Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

Recoil ;) He is arranging it by date while she usually arranges it by file number. She tells him she appreciates it but if he rather not do it, and he is kind of pissed at her. (Yes, I am pathetic, no need to tell me)

Rack2Thousand6, glad to hear someone agrees with me :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14


I just have seen 'Silencer' the first time and now I can reproduce why you call Eric and Ryan "Hardy Boys" :D

Oh..and concerning the similarity to Jake Gyllenhaal.
On Sunday the TV channel will show "The Day after tomorrow" and there are already promotion trailer and in this one shot, when Jake is calling his dad and he's looking to the left he looks a bit like Jon/Ryan. When my dad saw the trailer he said to me:"Hey *points to the screen* isn't that this Ryan-guy from CSI?"
My reaction:
Dad's reaction on my weird gazes: "Don't look at me like that! You're the CSI crack, not me. But he looks like that Ryan-guy. Doesn't he?" Then I released him:"Yes dad...he looks a little bit like him, but it's not the same guy."
It was a funny moment! Ryan-guy! Never heard a similar expression. :lol:

Some Ryan love
*loves that style* :devil:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

Yurek You have to see Jarhead. In that movie you can see the resemblances of Jake and Jon. Well at least I do. Maybe because his head is shaven and there is nothing you can do but notice his eyes.

Ryan is correct.... it's in the eyes!!!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

I've seen 'Jarhead' but I didn't really pay attention to it. I was busy with some homework while watching it. Stupid I know.^^

But I really have to admit that I think they do look similar. :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

CSI_Dani said:
because that silly ex-girlfriend does not count,

which ex-girlfriend? Erica?

I liked all your theories, they are all very interesting.
but who else wishes a happy childhood?
It seems only Eric had a nice childhood.

It really seems that Ryan has no life outside from work. We know he takes a breake from dating (Deviant) and that his last attempt so far (Dead Air, nearly a year ago) was miserable failure.
Maybe Ryan is a workaholic, even worser than Horatio.
The boy needs a life. ;)
(or maybe TPTB only forgot to create a background :rolleyes:)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

loyal2wolfe said:

OooooooooBut have they aired an episode focusing on Alexx's past or her family b4? I don't think so. So we have yet to know more about Ryan & Alexx (hopefully).

Didn't her kids get kidnapped one episode??

Thanks athlov. It's a droolbucket worthy moment in COTC. ;)

Crap... there was something I wanted to mention about Ryan's OCD but I forgot... oh well. Everyone made very valid points.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

RaCk2ThOuSaNd6 said:
I want to add that I think Ryan's OCD probably was a fly by info from TPTB. I think that they added that in there in the first episode that he was in because of the necessity of the cleanliness of his gun. The OCD would ensure [Horatio] that his gun would always be clean - unlike Speed that had a problem with keeping his gun cleaned and therefore paid a fatal consequence for it.

That's what I've thought from the get-go as well. I think it (the OCD) was used merely as a way to differentiate Ryan from Speed, and I'm not sure that they ever had any intent to delve any further into it that that. It's only been brought up a handful of times in the two and a half seasons that Ryan has been on the show, I can only think of three episodes off the top of my head where it was mentioned. It's a shame too because if done correctly it could produce some great moments on the show. Didn't Ryan mention something to the effect that his OCD used to drive his shift commander or whoever crazy? I forget the correct term, I've become so disappointed with this show that even episode from the first three seasons (which I love) don't hold my attention these days. Anyway...there could be some great light hearted, comedic moments to enjoy if they'd show Ryan being a bit OC about something and it irritating his co-workers. On the flip side they could also go a bit more serious and show what it's like for a person with OCD (even if he only has a milder version of it) to cope with everyday life. Doesn't have to be a big scene or anything, just a few bits of info dropped in here and there--exactly the way I like my character development on the CSI shows. ;)

inge said:
but who else wishes a happy childhood?
It seems only Eric had a nice childhood.

*raises hand* Me! :D I also enjoyed reading everyone's theories, but I really do hope that we one day find out that Ryan had a nice, normal childhood and only became a cop because he wanted to help people and not because he has some deep, dark secret or some childhood trauma that compelled him to become one. I've grown a bit weary of the fact that it seems like a good portion of the characters on the three CSI shows have some sort of some angsty, traumatic event in their past.

Going back to 'Nailed' for a moment. The fact that Ryan's parents weren't mentioned of seen when he was in the hospital doesn't really surprise me, nor does it lead me to believe that he's estranged from them...not discounting anyone else's theories, like I said I found them all very interesting, but merely adding my own thoughts. This show has a tendency to wrap up cases in what seems to be one day--either that or everyone wears the same clothes for at least a few days, lol. I think there simply wasn't time for his parents to get there, and yes I agree it'd been nice to hear someone say, "We've called your parents, they're catching the next plane out," but again, I think it boils down to the fact that maybe tptb simply didn't think we'd think about Ryan's parents in that situation. If that makes sense...I'm afraid that didn't come out as well as I'd planned it to, lol.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

Didn't her kids get kidnapped one episode??
I kind of remember something like that happening. I know that she got kidnapped, so Im pretty sure they wouldnt make her get kidnapped and her kids.

