Ryan/Jonathan #11: 'Togoliciously Bringing Sexy Back'

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MikeW when is Ryan not mean to Boa Vista lately. And that's ok with me. They were talking in the lab about the documentary guy and she was questioning him if he should do it. And he made a comment about her having been the mole. And then says the city could use some good publicity.
Dutchie said:
We had OOOO in Holland yesterday, and I have only one thing to say: Ryan mad = HOTT. :eek:

Okay so maybe I have more to say. I loved how he was mean t that FBI woman person...I didn't like her. And how he shoved Cooper up against the wall *gasp* *drool* I think I intentially let myself fall on my side when they showed that. My dad was looking at me like...yeah. :rolleyes:

Today at school we were discussing how many American people are called John (with my 4 friends). So I said: "Then at least name him Jonathan. At which one friend started laughing, two ignored me and the other one gave me a look. HEHE. :lol:

:lol: yeah that's true many men in America are named john .. didn't notice that yet ... but i like jonathan more :p

i love the ryan-smashing-cooper-against-wall scene hehe
how he lifts him up and you can see his arms and everything sooo hot :devil:
Ahh how I love the infamous Ryan-smashing-Cooper-against-wall scene. :D I was like :eek: *drool*.. :eek: *falls over*

I have a Jonathan in my french and he's in my english too, so everytime I say his name I want to be like *drooool* but then he would be like.... :eek: lol.
I totally agree that he looks hot when he gets a bit angry. Fabulous :D I dunno, but I think I would like to see him fight. Or at least punch someone to the ground. Lovely :cool: I'm not that violent or something, but I think he looks just flaming hot then. And because I'm back, I have a I-am-back present for you all.
Ryan, hot smile

You should imagine the girl isn't there, and that you are in her place :devil:
I'm jealous too, so you're not the only one. I don't know who she is, but this pic is taken on the set, I think. So I think it's a girl who handles a camera or something.
no no, she's a CSIfiles person I believe. Wasn't she the one who did the interviews and reviews? Not sure. Whoever she is I'm jealous. (more jealous of his girlfriend though. :lol:)
*thud* Sorry, Nikki isn't able to post a reply at this moment. She is lying on the cold hardwood floor, still seeing those pictures in front of her eyes. Thank you athlov, thank you very much. *throws roses*
I wish extreme pain upon that woman whom he is hugging.... grrr!! I get paid on Saturday so I'm rushing out with my other Togo-addicted friend (turns out a close mate, Danny, is a big fan of him) to purchase Season 3!! Wahey! Lots and lots of Ryan goodness!!
whoa thanks for the pics athlov i especially like the eyebrow and butt caps :devil:
im reeeeally trying not to be jealous ... damn ... doesn't work ...
Thanks for the caps athlov!
I've already visited your site too.
great caps. :)

I so hope the arrangement with the TV guy about the documentary won't backfire in future episodes. :rolleyes:
It's so annyoing to watch that Eric made again some mean comments.
I can understand Ryan's motive, but I think he should have thought about it more carefully and also should have asked Horatio and Calleigh about it.
I know Horatio told him that he didn't have a problem as long as it didn't interfere his work. I think Ryan said something like that to Natalia.

can't wait for next episode. the promo looks soo good. :D
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