Ryan/Jonathan #11: 'Togoliciously Bringing Sexy Back'

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Was your Hubby laying next to you when you had that dream? I really haven't had any dreams of me and Ryan but I dream about my fics a lot...blushes ....but i'm worried cause my hubby says I talk in my sleep and i'm so afraid i'll have a dream like shadowfax's and wake up saying his name or something or kissing the air. Do you think that be cause for divorce? It would be all togo's fault.
Oh, that was a gif, not a clip. I guess it's to big. I can make it small if that's ok. :)


Is this ok?
Shadowfax, aw, that was a sweet dream! :D
don't tell your hubby. ;)

I want Togo chocolate. I'm sure, it's not purchased in Austria. :(
It looks so good and delicious. (and I'm talking about the chocolate, ok?)

I heard about the scene in COTC, but it would be nice to hear him more laugh. He is always so serious. ;)

I know he showed emotion, I meant it in another way, but I was too cowardly to write it. I meant a nearly mental breakdown.
I'm so mean and crazy, but I know Jon can act everything.
and I'm reading to much fanfic.
Twiztid4togo said:
Was your Hubby laying next to you when you had that dream? I really haven't had any dreams of me and Ryan but I dream about my fics a lot...blushes ....but i'm worried cause my hubby says I talk in my sleep and i'm so afraid i'll have a dream like shadowfax's and wake up saying his name or something or kissing the air. Do you think that be cause for divorce? It would be all togo's fault.
:lol: LMAO!! I'm sure at the time of the dream he was lying next to me, but I didn't want to open my eyes to find out. :devil: I didn't want the dream to end! :lol: I do have to say that my Hubby may not know it, but he has unknowingly reaped the benefits of my Togo obsession. Imagine what could've happened if I did wake up and he was still in bed with me! :devil: :lol: Okay... sorry... DON'T imagine that, but I think you catch my drift. :devil:

Yeah, I worry too about what he might hear when I dream, since I'm notorious for talking in my sleep too. Reminds me of that song that says, "I hear the secrets that you keep, when you're talking in your sleep." :lol: I hope that wouldn't be grounds for divorce. And yes, it would be all Togo's fault if it happens. :p

ETA: Thanks, inge! Yeah... I'm sure you were talking about the chocolate. :rolleyes: :lol:
Sue, Shadow, you make me glad I'm only 15 and not married, so I can enjoy Jon as much as I want, and out loud. :lol:

Inge, did you say anything about me having a hard time with Ali? *huggles Ali* That's okay, there's always room for multishippers. :D *scaps another name of victims list*
shadowfax said... but he has unknowingly reaped the benefits of my Togo obsession.

I heard that...and um yeah so has mine.

Inge I think this season we may see ryan break down and cry. I thought for sure last season with his eye problems we would but just never went all that way...I think there's something going on in his life that going to come down to an emotional breakdown...maybe he'll mess up again and fear he'll loose his job. I hope not but then again the angst whore in me does...tries to beat her back..

Nikki you are so lucky. I have an awesome pic of Jon running in a tank top and shorts that i'd love to frame and put on my wall but yeah hubby would use it as target practice.
^^TOGO CHOCOLATE!!!!!!! *runs off to cosco who stock near enough everything to buy some :lol:* Sounds great!
Sue, Shadow, you make me glad I'm only 15 and not married, so I can enjoy Jon as much as I want, and out loud.
Oh the joys of being 15!!!! :lol: I constantly talk to my friends about Jon...they nod and agree...especially after they see the pictures !! :devil: :lol:
athlov said:
Oh, that was a gif, not a clip. I guess it's to big. I can make it small if that's ok. :)
That's okay athlov as I guess it's no different from an animated avatar. We just have to be careful when it comes to footage and copyright etc. :)
ok guys, first and foremost, I would like to apoligise profusely because I haven't posted in quite a while. I've read through most of the thread, but not posting for some reason.

Ok, that said, I saw Open Water the other day, which is what I like to call the Ryan-green-shirt-button-popped-open-during-interrogation-episode and Oh my gosh, how much do I wish I was that woman right then :devil: :D
lol lucky you! I'm 22 and most think I'm delusional :lol:

*bows down at the temple of Togo*
Thanks Lucy. I made a smaller one, but I still have the big one for anyone who wants it. ;)

I just made some caps for Driven; like 223 of them to be exact. I'll try to get them on the internet soon. They're really big too. :D He was so beautiful in that ep. I just couldn't stop making them every two seconds or so it seems. :p
Athlov thanks so much for postin that.....I love it your my hero again...well you were always my hero.
He looks so cute on it. I have dial up and earlier it didn't show up. I had no idea what you posted and this time on come on and it's jon running or skipping..so cute..thanks so much.

making caps...yeah I found myself doing the same thing once I learned how to..He just looks perfect in every pic. I made so many from SU2..I couldn't stop. my hubby is mad cause I used up so much space on my old puter with pics...he has no idea how many I have now on the new puter hehe ssssssshhhh.
Hehe, I won't tell, Twiz. :D


I hope these aren't too big for Dialup users. I just figured that anyone can find normal sized pics at many different sites. So these are the big versions. :D
He sure is... I'm hoping that with a little more washing, maybe the shirt will shrink enough that we'll see some skin (his abs, people! :rolleyes:) when he lifts up those sexy, sexy arms! :devil:
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