Ok, back on topic. I found that very strange that they didnt call his parents. I mean in reality, someone gets fataly shot, their parents usually come to see them. Maybe the shot wasnt that fatal, but his was bleeding a lot and it was in his face[eye]. I guess like Thumpy said, they just dont want to bring his parents into the show.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

ILuvJonathanTogo said:
At the end when Horatio asked Calleigh "How did Wolfe do today?" And Calleigh said "Surprisingly good actually" (or something like that) and H said "Well, Its in his blood".

When I think about that statement I see it from a different point of view. "It's in his blood" could be taking as, It's gotten under his skin, it has infected him, etc. Maybe in Horatio's perspective being a CSI is infectious. Once you get a taste of it, you're hooked. ;) Kind of like Jon. :D

ETA: As far as the Nailed incident, I kind of agree with Thumpy. However, I was expecting them to at least say that his uncle was on his way. Ryan seems to be close to his uncle, and if anyone was going to be there for Ryan it would be him. At least that's the impression I got.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

Dutchie said:
You're right Raging4Ryan, we learned about Uncle Ron in Crime Wave. Ryan told Calleigh that he was a stubborn man and wouldn't evacuate (you spelled it right R4R!), but when Ryan goes there we find out he locked himself in on the roof. :lol:

Oh ok thank you Dutchie It was 4:30 in the morning i didnt know what i was doing :p

And as for the parents not showing up when Ryan got the nail in his eye that makes me think something did happen between him and his parents(dont talk to him or they live to far away and dont have the money to vistit him or something)But I dont know about you guys but if i had the money and my son got a nail in the eye you better be dang sure that im gona vistit him no matter how far away i live.

As far as the Jake-Jon thing Ryan is right its in the eyes.Other then there eyes i dont see very many simialarites.

Great pics Yurke I love the second one so yummy :devil:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

^ Not nessesarily (forgive me, I got up early and can't spell), I mean he is an adult and as soon as they heard he was going to be okay I'd think they wouldn't come. Maybe call and talk to him to make sure he really was okay, but it wasn't like he almost died (well he did but when he got to the hospital it was easy to stabalize him, a nail in the bran is fatal under certain circumstances and when they found out his wasn't, his parents probably were then called, after that) so it is acceptable to only call him. It's like if you were living without your parents and got shot in say, the arm, and you got to the hospital and went home with a cast, you wouldn't have your parents come down and visit you...or at least someone like Ryan wouldn't.

And back to the 'it's in his blood' comment H made -which by the way was soo sweet of him, and I love love love you H for loving Ryan *smothers H with hugs* I think what he meant was somewhere along the lines of 'he's a natural.' I may be wrong, but I think H was just trying to say that Ryan was sort of born to do this, that it was his calling, and that he wasn't surprised he had done well and knew he would continue to do well. :D And of course, he is, was, and did. So my lovely H, you were right.

Thanks for the pictures, everyone- love them. I actually, again, liked the geekier, skinnier, shaggier Ryan Wolfe, because he, a) looked younger- I'm 14 tomorrow so to have a guy who's older look younger is awesome, b) I'm into the geeky guys- I <3 geeks 4ever, smart geeks (like the ones at my school- only drop-dead-gorgeous like Ryan) and c) he's thin! He could help me get into shape and thin as well, God knows I need that. :lol:

Anyways, thanks people. So much fun to come here and discuss not only how amazingly *squee* Ryan/Jon is, but what he's like- as in the OCD discussion, the hair debate, his attitude, his parents- you guys know how to have an engaging discussion. :D So, thanks. :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

Youre Welcome Lilly :) Can I call you Lilly?
I would like to just take a quick break from what we are talking about right now and just say that Ryan was so funny in Monday's re-run. At the beginning when Alexx was "popping" the guy, Ryan was so grossed out :lol: It was so funny. His face was hilarious! He was like Eww Eww. :lol: He was so cute and funny.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

I laughed so hard at his reaction and my mom was like "Only YOU would laugh at CSI:Miami. You do realize that its a drama right?" I told her, "Ryan just made an adorable face, how can I NOT laugh?" Then she told me a shrink would think I'm abnormal.. (Tell me something I don't know.)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

^^ Hehe anyone can call me Lilly. I prefer real names anyways.
You mean 'Death Eminemt?' That and 'COC' were great- Ryan was kind of childish and goofy, and when he saw that guy sit up in the morgue, I just laughed so hard...after I got over being freaked out. :lol: I just love Ryan- he's so amazingly great and Jon captures his slightly goofy side as well as his mature, grown up side very well. *sigh*
So yes, I agree ILuvJT. (Whats your name- again, only if it's okay :D)
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