Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP!!*

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Alrighty y'all, let's remember to keep the ships docked in the appropriate forum. ;)

Thank you.
Bulletgirl, CaRWash is the pairing name of Ryan & Calleigh, though that is all I'm going to say. As Thumpy stated, any discussion of the pairing must be held in the CaRWash forum listed in Shipper Central.

Anybody feel free to give more information about the name itself, I'm kind of a horrible explainer. :(
Okay, I'm going to give the link to the CaRWash thread, so any questions about the pairing can be asked there. lol. :)

So, I was watching Double Jeopardy and the promo for the new episode came on after. Of course, I miss it. And normally there's no promo where I live. *sighs* I heard he looked good though. :D I can't wait till a new episode of Togo.
*looks at CaRWash discussion* I'm innocent! See Jen, it wasn't me! :lol:

My New Years resolution has to do with school...I must make a CSI:Miami resolution too. Finish RP. Will do that. Write more. Check. Find more pictures to display in room...hey good one. Sadly enough there's never CSI in any Dutch magazine and my printer is not gonna like it if I print screencaps...though now I'm tempted. Ryan on your ceiling looks good Ryan lover!
Dutchie said:
*looks at CaRWash discussion* I'm innocent! See Jen, it wasn't me! :lol:

:lol: Dutchie, I'm so proud of you! lol ;)

Just for that, I'm going to post a very nice Pete pic for you:


And I do believe credit for that one goes to our very own athlov. :D
Aww thanks Jen! *huggles* Togo pics are always welcome with me. (ok, and the rest of this thread :lol:)I really should watch that once. He looks great. And thanks Athlov for making the cap.
Happy New Year everyone!! :D A bit late, I know, but this is the first time I have switched my computer on since the 30th Dec.
Welcome UnspokenHope - the more the merrier here! :)

Athlov - as always, your pics are great, and the Monday pic is lovely too, Ali! ;)

I am afraid today is a really sad day!!!! :(
It is the last in the series of CSI Miami S4 tonight on TV and we won't get the new series til August (apparently).
How will I survive without my Ryan-fix for that long????? :( :(

I will be relying heavily on you guys here for support through what will be a difficult and challenging time for not only me, but all UK Ryan fans.
(Will be watching A LOT of DVDs and gazing at the pics on the forums to keep me going!!!)

And the worst thing is, I don't know how much of Ryan will be in tonight's episode, as it is about H & Delko tracking down Marisol's killer!

There will be no moving me from the sofa tonight from 9pm onwards, that's for sure!
I wonder what Ryan looks like when he is REALLY mad. . . Probably really sexy as always. . .
You know I have never seen Ryan cry or even be close to crying. . .
Hmmmmm, I wonder what that would look like too. . .
Anyways, how was everybodies x-mas?

I love that pic. . .
He's just so darned hot I cant believe it. . .
I went to imdb.com and looked up Jon. . .
He hasnt been in very many movies. . .
When I saw that I was like :confused: why hasnt he done very many movies?
Ooooh I am making a script for a movie that I want to make and I have the perfect character for him. . .
I hope that when I am finnished with the script that someone makes it into a movie and that I can choose who plays who in the movie. . .
That would be soo awesome. . . :) And it would be even more awesome if I was able to meet Jon. . .
Ah, thanks Dutchie, for the pic - his face describes EXACTLY how I feel!!!
But feeling very excited by the comments about tonight's episode - sounds like a good one!
I will have to set my video to record it, then I can rewind....and replay...........rewind and replay.........drool....... :lol:
Wolfe luv, please use the edit button if you have something to add to your previous post ;) Thanks. ;)

dna girl, isn't it sweet? And you better have it taped. :D

He was near crying in Fade Out btw, and he got mad in One of Our Own. :p
Ou yeah!
Fade out scene - him kicking the door - is my fav. one! :rolleyes:

dna_girl - I know the feeling. :( They ended S4 before christmas here. And they replaced it with CSi:NY which started today. It is very hard I must admit! Can't wait until S5 starts!
*is getting teary eyed* :( as y'all allready know OOOO is on here in the UK in about 20 mins or so *sob* and then we won't get any new episodes until about July *bursts out crying* Im soo greatfull for this thread existing *group hug*

I was going thru all my old magazines and I found a TV guide from July 06 what had a section on S4 of CSIM and it had H, delko, Ryan and Calliegh on the front and in it said whats going to happen to each charater and it also had the date of the 1st ep of S4 what was tue 18th July 06 so they will probably do what they did with S3 and repeat the entire season again and then by the time we get to OOOO again it will be July. :(

Why oh why God (and by God Im mean JT :p) must us loyal Uk fans have to wait sooooo long to see you???? and Its not just us Uk fans that has to wait is it :(
Muhhin - it's terrible, isn't it?? Life without Ryan..... :(

The dark mornings, cold, miserable weather, post-Christmas blues are bad enough without being deprived of the lovely Ryan Wolfe as well!!!!!
Only twenty minutes to go before I settle in for my last date with CSI Miami for a little while....
(And CSI NY isn't a bad substitute at all...... although no where near as cute as Ryan, there is Danny & Flack to help ease the pain..... :lol:)
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