Ryan/Jonathan #11: 'Togoliciously Bringing Sexy Back'

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athlov...you are my hero just because of the oversized back cap. Both Ryan and Cooper, two of my favorite characters...*sigh* :D

And no...those aren't too big at all, the thumbnail size loads very quickly for those of us with dial up. ;)

Welcome back, Quickbeam and Carly! *hugs* :) Nice to see you both in the thread again!

One last thing:

Guys...it's getting a bit shipperish in here again. Let's try to keep the discussions of who ships Ryan with who in their appropriate forums in Shipper Central. Discussions of this sort could be a bit off putting to those who don't ship this character with anyone or who don't ship at all for that matter, plus it is a bit on the chatty side as well. ;) Thanks guys.
Awww *hugs ThumpyJen* It's good to be back...I don't know why I wasn't posting *hangs head in shame*

Oh well...well, in honour of me finally seeing Ryan-green-shirt-button-popped-open-during-interrogation-episode I was going to post the cap from that episode that really makes me wish that I'd committed a crime of some sort, but I can't access my photobucket while I'm at school, so it'll have to wait until I get home...

and athlov, I love that first pic aswell...aww, it was almost a buttcap (hehe, I remember the conversation a few threads ago about buttcaps ;))

Poor ol' Ryan in Driven, all freezing and whatnot *hugs* but I must say, I really did like the short-sleeve purple shirt :D
Season 4 DVD arrived. I've been in deep concentration while watching season 4.

Thoughts/Comments/Things that confuse me

*Gotta love the t-shirts that Ryan wears. Wow!
*Gotta love the jeans he wears with those t-shirts. WOW!
*Ryan dated Natalia? (I think I'm still in shock!)
*Just a tad bit of tension between Ryan and Eric.
*I think Calleigh is like a big sister to Ryan.
*Ryan the mole? (don't see whiskers or a pointy furry nose)
*A mad Ryan is a sexy Ryan! Whoooweeee! I love it when he breaks things!
*Getting a kick out of the sweater vests Ryan wears! Who knew how hot sweater vests looked on Ryan?

Off to empty the drool bucket! Wow!
Yeah, I don't think I'll ever see Ryan and Calleigh hook up. And I don't think I would want to. :eek: :( *is put out by a sniper that some Carwash fans hired* *is taken to the morgue*

Anyways, I was watching him today in "Prey" ....you know, when he's talking to the mother of the young girl that's missing? *melts* Gosh his eyes were so dreamy!!! I mean, they are round, puppy (but not too puppy), big, hazel..They are just perfect!

*gives a cookie as an offering to the Gorgeous One and leaves the Temple*
:lol: I was just thinking. At the temple of Togo, instead of hearing the usually mummering sounds, you would hear...

yumyum yumyum yuuuuummmmm... because he is so yummy, and that's all that could go through our minds while staring at his statue. :p
Oooof! I've been tackled... twice! :lol: It's all good though, virtual tackles are all fun and no broken bones. :D Thanks for all the welcoming-back everyone, I missed it here! :)

So, although I'm sure you've all discussed the awesomeness of 'Curse of the Coffin' to death (no pun intended... oh who am I kidding, pun completely intended), I just have to say that I loved it, and it was my favourite episode in a while. :D Oh Ryan! You're so cute and superstitious! Squee!

Oooh, I also agree with the comments of 'From The Grave' being uber-sexilicious when Ryan smashes the tape recorder... or pretty much whenever he does anything in that episode... or pretty much in any episode. But the tape recorder smashing was one of my more favourite parts. :D

Hmmm... I always found the Ryan/baby scene rather pleasant, but it was never overly-squeeful for me. But, right now, thinking about it is... oooh *fans self* :lol: I guess it's a sign that I'm growing up... stupid maternal instinct keeps rearing its ugly head from time to time. *shakes fist and looks angry, muttering about "stupid natural survival of the species instinct"* But then again, maybe it's just the fact that it's RYAN and a baby that makes it so appealing! Oh, and I dunno, Twiz, I hear baby iPods are all the rage these days. ;) :lol: j/k. There we go, there's my new goal in life: successfully market the Baby iPod... the iBaby? I'll make millions!

