Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

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Ahh, yes marns, that pic is togorgeous. I love the little mole above his lip. ;)

That's such a beautiful pic, Marns. Really awesome. *almost faints* :D
From which epi is it? I'm not quite sure. I think it must be from s4. But I forgot the epi.
Can someone please help me out with that? :)
Oooo, gorgeous pic, Marns! *drools*

Is it from Blood in the Water? Grey t-shirt, grey jacket. His hair's not long but it is longer than it is in later episodes. His sideburns are too.

Okay, I'm off to drool some more over the S3 screencaps that athlov provided. Thanks to athlov!
Random Ryan thought...
Have you ever noticed that Ryan's hair is always...all over the place? Not like he didn't brush his hair or anything. More like a couple of stray pieces just don't want to stay down.

I find it so adorable.

Eta: nevermind I'lll just post a link.
Spank me! :devil: Thanks to athlov for the screen cap :)

So I believe the order was
-Athlov (since she did mention it first)
-happilyhappy (Me)

(Did I miss anyone else?)
:) Sorry. Had to do it.
Marns, that picture is fantastic! It looks like he's about to cry or something... Poor Ryan!!

Thanks for the welcomes, Raging4Ryan and speed_cochrane! I'm happy to hear there are people from the City of Champs here!

ETA: Is that picture from Killer Date? It looks like the same jacket...
oooooo!!!! there's a little skin showing!!! and he has such a cute ass too......thanks Happilyhappy!!!!!! :D you just made my day... :D
Yay, 4th isnt bad, as long as I get to spank him, I dont care where I am in the line :lol:
Thanks for reminding me about SU2 Athlov You didnt mean to but you did so thanks! And thanks for posting the link to the S3 screencaps, I checked them out, he is so adorable!
:lol: That poor guy is going to have a red ass when we are done with him. :devil:

Happy Birthday ILuvJonathanTogo!!!

This is the first time I am watching SU2. How did Jon have muscle during SU2 and then lose it in CSI:Miami Season 3 and have it back in season 4/5? I think its just the clothes he is wearing in season 3.. Very bulky.

Anyway, he is too adorkable in SU2. :lol:
Happy Birthday 2 you happy birthday 2 you happy birthday dear IluvJonathanTogo Happy birthday 2 you

Hope ya have a great Togolicous birthday :D
Happilyhappy said:

Anyway, he is too adorkable in SU2. :lol:

I like that "Adorkable" it's like a combo of adorable and dork because his character is such a dorky know it all... it's very fitting!!!! :D
Thanks for my birthday wishes and present. I always love caps from SU2 :) I especially love that first one, what a sweetie :D

I agree, Jon is going to be very red in ass when we are done. Poor boy :( I volunteer to put ice on his ass :lol:
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