Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

I can't really join in this discussion, because I know nothing about SU2. Was his character called Jonathan in SU2? He just sounds so cute. I don't think it's shown over here at all. What was the show about? He was a science geek, yes? In a kind of police department? Tell me more! :confused: :p

I bring a Mondaypic. Dutchie was drooling earlier about his look in Shock - blue t-shirt, arms, chest... And here he is! (I'd already loaded this pic up to photobucket when I saw Dutchie's post - spooky! :eek: ) He looks like he's trying to be all grown-up and serious here.

WARNING - Chest, arm, hand porn - all we're missing is the gun. :lol:

AliGtr's Mondaypic

Credit to Miami Style.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

AliGtr said:
I can't really join in this discussion, because I know nothing about SU2. Was his character called Jonathan in SU2? He just sounds so cute. I don't think it's shown over here at all. What was the show about? He was a science geek, yes? In a kind of police department? Tell me more! :confused: :p

It's kind of like a B rated X-files. There are 2 main characters that are on the force - a guy and a girl (just like the X-files) but instead of capturing aliens though they capture mythical creatures - dragons, medusa, etc.... you get the idea.
Yes his name was Jonathan in it. He stays in the 'lab' though and he is very knowlegdeable on these mythical creatures and knows their 'background' story - where they come from and what languages they speak. He kind of briefs the squad in the beginning of the show and helps them along throughout. He acts like a total spazzed out geek. He's growing on me - I didn't like the character at all at first. He seems like a blubbering idiot and I didn't like that! :rolleyes:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

hahaaha. yeah, Jonathan would be babbling and blubbering and talks non stop. so much diff with Ryan who's so quiet.

and i read somewhere, their "Lab" is some place where people can't see or excess. ahahaha.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

Ali! *drools* That's not spooky, I telepathically signed to you that I wanted a Shock pic and I see my message has arrived. Thanks a lot, it's certainly drool worthy, and well, the gun can be provided another time. ;)

Sue, that was exactly what I was trying to do, but I don't think the message arrived.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

Ali thats is such a gorg picture and just what I needed tiday. Many thanks.

I think I'm gonna search out SU2 the best I can. Feel like I'm really missing out on something here. I know we've had this but is he in all the eps or just a few? If a few which are they?
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

ryansnuttytart said:
I think I'm gonna search out SU2 the best I can. Feel like I'm really missing out on something here. I know we've had this but is he in all the eps or just a few? If a few which are they?

He is only in the 2nd season and I think in if not all the episodes at least most of them.

i read somewhere, their "Lab" is some place where people can't see or excess. ahahaha.

Yes - their 'lab' is underground a Dry Cleaning shop.. no one knows about it.

I know tonite's CSI:Miami is a repeat. It's all good. I just can't wait to see him!!

I also wanted to comment that Under the Influence - the first episode that he was in, is on A&E tonite (in the States). I think I saw a few people on here asking when that is on because they either haven't seen it or haven't seen it in a long while. Enjoy!!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

RaCk2ThOuSaNd6 said:
Yes - their 'lab' is underground a Dry Cleaning shop.. no one knows about it.
Oh.. I was wondering why they always showed that dry cleaning shop, thanks :lol:
And thanks for reminding us about "Under the Influence" tongight, I got to go record it, thanks a million :) Im so excited to see the first Ryan episode. :D
Oh and thanks for the monday pic AliGtr Looks at those arms :devil: or arm? Oh well, either way, thats one beefy pic :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

Thanks for the great Monday pic Ali! :eek:
I can't wait to see 'Shock' or 'Driven'. Seeing him in pics is nice, but seeing him on screen is even better.

I saw 'Skeletons' today.
IMO it was a good episode.
I think there was a small OCD hint in this episode when Ryan was able to smell the cleaner and he was able to define the flavour. :lol:
He looked good in the episode, but there could have been something about his eye. In the last episode he punched the his locker and in the next episode he's at work and everything is fine. :rolleyes:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

You know what I just realized? Every time Horatio calls Ryan "Mr. Wolfe," it sounds like the Matrix...

