I hope they'd bring in a naughty baby next time... So maybe this one's probably gonna tug on his shirt a little harder, and POP! There goes the buttons :lol: I'm so gonna love that baby... 
Yeah he hates it, I think that's part the reason... But, c'mon, it wont be CSI:Miami without the Sweatervest Of Justice, would it?
Hmm yeah it's probably the hair... It's a Goliath thingy... Once he gets a shorter cut, all his bad sides just break lose... :lol: But I love short-haired Ryan
Hmm does this mean that once he grows it back he'd back to S3 Ryan?
ETA: Just saw your post, Twiz... Ooh the dark blue sweatervest in end of S4 you mean? The one in your icon? (which epi btw?) I haven't seen it yet, but I love it from seeing the pics
Well FIVE more episodes to go till OOOO! (hehehe OOOO :lol: best episode name ever)
Something in Rugged WOnders thread? Ooh I haven't visit the shipper thread for ages... Am going there now
Yeah he hates it, I think that's part the reason... But, c'mon, it wont be CSI:Miami without the Sweatervest Of Justice, would it?
Hmm yeah it's probably the hair... It's a Goliath thingy... Once he gets a shorter cut, all his bad sides just break lose... :lol: But I love short-haired Ryan
ETA: Just saw your post, Twiz... Ooh the dark blue sweatervest in end of S4 you mean? The one in your icon? (which epi btw?) I haven't seen it yet, but I love it from seeing the pics
Something in Rugged WOnders thread? Ooh I haven't visit the shipper thread for ages... Am going there now