nervous to send him a friend rquest then if he accepts, Id be way too nervous to message him, even though I really want to. I think Ill just keep being a really big fan but just not say anything to him, for now atleast, he probably gets a lot of annoying messages, he doesnt need another one. :)

And Lilly, I loved his outfit too, Its been a while seen we have seen him in yellow :)
ILuvJonathanTogo said:

I had a weird dream last night. Jon was there.

Welcome churchmouse! I too had a dream of Jon last night...for the 6th time I think. I was watching SU2 - in my mum's room! I was like, 'Hey, it's SU2! They're finally showing it here!'

But it was a little scary. Jon was in this rock-like cave & looking for a creature. Medussa, I think. While he was like walking near a pool in the cave, some tentacle thingy (Medussa's snakes???) came out of the water & pulled him in. If I'm not mistaken, I saw him shirtless underwater because his shirt had been ripped off. Then a another sea creature that looked like a spiky fish appeared and fought with the snake-tentacle, & Jon managed to swim up to the surface.

WEIRD...but cool, I got a chance to see him shirtless. Muahaha. :devil:
he has a myspace?
why have i not seen it!? ahaha
i used to be sooo addicted to myspace but then i got onto the whole facebook thing because no one was using it anymore ... but i think i might go back ahah
anyone have the link for it??

and thanks to everyone for the welcome .. i feel loved!! :)

and thanks for the lovely pics guys ... im working on the website now ... that way we can just go look through galleries of tons of pics :)

im making the great journey to miami as soon as my passport comes in (it takes a long time to get a passport here) and when i get there im gonna stand on random streets and think "wow .. maybe he once stood here" and im gonna feel like a dork .. but oh well :)

uhh hes too hot ahah ...
and when i get there im gonna stand on random streets and think "wow .. maybe he once stood here" and im gonna feel like a dork .. but oh well
Not to put a damper on things, but they film in California lol Maybe occasionally in Miami but mostly in California. :D
Yeah, He has a myspace. We are pretty sure that it is actually him, not 100% sure though. Rachel sent him a message on myspace and he replyed. She asked him if he could talk to the writers of CSI:Miami about something with Ryan and he replyed to her.
Maybe she can tell you more about it because I dont remember all the details. :)

That was my 2nd Jon dream. A couple weeks ago, I had a dream that my dad hired Jon to take me around town for my birthday. I was saw for like 15 seconds then he was this old man, who didnt look like Jon at all. It was very strange lol, I think might have had something to do with SU2(people transforming and stuff). Lol :lol:
awe ahah
my friend lives in miami and said they film some parts there, some of them they cant fake but yeh, most of it is in california

still ... some parts were filmed there and im sure he stood in some part of the city ahaha

im not going to miami just for that, im a musician and im going there to write some songs for a while ... cant wait because im bored to tears here

ahh ... jon is too hot ... im still looking through all these pics you guys have posted ahah

why did it take me sooo long to start watching this show!?
That sounds like a cool dream, loyal2wolfe ! Shirtless Jon... Something for us all to dream about, because the writers don't seem inclined to oblige with a shirtless scene. :(

I watched an extra thingy on one of my DVDs that explained how they made LA look like Miami. Because LA has mountains and Miami doesn't. They take them out of the background with computers. It was fascinating. But then I'm funny that way. :eek: I understand that they do go over there for some scenes though, and I can fully understand you standing there thinking "Maybe Jon was here", hot4jt . I'd do the same. :rolleyes:

why did it take me sooo long to start watching this show!?

Bad luck, I guess. You've got some catching up to do? Don't overdose, and take note of all the suggestions posted at the start of each JT thread. Health and safety considerations, you know. :D
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