Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14 'Togoholism is International'

I just capped The Rocks from SU2. Jon is just too adorkable.
He was talking to Nick about what he found on the gorgon link (Medusa), and he went on about what he didn't find. Then he said, "Oh, I did find this."

Nick: "A lottery ticket?"

Jon: "Yeah, it's really depressing. I mean when you add links to the rest of the people buying these things your odds against wining are like, astronomical." :lol:

That just seemed so random. :p And he said the whole thing in one quick breath. :lol:
He's very long winded in the series. :p

OK, I'm going to cap the next ep, and then I'll work on putting the pics up on my webpage. ;)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14 'Togoholism is International'

athlov...thanks for fixing the missing title for us. ;)

cainesugar said:
Anyways, thanks people. So much fun to come here and discuss not only how amazingly *squee* Ryan/Jon is, but what he's like- as in the OCD discussion, the hair debate, his attitude, his parents- you guys know how to have an engaging discussion. So, thanks.

I'll second that! :D This is what we've (Geni and myself) been wanting to see in this thread (as well as the others) for awhile now. It's wonderful to read all the different opinions and to have a genuine discussion about them. Good work y'all!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14 'Togoholism is International'

^^ Im Sarah, so feel free to call me Sarah :lol:
I also laughed really hard when Ryan got freaked out when the body sat up. He ran so fast :lol: I was like poor Ryan :( Ill go comfort him :D But then I cracked up :lol:

Yeah-Thanks Athlov for fixing the title, I was wondering what happened. And thanks for the pic, I loved that line, he did talk all in one breathe, it was amazing!! :eek: I cant wait to see more SU2 :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14 'Togoholism is International'

LOL In Course of the Coffin when Edd Smith sat up Ryans reaction was priceless :p I was laughing so hard I almost fell out of my chair :lol:

So Cainesugar your not the only one that laughs at CSI Miami ;) And I agree with you Ryans face when Alexx had to pop the body was so funny im setting there killing myself laughing and my roomy is lookin at me saying im weird witch was continued by a bunch of "EEEWWW" lol I thought that scene was to funny :lol:

Happy Birthday 2 you Happy Birthday 2 you Happy Birthday Dear Lilly Happy Birthday 2 you
Hope its ok if i call ya Lilly :D

Happy B-day!! :D

Ill try and find ya a yummy pic of Jon 4 your B-day gift :devil:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

RaCk2ThOuSaNd6 said:
I want to add that I think Ryan's OCD probably was a fly by info from TPTB. I think that they added that in there in the first episode that he was in because of the necessity of the cleanliness of his gun. The OCD would ensure [Horatio] that his gun would always be clean - unlike Speed that had a problem with keeping his gun cleaned and therefore paid a fatal consequence for it.

I think maybe they were hoping that we would forget about the mention of his OCD in the first episode.
Well they got that one wrong, didn't they? :lol: It's grabbed our attention big-time. I like the idea of a guy being precise and tidy, concerned about getting things right. It's very attractive, IMO. The sloppy kind don't do it for me.

He does make mistakes, but he's usually upset by them when he finds out. Like in Addiction when Horatio found the blood inside the end of the tie. He doesn't think of every possible outcome, but he really wants to do a good job. He's learning. Am I rambling now? :eek:

We don't know that his parents didn't call in Nailed, but a mention would have been nice. Or a mention of Uncle Ron. And Horatio said to Charlene that she'd left his officer to die, so it must have been a serious injury or appeared to have been so. He was unconscious from shock when he reached the hospital, and that can be serious enough on its own. I really would have thought that someone would have called his family. Maybe Horatio or Alexx, if not someone from the hospital. A mention that they called or that Uncle Ron was going to come over would have suggested that they cared.

And sorry to whoever it was (I can't remember now) who wanted a pic to start the day yesterday. I think I'd already gone to work by then, so I couldn't oblige. There have been some very pretty pics in the meantime though. :p
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

I think you're getting me wrong, I DO hope he had a nice youth with loving parents who played with him and supported him and a sibling with which he had a strong bond. I do hope that's the case.

BUT with the little information and hints we have received until now, I just don't think that is the case. For Nailed it is of course highly possible that his parents were called but they didn't come because they live in Boston and they heard he was going to be okay. It's possible. But TPTB didn't tell, or should I say show us, so that's why I'm thinking the complete opposite.

The point is that we just don't know much about Ryan. We know almost nothing, and then we speculate. We're probably all wrong and it's something completely different, but because we know so little, we make things up. And not everyone has the same idea, and that's good, it makes for some good discussion which, as Jen stated, is what we are looking for in these threads.

