Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

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Maybe we can take turns spanking Ryan, I know I want to :D
Im so excited for tomorrow, I remembered yo record SU2!!! So Im very excited to watch it. I havent seen it in two weeks, I need a Jon fix NOW but I think Friday will work. :)
Welcome to the Ryan thread CSIEdmonton! :D I take it you're from the great City of Champions. ;)

kat, I agree that he does look different in a lot of the things he's done. It's so weird how he can look like a complete nerd (a cute nerd ;)) at one point and then turn it around and steam up the screen. :D He also strikes me as a normal guy and I like the appeal that normal guys have nowadays. I mean, he doesn't look like a model but he doesn't look like an oaf either.

I like the storyline, and I don't like it at the same time. I think the 'gambling' thing is a little overdone on CSI whether it be the original or Miami. It comes down to one of those times where it just doesn't seem like Ryan would do this again. (Ie: The Death Pool stuff) However maybe it'll play out well. But I just can't stand the amount of times Ryan has gotten into hot water. I don't think I've seen another character made out to make so many mistakes. Can't the guy be happy for once? :rolleyes: I guess that doesn't make good tv then. :p
I always thought it was funny how in order to make good TV someone needs to be suffering. :lol: But anyways, I'm excited to see how it goes.
*Help, I need somebody*

Hi all. I've been trying to find screen caps from the episode One Night Stand (Season 3) there were some great shots of Ryan in that episode, and I cannot find any screen caps anywhere. (I've tried csimiamionline.com, and other resources)

Please help me, and Thank You. :)
katbug said:
Someone will need to explain to me one of these days how to get one of those awesome banners you all have!

I think most of the users here use software like Photoshop & Paint Shop Pro, but I made my current banner using different software. I'll try to help u, I send u a PM soon. Watch for the flashing letter. :D

Happilyhappy, your signature is classic Ryan! I have that pic too. I soooo love the sweet shine in his eyes! :eek: Welcome, CSIEdmonton ! Enjoy the Miami sun! :cool:

ILuvJonathanTogo said:
Maybe we can take turns spanking Ryan

Hmmm...yeah, maybe we should, I don't think I would mind. But a whole gang of us spanking him reminds me of how Greg suffered in CSI's 'Fannysmackin'...Omg! :eek: I just thought of an idea: What if we switch the situation - Ryan ends up getting beaten up by some Miami gangsters & Greg is the one who gets nailed instead! My heart rate would go up RAPIDLY. I think Ryan would suffer even more if we was beaten up. Poor baby! :( *passes out*

Btw, your signature's a masterpiece. :)
speed_cochrane said:
Welcome to the Ryan thread CSIEdmonton! :D I take it you're from the great City of Champions. ;)

Welcome CSIEdmonton :) This is awsome we are all frm Edmonton.You guys watchin the game tonight?

Does any1 know when the next Miami airs?I know its a long time frm now.Does any1 know why its gona be so long b4 it airs?

IloveJonathanTogo ,I love ur icon its great!! :D
Happilyhappy said:
*Help, I need somebody*

Hi all. I've been trying to find screen caps from the episode One Night Stand (Season 3) there were some great shots of Ryan in that episode, and I cannot find any screen caps anywhere. (I've tried csimiamionline.com, and other resources)

Please help me, and Thank You. :)

Here you go Happilyhappy. :D

Season three screencaps.
Hey I want a turn!!! I want to get to spank Ryan....he's just so hott that i can't resist something like this.....lol... :D
athlov , you rock my socks around city blocks! Thank you so much. :)

And thanks for the compliment on my signature. I love that smile *melts*.
Edited by mod per the 480pixel rule

Aaaaah- I love this one. Waaay too cute. :lol:

I MISSED 'IF LOOKS COULD KILL'! NOOOOOOOOO! :( Man, why are all things you HAVE to go to on tuesday at 8:30 pm?
Tonights SU2 :D, I want to watch it while it's on, but my mom's birthday was yesterday, and my husband and I are going with her and my aunt to dinner and a movie together.

I set everything to record, but I always worry that it won't record properly. :rolleyes: My mom says, "Us old people can't stay out that late anyway," so hopefully I'll be back in time to catch most of it. At least, I hope so. :D
I have not seen any SU2 episodes so I am looking forward to them tonight. Hopefully he is in the espiodes - My DVR is showing 3 that will be playing ronight.
Marns - that pic is gorgeous!
loyal2wolfe - appreciate any help you are willing to give. Just got a new computer a few weeks ago and I am not sure what software I have on it.
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