Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

Hi guys! I'm the real chatty one, I've gone into hibernation and now here I am.

I have OCD like Ryan, where it's not too severe (as in I'm compulsive and double-check stuff, am worried about stuff, and get really stressed about things I may have forgotten, but some people can have severe OCD- made more severe by a traumatic event, where they're obsessive and compulsive and can do those 'rituals.'

People are however born with OCD, but a traumatic event can worsen it and make it more severe, as I said above. Ryan's is mild, like mine, so I guess he could have had something major happen to him or not, in which case the writers can go whichever way they want with this one. :D It is a good point you brought up, though.

Thanks for those gorgeous pics, athlov and AliGtr. It's great to see him looking incredible, as always, and with LONG HAIR! I do like this season's hair but he looked like a little puppy dog and he was younger, skinnier and geekier...my type 100%! And he was a CSI...what more could you ask for?

Sorry about your rough day athlov. I have those kind of things happen to me (well, my mom mostly- we all have Macs and once she came home with a crapload of new stuff that didn't work with Macs and she was like 'see, I can shop for technical stuff' and I was cracking up. Hope it all works out in the end. :)

Have to get back to homework, but thanks, and see you all later, ladies. :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

hey cainesugar, i'm just like you. i have ocd also but not that severe. and i do double check stuffs and get worried and stress for no reason. :) :)

ryan has OCD but Jon doesn't. hahaha. kinda funny when you think of it.

athlov, great pictures as always. :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

RaCk2ThOuSaNd6 said:

I really wish that they would go a little more into the background of Ryan's character. Just to see what makes him tick and maybe why he is so short fused, dark and sarcastic. He hss got to have a story. People aren't like that from having happy childhoods/lives.

You got a point...

I was also watching a story of people with OCD. Each one of the people in the story became obsessive compulsive after something terrible in their life happened.

Ooooooooo interesting...What if we see a flashback of Ryan's childhood in that particular episode about Ryan's OCD? Maybe something bad had happened to him or his family members. Something that haunts him to this day. :devil: That would be AMAZING. Young Ryan...omg :lol:

But have they aired an episode focusing on Alexx's past or her family b4? I don't think so. So we have yet to know more about Ryan & Alexx (hopefully).
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

happilyhappy I really like your signature. My first reaction was, 'Oooo niice.' :D

OCD is used a bit loosely sometimes. From what I know about disorders, it would mean that there was some negative consequence caused by it.

It's one thing to be obsessive and compulsive, it's another to actually have it cause disorder in your life.

Ryan seems to not have too much stress from it. He just seems to have a strong need for things to be clean and orderly.

He seemed quite... confused/frustrated when he first joined CSI. On patrol the watchman said jump, and he jumped. But as a CSI he had to act as an individual, while also acting like a team member. The two tasks almost seemed to be contradictory to him at first.

He also seemed to want to please his superiors quite badly, which is normal in a way, but he seemed to need it as if he was starved for those words of affirmation. And even when they criticized him when he first joined, it was like he was used to it and he brushed it off with experience.

That gives me the impression that his parents were hard to please. I always imagine his parents as people who want better for their children then what they had growing up, and so they push their children extra hard.

When we first saw him in Under the Influence he was jumpy to obey Horatio's orders. Yelina said he had his bachelors in chemistry and he worked patrol until he had his masters in genetics. He completely comes off as a overachiever to me - eager to please.

