Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP!!*

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my friends know CSI Miami, but they only watching it rarely and most of them don't know the characters. They only know there's a blond, a red-head, a hot dark-skinned guy and the new guy. :rolleyes:
and I always say: the young, new guy is Ryan and he's cute and hot. and they look at me like I'm crazy and think I don't have a life. :rolleyes:

Happy New Year to everyone!!! :)
In Austria it's only one hour away. :eek:
The people here already started to fire off some firework.
my poor cats and our poor highland cows. :(
Hey everyone! Happy new year and more beautiful scenes of Ryan next year. I don't know hows the story about you guys but we're having year 2007 for 40 minutes already and everybody are still activ to shoot fireworks! So, i wish you all the best and ofcourse shirtless scenes of Ryan! :D
Welcome to the thread UnspokenHope, of course your welcomed here especially if you think Ryan/Togo is sexy. We will fill all your Togo needs of pics, we only asks you get your own drool bucket which you will need.

Nikki I love your wish and I hope it comes true, I'll be making it at the strike of midnight which is in 6 more hours...dang. Happy New Year Nikki I know it just rang in for you.

Inge I know what your talking about, I've been hearing gunshots all day, like there gearing up for midnight. We still have 6 hrs so WTF. We just moved here so I have no idea what's in store for me at midnight with my neighbors. I'm in the country now so I may lay on the floor avoiding stray bullets. I'm not going outside for sure.
UnspokenHope, you definitely can join us! But, uh, your siggy is a bit too large for the site. They can be 220x75. I thought I might warn you before the mods get on to you.

And Katie and Nikki, I definitely agree with you both: a shirtless and *cough*sweaty*cough Jon would bring much happiness and joy.... ooops, my bad. :lol: :p I'm sorry, but if he's THAT hot, maybe one of us can get him a Coke.... or a bottle of water. *runs under the PG13 line* :lol: :p

Ah, stupid me, I TOTALLY forgot: Happy New Year's EVE!! :lol: I love this little phrase: ¡Prospero año y Felicidad!

It means, "A prosperous and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!" Although if you try the online translators it'll give you something totally different. (I knew the happy new year part becuz of "año" but the rest was a bit difficult.)

I must go. I'm trying to upload some of my photos off of my computer to my iPod so I can view them while at my aunt's house.
nah Im not offended szmandatogoholic :D cuz they probably are book worms :lol: I actually sometimes wonder if any of them watch TV at all or have internet access. :lol: ooops now I probably offended them myselves :p
I should be safe though cuz the chances of them ever looking at this thread are very unlikely. :p

Ooooh only 10 mins till 2007.
I hope y'all are having a fun night and may the new year bring loads more sexxay Ryan peferably with less clothes on than what he has worn this year. :p*drool* :p

my new years revolution (sp??) is to cover my wall with as many super sexxay Ryan pictures as possible. :lol:
Ooooh, I love that one!! My New Year's resolutions are: to get a boyfriend (I know that'll never happen) and to write a letter to both Eric Szmanda and Jon Togo, to get some hot, super-sexxy pics of JT, ES and JG and manip them.... and possibly get Adobe to do it!

Wait! If I write a letter to Jon, what should I say?! :eek: Togo fans, emergency Togo meeting in the Temple of Togo! (ryan_lover, you can sit out. :p)
Hey, there :)

UnspokenHope, you definitely can join us! But, uh, your siggy is a bit too large for the site. They can be 220x75. I thought I might warn you before the mods get on to you.

Thank's..for letting me know :)

Happy New Year!!
Btw, you can call me Pam
Happy New Year Everyone!!

Just wanted to pop in and say thanks for those beautiful "New Year's Pics" from athlov! :D

I'm always stunned by your pics.
good ones athlov, as always! ;)
Happy New Year to everyone as everybody has a year 2007 going now! Or 'Head uut aastat' as we say in our language :)
Happy New Year, everyone! And welcome to UnspokenHope !

I find it hard to believe that people don't all watch the CSI shows. They all seem to know every move on all the crappy soaps. How come they haven't watched the show with the Hottest Man on TV? :confused: They don't know what they're missing. Oh well, more Togo for us genuine Togoholics!

Athlov , those are fantastic pics. *loves* I really wish I could edit NBV out of some of them and edit myself in. :(

This Mondaypic is one for the New Year. From OOOO. Warning - arms! Sexxy smile! He looks soooo hotttt in orange. This ep s on... tomorrow! Yay!

AliGtr's HappyNewYearpic


Credit to JTO.
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