Ryan/Jonathan #11: 'Togoliciously Bringing Sexy Back'

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^^^ i think if ryan was in a shower scene i'd end up on Alexx's slab official verdict: TOGO'd on the sexyness of Jon :lol:*starts to pray at the temple for a shower scene*

I too would love to see Ryan laugh he makes others laugh we DESERVE to hear him laugh!! i bet he has the most gorgous of laughs ever *dreamy sigh* :)
I don't know if this has been asked before, but is it Jonathan Togo
- as in the republic :lol:
- or as in the chocolate? :lol: :lol: :lol:

I tend towards the chocolate, but does anyone know about his name? :confused:
I read somewhere that his grandfather had changed his name to Togo when he moved to the U.S. so that it could be easier to pronounce. But, his grandfather and father are Ukrainian.

*practices sexy dance to dance before Togo at his temple*
Whoa! I don't think I've heard the chocolate one before. There's a chocolate named Togo??? Sorry if that's not the case. But I want to know.

And if there is, where? And how can I get my hands on this delicious treat?? *conspires to buy all the Togo chocolates for herself -- chocolate factories, original recipes, stocks and bonds, and all other legal stuff associated with said Togolicious Chocolate included* Mwahahahahaa!! :devil:

Oh, alright... I'll share, but I'm keeping most of it to myself! :p:lol: And no... I'm not selling my shares either! :rolleyes:
Ali, you MAKE time for another ship. Just hop into the thread and read some, ok? ;)

Ukranian? YAY, there's Europian blood in his veins! I'm Europian! :lol:

I think my mind joined yours there Shadowfax...yeah it did. :D
I've heard of the country. But, that's because when I was researching pics of Jon, a lot of Togonians (sp?) came up instead of Jon :lol:

I know, I'm so ignorant..*hides*
Togos are chocolate covered biscuit sticks.

Covered either with milk chocolate or with dark chocolate :lol:

( so you see there IS a Togo for every taste) ;)
*picks up mind from gutter* :p

I thought they were sold everywhere?
Anyway there one of my fav chocolates!!!

*rushes off to send Corey a silly email in case he knows*
Ekk :eek: If that's what they are..I don't think I'll be going from store to store looking for togos lol :lol:
OMG! Togo chocolates do exist! *giggles madly* I'll take a bunch of the milk chocolate ones, please. Mmmmmm.... YUMMEH! :devil: :lol:

Sadly, I don't think any of our stores here carry them. I'd buy them for myself, but I don't think Hubby would want to pay for a treat with the name Togo on it, seeing how he's jealous of the guy. Don't want to injure the fragile male ego. ;) Not to mention the fact that I don't think he'd appreciate seeing me eat and enjoy a Chocolate-Covered Togo Stick. :D:devil:

What?? :rolleyes: I simply meant the chocolate biscuit stick that Juma so kindly alerted me to. *tries best to look innocent* Take your minds out of the Gutter, people! :devil: :lol:
mmmmmmmmm I want one too..

I hear ya Shadowfax on that whole hubby thing. It's sad where ever we go anymore togo is popping up..Pondarosa, gas stations, lunch meat, candies, and now this...
We'll be going shopping tomorrow and i'll be seeing the Togo stuff again..excited. It's like a game with my family now...see who can find the word togo first. Even my kids point it out.

Togo covered in chocalate...wow my mind is in the gutter today gesh..thanks

I once googled earth the country of Togo, Yes I'm a big nerd. It's a pretty sad looking country from what I saw. I also found the flag for the country. Wow! I have too much time on my hands.
Oh, my! Those do look yummy! :eek: Thanks for sharing what Chocolate-covered Togos look like, Juma! :D

I'm with you, Twiz. Everytime Hubby and I eat at Applebee's, I have to inwardly squee and hide my smirk whenever I see the "To Go" sign. :devil: Even when I was on my overseas trip, I kept reading them as "TOGO" instead of "To Go." :lol: I'll join you and your kids in playing that game, though it looks like I might just be playing it by my lonesome. Doubtful that Hubby would want to join. I'm already having to watch what I say around him. :devil:
omg I was watching "From the Grave" yesterday on A&E..*gasp* When Ryan threw Erika's recorder on the floor!!! Soooo SEXY!!!!

I watched that too!! I was watching it with my dad and I was like "Ohhh good part!!" and then he smashed it and I started giggling uncontrollably and laughing really loud and he... didn't think it was funny :lol:

A hug? Yes please *nods* That would be cute with a certain person ;)
A kiss? That would be HOT with a certain person :devil:
A baby? Well, would it be his or just holding one? I don't want him to have a kid.. yet :lol: So holding a baby (while wearing sweatervest :p) Yes please!!
Laugh? Nikki's right. He laughed in COTC. I loved that laugh :lol: It made me laugh for like 10 mintues.
Shower scene? What do you think? :lol: :devil: YYESS please :D

T.O.G.O... The Obvious Gorgeous One.... What? :lol: It's the first thing that came to my head :p I like The Only Gorgeous One too. :D

Juma, I love that picture!! Or should I say chocolate. :)
KiaraMebarak said:
I read somewhere that his grandfather had changed his name to Togo when he moved to the U.S. so that it could be easier to pronounce. But, his grandfather and father are Ukrainian.

I read that his grandfather's name was originally Tonkaviev. It's a bit like what Delko's father is supposed to have done. (Original name - Delektorsky. CSI:Nerd or what?)

Nikki , I'll go visit the CarWash thread (since there's cake on offer), but I have to warn you, I'm a die-hard Hardy Boys fan. :eek:
I almost forgot to mention that I had a Ryan dream last night! *blushes at the thought :eek:* It's only my second dream starring Ryan, but it's a lot better than the first, since we uh... kissed in my dream. :devil: *giggles like a schoolgirl now* :lol:

Oh, and he was sooo sweet too. My closet is so small to begin with, especially now that I've brought back a ton of Asian-sized (petite) clothes from my overseas trip. Well, he not only built me a bigger and better walk-in closet, he also offered to move my clothes for me. :lol: Way to earn his way to my heart... build me a better closet to house all of my clothes, shoes, and purses. :lol:
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