Do you see where I'm going with this, cuz I can't even remember my point any more? :p I'm just analyzing now. :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

Weellll....you could always try my theories in 'HiStory' ;)
One of the things I find so frustrating is that Ryan is such a one dimensional character - now, please don't get me wrong, I'm definately a JT fan, but as far as the series is concerned, he comes to work and that is it. He has no life, no family (other than mention of Uncle Ron and another uncle who was a safe cracker who may or may not be Uncle Ron, oh and a niece)nothing except work. Come on ptb, Wolfe has a life outside of work, surely.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

I can't participate in the SU2 discussion because I have never seen it.
AliGtr, thank you for posting the picture, he looks nice (as always, anyway :p)
And about the family thing, i do agree that we don't really know about his family, and, for instance, we know about Calleigh's father, Delko's sister and about Horatio we know a lot, I'm not even going to bother writing it. Anyway, it is kind of understandable by one side, as Ryan is not in the series since the begining, so other characters have had more time to have stories related to their family. but they could present someone from Ryan's family, because that silly ex-girlfriend does not count, and i don't know who Uncle Ron is...
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

Happilyhappy said:
You know what I just realized? Every time Horatio calls Ryan "Mr. Wolfe," it sounds like the Matrix...

Agent Smith calls Neo Mister Anderson in the same droned out tone Horatio calls Ryan Mister Wolfe...
You're right. It reminds me of Star Trek too. Captain Kirk was always calling people Mr. Mr Spock, Mr Sulu. It always struck me as odd. And it's just as odd when Horatio does it. Don't get me started on the similarities between Kirk and Horatio... :eek:

I'm glad that the Mondaypic went down so well. It's nice to have something to start the week off right.

I for one want to know more about Ryan's family. I can totally see him as an obsessive over-achiever. He does need reassurance that he's doing well. He puts everything into whatever he's doing. That passion is one reason why I like him so much.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

CSI_Dani , Ryans uncle (Uncle Ron) was first mentioned in the episode Crime Wave.Least im pretty sure it was that eppy. Anyway we heard of Uncle Ron and how he wouldnt evacuate(dont ask me how to spell that :p ).We Heard of him but we never saw him the only thing we really saw was Ryan on his cell talking to him.

I would definatly like to see more of Ryans past.We havnt seen anything.
And if you can be born with OCD i think thats probably what happend to Ryan cuz Ryans OCD is miner we only really heard about his OCD in season 3 when he first joined.So i think Ryans OCD is so miner that other then keeping his house clean it doesnt bother him.

Aligtr your right its nice to start the week off with a great pic! :D but by any chance do you have something to start off the morning ? It is 4:30 and my kid brother woke me up to help him study for a test...ugh.I dont mind helping but its hard to help when your still asleep :lol: thats why I came here for a few minutes so i could get just a little dose of Jon to wake me up :devil:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

A Jon Dose? That sounds like John Doe.. :lol: Oh, me weird today.. Forgive me. Hi, all!
Weird one.

I can't join the SU2 discussion either. I haven't seen it. :( It sounds like fun, though.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

You're right Raging4Ryan, we learned about Uncle Ron in Crime Wave. Ryan told Calleigh that he was a stubborn man and wouldn't evacuate (you spelled it right R4R!), but when Ryan goes there we find out he locked himself in on the roof. :lol:

We also heard about Uncle Ron (or at least I hope it's Uncle Ron, cause we're not sure) when Ryan told Tripp about his uncle who learned him how to crack safes. (Was that in 'Darkroom'? Yeah I think it was) I'd like to believe he was talking about his Uncle Ron there, too.

We also know he has a niece, which means he has (had?) at least one sibling. I'd like to hear more about that someday. Then some comments Ryan made, like the lawnmower one (Legal) and the college payments one (Three-Way???) make me believe that either his parents don't have much money, OR, and I like this theory myself, that they do, but that he's been cut off from the family source. I have this feeling he doesn't bond well with his parents. He's never mentioned them and when he was in the hospital in 'Nailed', they didn't visit. Now if they live in Boston then I can understand that though, and for all we know maybe they called.

Somehow though, I get the feeling the bond between Ryan and his parents is either non-existent or bad. This is pure speculation on my side though, so feel free to disagree.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

Dutchie said:
Then some comments Ryan made, like the lawnmower one (Legal) and the college payments one (Three-Way???) make me believe that either his parents don't have much money, OR, and I like this theory myself, that they do, but that he's been cut off from the family source. I have this feeling he doesn't bond well with his parents. He's never mentioned them and when he was in the hospital in 'Nailed', they didn't visit. Now if they live in Boston then I can understand that though, and for all we know maybe they called.