I gotta agree with Thumpy about the shippy thing, too. This thread flies past so fast as it is that I find it really hard to keep up, and then when you add in all the shippy comments all over the place (and there are a lot of them), I tend to get stuck in the wake of the ship. Although I guess I shouldn't talk about being off-topic... here I was rambling on about Baby iPods... :lol:

And, one last thing: What's this I hear about green-shirt-button-popping-open-during-interrogation?!?! Did it ACTUALLY spontaneously pop?!?! And why was I not aware of this?!?!?
A lot of people seem to be giving cookies as offerings, that's what I've noticed! :lol:

Just give it two more weeks and we shall have a procession festival where the Gorgeous One will walk the halls of the temple and finally sits on his throne! :devil:
quickbeam said:
And, one last thing: What's this I hear about green-shirt-button-popping-open-during-interrogation?!?! Did it ACTUALLY spontaneously pop?!?! And why was I not aware of this?!?!?

lol...no, it didn't actually pop open during the interrogation, it was already open. ;)

Now that you mention it, though, a shirt button popping open spontaneously would actually be a pretty nifty thing, huh? :devil:
Okay, and here I am, in trouble for shipping yet again! :rolleyes: Sorry Jen, I need to learn to shut my mouth when I'm not in a shipper thread. *sigh* Kiara, we didn't hire a sniper, that was me myself. :p Just kidding. I respect other people's thoughts on things. Stopping now.

Pop the button! HEHE, I just thought of a new thread title:
Ryan/Jonathan #12: 'POP that button!' :lol:
haha Dutchie, I like it :lol:

and sorry guys for not being clear, it's just what I call the ep, and only because I only just noticed that the top button was open during the interrogation
Twiztid4Togo said:
Inge I think this season we may see ryan break down and cry. I thought for sure last season with his eye problems we would but just never went all that way...I think there's something going on in his life that going to come down to an emotional breakdown...maybe he'll mess up again and fear he'll loose his job. I hope not but then again the angst whore in me does...tries to beat her back..

That's something I'd like to see for Ryan too. (I'm a closet angst-whore. Well, maybe not so closet. :eek: And Jon's acting would be amazing). But he needs someone to hug him and make it alright when he breaks down. He shouldn't be all upset on his own. I won't say who's my favourite for that role, because I'll get in trouble. :devil: Well, my second favourite, because my favourite candidate for hugging Ryan when he's upset would be... me! :D I could do that really well.

TOGO chocolate? Where? We don't get that here. :( *goes into chocolate withdrawal*
^^ no, the best person for hugging him would be ME!^^
He doesn't look like the crying type though.

OMG! Togo chocolate! :p I don't think they would sell them in the UK :( *Crys*

Do the CSIM DVDs what get sold here in the UK have the same extras as the one that get sold in the USA? cuz I know they have different covers.

T.O.G.O = The Outstanding Gorgeous One. hehehe
Awww... I wanna hug him too. :D

*goes into chocolate withdrawal with Ali* They don't sell Togo Chocolates here either. :(

T.O.G.O. - The Outstanding Gorgeous One? Me likey!!! :lol:
ryan_lover said:
^^ no, the best person for hugging him would be ME!^^
He doesn't look like the crying type though.

OMG! Togo chocolate! :p I don't think they would sell them in the UK :( *Crys*

Do the CSIM DVDs what get sold here in the UK have the same extras as the one that get sold in the USA? cuz I know they have different covers.

I think at the Temple of Togo we definitely chocolate Ryans to eat in some sort of offering to THE GORGEOUS ONE!! Mmmm... chocolate Ryan *drools in a Homer Simpson-esque fashion*

And I don't think the CSI: Miami DVDs we get here ryan_lover have any extras at all. Which is a total shame coz we can't see THE GORGEOUS ONE behind the scenes :mad:. And I'm totally puzzled as the second part of Series 3 (we have them split up into two separates :confused:) is rating 18!! How bizarre! never the less, I know what I'll be buying come payday!
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