Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP!!*

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According to little dutch girl here, the episode has aired in whole America, unless my time feeling is playing dirty tricks on me. :lol:

But what did he do? someone tell me, Luminol, blood, what did he do?? :confused:
Now I can't comment on the new episode since I haven't seen it. But I see you guys rant and really, I don't wanna know what the writers had messed up again :rolleyes: I agree though, they should stop making him look bad. Poor Ryan :(

And there I thought S4 is bad :lol:

Rant aside... ransom, yeah when he was screaming and breathing heavily in Nailed... I think it's hot :eek: (am I weird?) I dunno why though. Am I that sadistic?? :confused: Or maybe it's just the angst-whore in me :p Or maybe I connect his cry of pain with... cry of something else :devil: Same with his heavy breathing... like you said ;) :devil:

I love Nailed. It's still my fave episode so far :D

Talking about Nailed and since I'm still excited about 007... In Casino Royale, Bond (almost wrote 'Jon' there :lol:) shot the bad guy with nail gun. I was like, "NAIL GUN!!!!" :eek: See, I was thinking he was Ryan and that it was Revenge Of The Nailgun :p Heh... I'm weird :lol:
Ryan was shot on his right eye (well, close...), while Bond, he shot the bad guy on the left eye. I kept thinking, Ryan could've got killed like that guy if the nail went straight into his eyes. Especially looking at the nail Bond had pulled off himself too. Man, the nail was HUGE :eek: Was the nail that hit Ryan THAT huge???

athlov, you know I always bow down down at you for posting all those beautiful screencaps right? :D *bows down* Great pics again, always. Love especially the 'every Bond needs his gadgets' one :lol: Sure does look like he's talking to his watch :lol:
:D Thanks Silhouette. *Blushes* Glad you liked them.
Answer to Duchie's question.
He was talking the documentary guy through his processing, and he sprayed luminal on the jacket to test for blood. The guy thought it wasn't bright enough and asked if he could make it brighter.

Then without thinking, :rolleyes: Ryan sprayed waaaay too much stuff on it.

When Velera processed the blood, she got nothing. The sprayed broke down any DNA that was there.

Therefore when Ryan came back to get his results, Velera wanted the camera guy to back off, but Ryan said he was harmless, and that it was for educational purposes.

So V said fine, and then gave him the bad news.

His face was priceless. He looked totally confused, mortified, and in denial all at once. So he said, "Okay, I get it. So what did you get?" and she said, "Too much luminal."

Thus, he was mad at the camera guy, so he told him to get the camera out of his face.

:mad: writers!
^^ I thought that being a CSI Ryan would have known better :confused:^^

WTF are the writers doing to our baby!! Im now worried that if Ryan keeps making mistakes he'll get fired.

athlov I love those screen caps the 'no comment' one reminded me of a similar scene in CSI with warrick and a dummy and catherine took a picture. :lol: teehee :lol:
OMG poor Ryan :( Grrrrr writers :mad:

Now I get it... About the luminol. I haven't seen it yet so when you're all talking about it I don't get it. But now I do.

I was about to rant some more but I think all the others' rant already sum up of what I'm going to say anyway. So, I'm gonna talk about athlov's caps instead, and how gorgeous our Ryan is, no matter how bad the writers make him look :) Hehe, in the 'Yahhhhhhhhhhh' one looks like Ryan's campaigning :D

Togo: *raises right hand* It is time that our voice be heard! It is time to stop the injustice on Ryan's behalf! Stop making him looks bad! Ryan Wolfe should receive the appreciation that he deserves!
Us: *chants* Ryan Wolfe! Ryan Wolfe!