Agent Smith calls Neo Mister Anderson in the same droned out tone Horatio calls Ryan Mister Wolfe...

"Miister Annderson"
"Miister Wooolfe"
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

I don't tend to stray away... it's just ADHD.

My aunt told me that tonight's ep is 'Death Eminent,' and I got all happy cuz of Jon's facial expressions in the first few minutes of the show. (But I'll have to watch it tomorrow- I got to school one minute before the tardy bell rang this morning!)

Daggumit.... I still haven't posted any of the pics I have in my Photobucket account.... *waits 'til 3B tomorrow* see y'all later, I gotta go to sleep, I'm half-asleep now. *dozes off*
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

Hi guys remember me :lol:

Wow u guys post fast, gone for a few days and a ton of posts here when i come bck! :)

Great monday pic Ali I love the pose and the shirt .....oh everything is just so yummy in that pic i cant metion all of them ;)

I dont know when im gona be able to post again my internets getting cuttoff so im not gona be on for a few days.I dont know when it gets cut off im just tellin y'all now. So i might be disappearing soon and wont be bck for a few days. Just thought id let y'all know :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

I said that I updated my Legal caps before, but I did a silly thing. I thought that I had uploaded everything, but I must have imported old memories and imagined that I did that cuz I didn't. :rolleyes:

So I fixed it. I now have three pgs of larger caps from Legal up on my page. For real this time. :p :lol:

305: Legal

He's too cute. :D

I did some work on my computer this weekend - it took forever. I got a new hard drive online - 250GB. :D
I'm so dumb; I originally thought that I had an 80gig hard drive in addition to my C drive, but when I looked at properties it said 20GB for C and 60GB for D. SO I was like OK, I have 2 drives equaling 80GB.

Then I spent almost a whole day backing my D drive up onto my husband's external hard drive. It took forever because I only have USB 1.0 and no firewire.

Only after I'm done with that, I open up my computer and find out that I only had one 80GB hard drive and that the C and D drives were a partition of the one drive.

I didn't need to backup everything off the D drive - I had a completely free slot for the new drive in my computer tower. :rolleyes:

Thus I didn't get anything else done that I wanted to. I have 2 eps of SU2 to cap, and I couldn't fix my legal mess up until I had everything back on my computer. :eek:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

I just finished watching Death Eminent and I totally forgot the part where he throws the police officer on the hood of the car. Which just reinforces my hesitancy about picking Ryan over Jonathan (a question from the other thread). Seriously though he is too violent. Look what all has happened to Eric in the past 2 seasons and he has kept himself cool.

I really wish that they would go a little more into the background of Ryan's character. Just to see what makes him tick and maybe why he is so short fused, dark and sarcastic. He hss got to have a story. People aren't like that from having happy childhoods/lives.

I was also watching a story of people with OCD. Each one of the people in the story became obsessive compulsive after something terrible in their life happened. Which leads me to believe that you aren't born with this abnormal function. Something tragic or life changing happnes to you that make you do 'rituals'. Again we see how obscure Ryan's OCD is. It could be a slang term describing how he likes everything neat and follows up on detail. It doesn't look like he partakes in 'rituals' as the people in the stories that I watched. I don't think he should be labeled with OCD - maybe Anal Retentive would be more like it LOL!!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

RaCk2ThOuSaNd6 -

It kind of makes me wonder about Man Down... When he looked really emotional about the kid who was shot with the stolen gun...

They have GOT to start explaining his back story.

I am still curious as to what Horatio meant in Under the Influence when he said "It's in his blood." They never dug deeper in that either.

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

Sorry about your rough day Athlov. You were very busy! I bet its nice to come on to the thread/forum and post and relax. :)
Right when I read you post, Athlov It remeinded me that "Under the Influence" was on so I ran to the tv to record it. I missed the first 30 minutes :( Oh well... atleast i get to see some of it, hopefully I recorded the right episode :lol:

I dont notice Ryans OCD much so I dont think the writers want to make it a big thing. I agree, we need to know more about Ryan! We dont really know much at all! Hopefully the writers hear us. :)
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