Somehow though, I get the feeling the bond between Ryan and his parents is either non-existent or bad. This is pure speculation on my side though, so feel free to disagree.

THANK YOU!! I have made all these valid points either a few pages back or in the last thread. I truly believe there is something with his parents that isn't all warm and fuzzy. I mean he had a nail through his eye!! Even when Marisol or Eric were in the hospital there was mention that their parents were on their way - though we never saw them. It's ok - at least there was mention. Ryan - NO ONE. That mixed with his anger issues, constant need to be validated that he is doing a good job and be accepted - there is some backstory there that TPTB aren't letting us know. (can you tell I was very into psychology? sorry after studying it for years it's hard not to analyze - even if it's just a tv character! HAHA!!!)

One of the things I find so frustrating is that Ryan is such a one dimensional character - now, please don't get me wrong, I'm definately a JT fan, but as far as the series is concerned, he comes to work and that is it. He has no life, no family (other than mention of Uncle Ron and another uncle who was a safe cracker who may or may not be Uncle Ron, oh and a niece)nothing except work. Come on ptb, Wolfe has a life outside of work, surely.

And I believe this and agree with this. They go into everyone's else's life outside the lab.... Horatio, Yelina (when she was on) Calleigh, OMG of course Eric, and even Boa Vista and she's a new character!!!!! ARGH!!!

I want to add that I think Ryan's OCD probably was a fly by info from TPTB. I think that they added that in there in the first episode that he was in because of the necessity of the cleanliness of his gun. The OCD would ensure [Horatio] that his gun would always be clean - unlike Speed that had a problem with keeping his gun cleaned and therefore paid a fatal consequence for it.

Ryan doesn't appear to have any real signs of OCD - severe or mild. He doesn't check things over and over and gets stressed over everything being accurate - he has made quite a few mistakes - mistakes that people with even the slightest bit of OCD wouldn't make (like leaving money home on the dresser - come on now). Don't get me wrong he is a great CSI and a very smart one at that but I think maybe they were hoping that we would forget about the mention of his OCD in the first episode.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

I agree, he doesn't appear to have OCD. Weird, since he SHOULD have it.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

I know it's a bit late for this but anyways...
In Mystic River you can see Jonathan holding ciggarets and I'm not sure but i think he put one in his mouth when he was going out of the store
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

With all this OCD talk, I just have to input a little. I had this idea come to me last night when I was watching "Under the Influence" (I missed the first 30 minutes-tv station was having problems) :( Anyways, Jon was mighty cute by the way, okay back to my idea. At the end when Horatio asked Calleigh "How did Wolfe do today?" And Calleigh said "Surprisingly good actually" (or something like that) and H said "Well, Its in his blood". So that got me thinking...Maybe his dad, or mom or another close family member was a Police Officer and Ryan saw something very horrible happen, he possibly could have witnessed his parents murder or something and didnt want to tell anybody later because it was a long time ago. I know thats a strech but if the murder is too extreme maybe he just saw something really terrifing that gave him OCD.
If that didnt make sence, here's an example. Ryan's dad might have took him on one of the routine patrols that Police officer dads sometimes take their kids on and Ryan saw something horrible.
And maybe horrible enough to give him OCD.
Get it? Its just an idea...

I also watch "Lost Son" yesterday, cried like a baby.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

Thank you Raging4Ryan and Nikki ;) I actually was thinking that Uncle Ron appeared in any episode, that was why I didn't remember him. I was looking for a face.
And I do like his OCD, makes Ryan a more interesting character. He is that much organised and that makes a difference in the way he acts in some situations.But I do agree there are some scenes where he should have done things a little different to "prove" his OCD. anyway, continuity issues, I guess! Oh, And I love that scene(can't remember the episode, how am I supposed to remember its names?!) where he starts organising Calleigh's files in a way that is different from the one she uses.
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