Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP!!*

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Next to his pic in the magazine it says

what lies beneath
Like forensics sleuth Jonathan Togo of csi: Miami, modern skincare methods look deep into your skin for the clues. Sephora's Skinphysical reveals UV damage not seen by the naked eye.
It's all about that chic's skin..
there's no interview with them or anything.

I wish he was at least looking at the camera but o well.
Yeah the suit is too hott and the shirt under is a pinkish lavender...nice.
they have his hair all gel and stickin up messed up on top. I wonder if that's going to be Jon's new look, the last ep his hair was a little done on top like that.
Wow athlov, nice Three-way pics. :devil: :D I love his pink shirt. :lol: And of course the "Yeah, we really need to crack down on the pot smoking kit thieves around here." :D :lol: I bet Jon loved saying that lol.

Thanks for the pic Twiz. He looks good from what I can see. *drool* :devil:
I just wrote a long comment and it disappeared! *stamps feet* What it boils down to is that I love him in pink. Three-Way, Skeletons, the last S5 episode, that salmon-pink t-shirt he wore for the publicity pic. It looks amazing on him.

And about the magazine. Is it an edition which is only available in the US? I looked in one here, but I couldn't find anything about CSI:M. *is disappointed*

Thanks for the pics, Twiz and athlov.
Hi everyone,
I am new here, although have been reading the forum threads for a long time. I really love CSI Miami and in particular, the lovely Ryan Wolfe. ;) (Incidentally, also love CSI & Greg Sanders but that's for another thread!)
Ryan first came to my attention in 'Nailed' and then I was hooked! I have caught up on all of S3 and am now watching S4 on Channel 5 (I'm in the UK).
The comments and pictures posted here are great and I spend much longer on here than I probably should!
Anyway, just wanted to say hi.... :)
Welcome to the lovely, hot Togo thread dna_girl! :D (I love Greg Sanders too. ;)) Jon was amazing in Nailed.

Sissi, I think your right. :lol: I found the pink shirt very sexy, actually. :devil:
Welcome to the thread dna_girl. :) We hope you're enjoying yourself here. :D

'Three-Way' was a good episode. The team seemed a little more happy in that episode. Especially in the elevator. :lol: Of course Ryan would be the one to crack the joke. ;)

I agree, the pink does suit him very well but I also prefer him in black and dark blue. :) But he'd probably look good in anything. :lol:
inge said:
Happy Birthday _ransom!
I hope it's a good one. :)

Thank you inge for the birthday wishes!!

Thank you too, sandersidle!! What a cute picture :)

ryan-lover oh my god you rock!! Hahahaha thank you! Those pictures were awesome! I really loved the last two!

Oh! labgeekluvr. Don't worry I don't support those two together. They just seem they would use each other to help their "needs". I mean he's always like "get away from me you whore!" but other times it's almost like he's giving her the hint "Hey, tonight right?- then after you're out of my house/apartment/trailer/hut".
Thank you for the welcome; you all seem like a really friendly crowd here (obviously united by the love for Ryan Wolfe!!!) :D :D
Ryan's dress sense certainly seems to have improved over the seasons which I guess is just part of his character evolving. He looks so different compared to when he started in S3. It really seems like Jon Togo has been working out; he looks like he has bulked up (in a good way) quite a bit. I do like him like that - it gives his character more presence but I kind of miss the geeky, longer-haired Ryan of earlier episodes.
your welcome _ransome! :D

I also miss S3 Ryan and I'll never stop loving UTI when we saw him for the first time as a newbie CSI but since then he has grown up soo fast. :eek:

I can't think of what else to say at the monemt apart from he looks soo yummy in pink shirts what he should rip off right infront of us. :p :lol: :p *drool*
Welcome dna_girl!! And Happy Late (now) Birthday, _ransom!! I wasn't late on LJ, so we're cool, right? lol.

Once again, athlov, I love, love, LOVE the caps! Three-Way is one of my favorites! Between Ryan cracking the jokes, Calleigh making smart-ass comments ("Well at least he restocked."), and the way they all worked together in the end, it was awesome!

...back to JT now. Loved the pic from the Marie Claire mag. I completely agree that he's one of the only guys that could wear pink and look good. But, he looks good in every color, so we shouldn't be too surprised, right? :p :D
Welcome, dna girl ! :D Pull up a chair, make yourself comfortable! And a belated happy birthday to ransom ! Sorry I missed it. :eek:

I can't think of what else to say at the monemt apart from he looks soo yummy in pink shirts what he should rip off right infront of us. *drool*
You're so right, ryan lover ! We're still waiting for that shower scene, aren't we? And we never did find that pic of him on the beach with no shirt. :( Shame.

But I bring you a Mondaypic. From Open Water, which we had here last week. I know it's pukey green, but I love how he looks in this shirt. :p

AliGtr's Mondaypic


Credit to Miami Style. I went trawling through, because I just had to have a pic from that scene where he said "I'm sorry" to Eric. His expression was so cute!
awwww that look on his face is soo cute !! thanks for the monday pic AliGtr :)
labgeekluvr said:
Twiztid4Togo said:
I wish he was at least looking at the camera but o well.

Yeah, it just looks like he's checking out a dead woman's legs. :p

:lol: :lol: lmao i was thinking something like that too ^^
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