Ryan/Jonathan #11: 'Togoliciously Bringing Sexy Back'

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Sorry athlov, but I've had to remove your link as we are no longer allowed to post direct links to clips, due to possible copyright infringement. I know it was only very short, but allowing it could be seen as a green light to allowing the posting of other clips from dvds and the show. Any queries about this issue should be posted in the QSF Forum. Thanks. :)
^^^Jon looks good even when he's jogging...but was there ever a doubt!! :rolleyes: :p...When the temple of togo is built we should have the clip of him jogging running continuously...then mixed inbetween of that a slide show of beautiful jon, that way we can see the eye candy man 34/7 like it should be !! :lol:

*bows down at the temple and offers but a humble basket of cookies to the TOtallyGOrgeous one in exchange for watching him jog ;) :devil:*
Ahhh The Architect has arrived..sorry I've been helping the slaves transport the huge colossal stones all the way to Mass. Now, where be the Sculptor? I have a couple of requests for her. I want her to carve out an image of Jon as he appeared on Open Water. *goes looking for the sculptor*

If any one can be kind as to provide the sculptor with the Pic, I would appreciate it :lol:
ThumpyG42 said:
Lucy said:
He may have made mistakes, but to me, that makes him an interesting character.

Agreed. I like the fact that he's not perfect and not one dimensional...Ryan, to me, is one of the most 'real' characters on the show.
Same here. I haven't liked the show a whole lot recently, but Ryan is by far the most interesting character. He is flawed, but I find that rather likeable! Makes him more cute too, because he gets annoyed and all rattled. Huffy puffy Ryan is very watchable. :devil:

I also have never thought that Jonathan and Eric Szmanda look alike at all. For that matter, I don't even think Jonathan looks like Jake Gyllenhall, lol. I just think that Jonathan looks like Jonathan. ;)
Again, agreed. They all have very nice eyes, but I find little resemblance otherwise. ;)
I agree Ryan is the most interesting character.

Angry Ryan = Sexy Ryan *Drool*

I liked 'Deviant' what was shown last night and I thought it was sweet when Calleigh asked Ryan out for beer. :)
Aww I didn't see Togo hop :p Oh well. *PMs athlov* ;)

I also love Ryan because it's true. He is the most real character. Im sorry, but no one is perfect like H. Ryan isn't a robot. He makes mistakes just like normal human beings :D
*sighs* Jon and Jake. :D
My two fav actors. *is in dream land*
erm, sorry....

I made another observation about Urban Hellraisers. of course there was no special scene after the episode here, so offically the Austrian viewers haven't heard about the mole yet and are curious about the little chat between Ryan and Erica and about the little chat between Ryan and Horatio about Erica.
Horatio said to Ryan that he shouldn't think about it and he will talk to Erica.
I saw the extra scene and from what I can remeber Ryan called her. Horatio didn't say to him that he should call her. Right?
so maybe Horatio wanted to prevent Ryan (and his whole team) from learning about the mole. aw, I like it when Horatio tries to protect his team.

ok, don't know what I want to say with this post.
*visits the Togo temple and hides*
Actually, Erica called Ryan at the end, and that's why he showed up. I wouldn't be surprised, however, if Ryan talked to Horatio first before agreeing to meet with her.
Hi all... I'm not sure if you'll remember me... :lol: once upon a time I used to come around here more than ONCE EVERY BLUE MOON! :rolleyes: Anyways, in case you've forgotten me...

“Hi, my name’s Quickie (or Quicky, or Quick, or Quickbeam, or whatever you want to call me) and I’m a Togoholic. It’s been... holy crap, WAAAAAAY too long since my last post.”

*sigh* Man, I would so rather spend my time fangirling non-stop than be doing this stupid real-life thing, lol. :lol: I mean, I fell behind at about page 4, and then had to momentarily abandon my attempt at cathcing up, and suddenly it’s page 14-ish, and I just went “Screw this, I’m posting!” :lol: I’ve read the last couple pages, but if I seem lost and disoriented, well... you know why. :lol:

In any case, I’m loving the whole Temple of Togo thing, it amuses me greatly. And all the references to “The Gorgeous One” are gold! :D Oooh, but if you threw in another ‘O’ word in there, you could make an acronym that was T.O.G.O! Like, “The Omnipotent Gorgeous One” or whatever. Although someone can probably think of a better ‘O’ word. My vocabulary is limited. :lol: Me no speaky good because me brain is Togoverloaded. *sizzle crackle* <--- that’s the sound my brain makes, not sure if that was clear or not... :lol:

Seriously though, if anyone ever sees a classified ad in the newspaper or something where they’ll pay someone a pile of money to be constantly uber-fangirly, let me know. I’ll be there quicker than you can say “OMG The Gorgeous One is MEGA-UBER-SEXILICIOUSLY-HOT!” :D
Quicky!!!! *runs and tackles you* :lol: You've been gone way too long, girlie! I've missed you!!1 :D

Hmmmm.... T.O.G.O. = The ONLY Gorgeous One (in my book!) :devil:
MiamiDade said:
He is flawed, but I find that rather likeable! Makes him more cute too, because he gets annoyed and all rattled. Huffy puffy Ryan is very watchable. :devil:

I couldn't agree more. He's so cute when he gets bothered. :D We had Deviant last night, and he was getting into an argument with Calleigh. He feels very strongly about what's right and wrong, and he gets all flustered and emotional when he's talking about it. And the bit at the end where Calleigh asked him out for a beer was lovely. :) I'm not a CaRWasher but even I liked it. There was another shippy bit that I liked, but I'll talk about that somewhere else... :devil:

T.O.G.O. - I can't think of any other words beginning with O. Not ones that fit. Is English really my first language? :confused: Or has an overdose of Togo-hotness melted my brain? I'm not sure he's the ONLY gorgeous man in the world, but he's certainly the MOST gorgeous one. *goes to drool in a corner* :p
Quicky! *tackles* Stay here! *grabs remote control and sets real life on pause* We miss you! :(

*glares evilly at ALiGtr* :devil: Are you SURE you're not a CaRWasher? We have cake you know...? (hehe, anyone know my reputation here? If not, ask Twiz. She knows. :lol:)
Dutchie I know about your reputation!! your trying to turn us all into caRWashers!! :lol: well I became a caRWasher the very first time I watched 'Legal'.

Ryan is the most normal of the team and I like the fact he has OCD it makes him behave in interesting ways (does that make sense :confused:).

they should make Ryan hug someone on the show! I love seeing characters I love get hugged it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.....*dreamy sigh* :(
I was rewatching "Deviant".... again (Yes I'm sad so shoot me!!) and I really noticed for the first time just what a sexy voice Jon has. I was melting quicker than an ice cream in the mid day sun. Combine it with the tightish dark jeans he was supporting, a lot of smiling at Calleigh at the end... and I was seriously Togo ODing!
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