Oh, and happy birthday Lilly!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

happy birthday cainesugar! :)

i too hope there would be a mention about his OCD and his parents / siblings / girlfriend ( =X ). even we know Natalia have an abusive husband. and Ryan needs some SHOOTING scenes too. has he ever done a shooting scene before? as in really really shoot not just take out his gun.
Dutchie said:
I think you're getting me wrong, I DO hope he had a nice youth with loving parents who played with him and supported him and a sibling with which he had a strong bond. I do hope that's the case.
Are you talking to me? I agree with you. I don't think I said very well what I was trying to say. :rolleyes:

What I was trying to say was that if the writers had wanted to give the impression that Ryan had a loving family, then they could have put in a mention of his family having called or of his uncle coming over later. They didn't, so that omission says something to me. Does that make more sense? Maybe I'm reading something into nothing. :confused:

And I totally forgot! Happy birthday, Lilly ! Here's a young'n'pretty pic for you!
Happy birthday from Ryan :D .

edited by Thumpy to add the rest of the title back in once more, it seems to have dropped off again. :)
RYANisHAWT said:
happy birthday cainesugar! :)

Ryan needs some SHOOTING scenes too. has he ever done a shooting scene before? as in really really shoot not just take out his gun.

He has at least twice that I know of - in 424: Rampage and 513: Throwing Heat.

Happy Birthday cainesugar :D
yeah, i remembered the one from rampage. but he missed that shot. we need real shooting action from ryan where he shoots a suspect. that will be so great~! :D not to mention, ryan with the gun is uber hot.

I'm not sure Ryan would be pleased if he actually shot someone. I think he froze up in Driven partly because he knew he would have to kill that guy before he killed him, and that scared him.

Though that would make a very interesting episode, wouldn't it? Even worse is if it was someone young and/or a woman. To have to shoot in self defense, and have the misfortune of it being a young woman would break his heart. That and make for a very angsty episode. :eek:
Great pic Aligtr that is one of my faves :D

Aligtr ,it was me who asked for a pic to start the day off.Its ok that ya couldnt post I understand, real life gets in the way sometimes.No worrys :D

I think you guys are right when your son has a nail in the eye and the writers dont even mention a phone call frm his folks that tells me theres been a falling out or something like that.When you dont do even something as simple as a phone call when your son is in the hospital with a nail in his eye that says theres something going on between him and his folks.BUT like Dutchie said this is just all speculation(hope thats the right spelling :p) we really have no idea what Ryans backround really is and i wish the writers would toss us a bone cuz this is silly knowing things about every1 else and knowing basicly nothing of Ryan.Its just a little frustrating not knowing much bout him.This may be kinda of frustrating.But it gives us the chance to really use our imagination and make GREAT conversations :)
Ali, I wasn't specifically talking to you, more like Inge and Thumpy who commented on the happy youth thing :) Although I understand and agree with you 100%. The lack of information about his parents tells me that they're not really in the picture for Ryan.

Of course, another option is that TPTB simply forgot the continueity again and never meant for us to think this. :rolleyes:

Athlov, that would make a great episode! *plot bunny hops by* Oh no, I know how that would turn out in my case. Kind of shipperish, I'm afraid :p

I do need to comment on the UtI 'it's in his blood comment'. I never thought that Horatio meant something with that. I never thought that his parents or uncle or any other family member was a CSI once. I always thought (and still do now) that Horatio just meant that he had talent for it, and would do a good job. Like Cainesugar said, I think it meant more like: 'he will do a good job'.
It's okay, I wasn't getting defensive. :D I was just aware that what I'd said had come out garbled and I wanted to explain it more.

That "it's in his blood" comment nags at me. If something's in your blood, it's not just under your skin, it's something you were born with. Maybe Ryan does come from a line of police officers or criminalists? Maybe Uncle Ron knows about cracking safes the way that Horatio knows about building bombs. Not because he was on the criminal side of it, but because he was on the putting things right side. It just seems to me that they drop little hints about Ryan's character and past in, but never follow them up. :rolleyes: Maybe that's why it nags at me.

Or maybe I'm just obsessed and I'm reading something into nothing. Answers on a postcard please... :lol:
:lol: HAHA I just sent Jon a message through Myspace asking him to talk to the writers about developing a back story to Ryan because all we can do is speculate. I told him it's only fair that the writers throw us Ryan fans a bone! (I mean who the heck knows if it's really him - but if it is at least I said something to the actor himself!!)

I mean we know all about Natalia Boa Vista's life for cripes sake and she is a NEW CHARACTER!!! WTF is up with that? :confused: Not cool.
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