Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP!!*

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Thank you all for the nice welcome!

@athlov : The pic's are so damn great! :eek: He is such a hottie!

@AliGtr : you're right, he loooks so hot in the orange shirt :eek:
Love those caps athlov thankyou soo much *hug* I have saved them and will print them out and put them on my wall as soon as I get more ink. :p

thanks AliGtr his smile is soo beautiful *melts*.

lookit! I has started my resolution:

sexxay celling

sorry the photo didn't come out that good, you would probably have to lie on my bed to get the full effect or stick pics of him to your own celling. :lol:

Ok so its only 1 pic and I wish my light bulb wasn't soo god damn close to my bed but now when I wake up the first thing I will see is sexxay Ryan in a uniform :p unless I am lying on my side or tummy then the first thing I see is my pillow of floor. :lol:

and I will be putting a lot more sexxay Ryan pics on my celling as well and probably some caRWash also. :p

Happy NEW YEAR y'all *hug* and welcome all newbies *hug*. :D

I is feeling generous so:
*gives out alcoholic drinks, non-alcoholic drinks, cake, cookies, sandwiches, crackers 'n' cheese, fries, pizza.* enjoy. :p
Welcome UnspokenHope! The more the merrier!!

Great Monday/New Year pic, Ali! We should show everyone that pic and they'll automatically turn into Togoholics like us... Who can resist that smile? And great caps, as usual athlov!

Hey, there's an idea... Ryan on my ceiling... Will have to consider that one. Although, I should probably put him on my wall next to Jack Sparrow because I never sleep on my back.
thanks ryan_lover for the food. haha. and it's good to see that you have started your resolution!:D

tere pungo, haha. good to see that there are other estonians who knows whats good! i'm new here also so..we're on the same level. :lol:
Great to see you're working on your resolution, ryan_lover. Mine is to come up with a better resolution for next year. :lol: No joke.

Augh, I've fallen way behind on this!! I can't stay away for a week without 3 new pages being made. You crazy people and your constant forum-posting. :p
Wowee! Thanks for all the pictures guys, they're really lovely. - And something wonderful to see to start off 2007. ;)

UnspokenHope, your banner is really great! However, you can have text OR a banner in your signature, but not both. You could credit the banner-maker in your bio if you'd like though. ;) Welcome to to TalkCSI by the way. I hope you have a lot of fun posting here. :)

I've got a new New Year's resolution. :eek: Watch all of season three and four of Miami within a week. :lol: How else am I going to be able to catch Ryan? (Besides the new episodes) Must make it my resolution. :p
Just watching the BBCs version of 'Pride and Prejudice' now, you may be wondering if I've got the wrong board, let alone thread..but...the scene where Colin Firth takes a swim and then walks down the hill...and I imagined JT, taking a swim and walking down the hill, with that loose fitting wet shirt, clinging in all the right places (and all places are right with Mr T) and the sun shining through... :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Welcome to the thread UnspokenHope! :)

Thanks for the nice Monday pic Ali!
the pic is soo hot.
I like t-shirt pics very much, especially this pic.
his arms are so :eek:
Have fun with 'OOOO'. I only say: SSSLLLLAAAAMMMMM

wow, Geni, I wish you a lot of fun. I hope your brain doesn't melt because of totally Togo overload. :lol:
oh, and Happy Year to you too.
Hello all. I've been lurking in this thread for a while, and I finally decided to join and share the love of Mr. Wolfe. :D

Oh, and about the s/n, my name starts with a "K" so I didn't get "CaRWash" wrong. :lol:
well, actually, as I said, my name begins with a "K" and I love Ryan and thought it was a fun play on the ship name for him and Calleigh, so that's where that came from. But, I don't necessarily ship anyone in particular.

But I love all of the pictures people post in here. They make me happy :D
Wow, we've gotten quite a few new people here lately. *tears up* Our family's growing. :D

Welcome newcomers. :D
*cough* There is a CaRWash thread in shipper central.. ;) *cough* Just giving a heads up. :D

Welcome to the thread KaRWash!! :D I love Ryan too. Yay for de-lurking! :D
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