Love those caps
athlov thankyou soo much *hug* I have saved them and will print them out and put them on my wall as soon as I get more ink.
AliGtr his smile is soo beautiful *melts*.
lookit! I has started my resolution:
sexxay celling
sorry the photo didn't come out that good, you would probably have to lie on my bed to get the full effect or stick pics of him to your own celling. :lol:
Ok so its only 1 pic and I wish my light bulb wasn't soo god damn close to my bed but now when I wake up the first thing I will see is sexxay Ryan in a uniform
unless I am lying on my side or tummy then the first thing I see is my pillow of floor. :lol:
and I will be putting a lot more sexxay Ryan pics on my celling as well and probably some caRWash also.
Happy NEW YEAR y'all *hug* and welcome all newbies *hug*.
I is feeling generous so:
*gives out alcoholic drinks, non-alcoholic drinks, cake, cookies, sandwiches, crackers 'n' cheese, fries, pizza.* enjoy.