:D See, he's protesting too :p :D

Awww he looks so cute in the first pic of the thumbnail :)

Oh and I love his thinker's brow in AliGtr's Monday pic :D
Thanks Athlov. Damn stupid idiot, even I know that, and I'm a fifteen year old girl with NO knowledge of forensics what so ever. :rolleyes: *chases writers*

Yeah, those caps are great. Ryan Lover I know what scene you mean. Teehee. The dummy was called Otto by the way. What, are you even surprised I remembered that? :lol:

I have the most funny story. We had PE today at school, and there was this whole parcours layd out and someone asked my teacher (a woman) what this was, and well it went like this:

Classmate: What is this?
Teacher: This is James Bond.
Nikki: *snickers and whispers to friend* James Bond? I think she means Jon Bond.
Friend: *snicker*

It was a cool game, and I was thinking of Togo the entire time :D
Of course you were thinking of Togo the entire time. Any sane (or not-so-sane) Togo-lover would. I know I would. :D

I'm pretty much over the episode now, it's just something to go down in my list of screw ups, something to help fanfiction along. I've accepted it and moved on. And now I can't wait until Jan. 8 for the next ep to air! ^^ More Togo! lol

Togo protesting on his characters behalf? Sweet! I'll be there, lol.
Have you been wondering what it’s really like to be a part of the Miami Beach CSI team? Now you can get behind-the-scenes stories from the hit spin-off of the popular CBS network series “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation”. You will be taking a private tour of the set, followed by lunch with Jonathan Togo, aka “Ryan Wolfe.” Don’t miss an opportunity to explore the location where “CSI: Miami” stars transform themselves into your favorite crime-fighting forensic scientists and talk to Jonathan about his role in this ground-breaking series. This is a rare opportunity for you and a guest to gain private access to the highly guarded set of one of television’s most popular shows and have lunch with one of the show’s hottest stars.

Set visit will take place in Manhattan Beach, California.


Bidding ends the 13th.
Thanks for the info about the episode! :)
although, I wished I hadn't read it. :(

why does he always make rookie mistakes? He's a CSI for over 2 years now and IMO after two years you have enough experience not to make such mistakes. :rolleyes:
some weeks ago we all agreed that it's nice to see one not so perfect CSI and Ryan seems to be the most human character, because he makes mistakes, ...
but now it sounds like a lame excuse. enough is enough!
I wonder what the writers want to achieve with this storyline. :rolleyes:
maybe he will do something heroic in a future episode.

haha, joke of the year. :rolleyes:

the only comfort is that I also read that he looked good. :D
Thank you for the info, Asparagus... Though, like inge, I just wished I hadn't read it :(

Yeah maybe it'll lead to something... A part of bigger storyline... I don't know. I'm afraid though, that someday it'd all come back and cost him big. Like he'd go another big mistake and Stetler :)rolleyes:) would be like, 'This isn't the first time he messed up.' Or something. :rolleyes: Well of course, if this is the storyline, it wouldnt be without H, finally, saves the day... again.

I mean, if it's not a part of a bigger picture... I can't see the point. TV drama? Yeah right :rolleyes: Can't you make drama without making someone keeps looking bad? Seriously. I think they're running out of storyline or something... TV drama is one thing. But do they expect us to say "Oh it's character development! He keeps making mistakes! How marvelous, we love him more!" ...right :rolleyes: Isn't it the opposite? Because I love him, that I try to keep watching, despite the character widrawal :rolleyes:

Whoaaaa so much of a morning rant! :lol: Didn't I say I wouldn't rant? But here I go... Sorry! :D I think I'd post a picture then...


Awww the soft side of Ryan... :) I wish they'd assign him to another baby case again...

(Is it so weird that I wanna be that baby, in that pic? :confused:)

Nikki that's funny :lol: I seriously wanna see Ryan in a suit now. Hmm... don't CSIs in Miami ever has to go to court like in LV or something??
I also calm down a bit now.Although writers wanna make Ryan stupid and hateful, we still love him.^^
He is too hot to be hated(just kidding...haha)
I know the storyline often makes Ryan lovers angry,but all we can do is accept it......sigh.

And,Ryan plus baby = beautiful!!!!!
OMG!!!!He looks fantastic in purple!!!
I like his facial expression when he realized he screwed up.
It's priceless!!! I really like his acting in this show.^^
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