Ryan/Jonathan #11: 'Togoliciously Bringing Sexy Back'

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All this talk of Ryan crying is depressing!! *sob*

I can't wait to see new Ryan pics!! *drool* *and gets impatient*

lets find THE GORGEOUS ONE and all go to The Temple of Togo and have pool party.
*Pushes THE GORGEOUS ONE in to pool and jumps in after* :lol:
No worries Ali !
I was so happy that I had the chance to read it yesterday. I've already posted a new review.
and the 'it's a little bit sad' comment is an understatement. It's heartbreaking, but soo beautiful. :D

and I agree with the part about ryan's emotions.
first, he's angry, we've seen it in 'Fade Out' as he beat his poor, defenseless locker.
and I also agree that he's a proud person. He had problems with his eye and he didn't call for help.
but I also think that Ryan is good actor. He hides his emotions and we don't know if he didn't break down alone in his apartment. :(
(and then (the real) Horatio came (because he watched him) and helped him and supported him :D)
Tight trousers... the instant I saw that I went :p lol.
I have a feeling that I need to spend more time in the Temple of Togo and less time on the 'Net. *runs and jumps in after ryan_lover* It's very hot and wet in here!

Okay, I just got reminded of a song: "It's getting hot in here... so take off all your clothes" "I am getting so hot, I wanna take my clothes off" *ducks back under PG-13 line because the mods are throwing spears at her*
I just realised that I've got the same colour eyes as The Gorgeous One!! any one else have the same colour eyes as The Gorgeous One?
I feel like I have been blessed. :lol:

*All hail Togo...All hail Togo!* :lol:
My eyes are bright green, but in the mirror from a slight distance they look blue. (But when I lean in to get a closer look they turn green.) It's because my eyes are mostly blue in color.

I guess you can say I have the color eyes as The Gorgeous One.
i don't have the same eyecolour as The Gorgeous One *sobs* but it makes me adore his more :D

*bows before leaving the temple of togo*
Things that would Make Ryan cry:

1. Frustration: couldn't prove himself to H

2. Anger

3. Heartbreak?.......Nah!
AliGtr said:

I think that Ryan's actually more likely to get angry than cry. If he had any control left, he'd cover his hurt with aggression. I think he's very proud - he doesn't want to display what he's really feeling, especially if it makes him feel vulnerable. I think he'd have to be really hurt to let it out, and then he'd probably wait until he ws alone. Awwwww. :( I'm getting sad just thinking about it.

I've noticed that about Ryan...slowly. I'm still in the playing catch up on shows. He is proud of what he does and who he is. It is like he wears his emotions on his sleeve but there is just a trace visible. Then again...those eyes betray a lot. Those illustrious eyes that pull you into his feelings. There is much more that lies behind them. ::imagination runs wild::::::

I love this saying, "Nobody cries alone in my presence."
Trust me...cry and I will cry with you. I'm sure Ryan would not be alone on that one. Hopefully we all know how to swim!

I finally saw "Nailed". Watched it...okay...way too many times. Gotta go to therapy for the trauma induced seeing Ryan hurt. Now I wouldn't mind being a seeing eye person for him while he was healing. :D

Working three-day weekends are going to put me on a gurney. I think I will just imagine Ryan standing along side. Doesn't seem so bad when thought of it that way!
Hey I found these new pics of Jonathan from the benefic for jerry bruckheimer at the museum of tv and radio I thijk it was oct 30th in LA.jon at museum of tv and radio benefit for jerry bruckheimer another one of Jon

Now I went to the mall today and didn't have any new ToGO To Go experiences, just saw the same old stuff but I did see on the way home something else kool..passed a van with the name Silhouette..a plymouth I think..so yes I was thinking of you Sil...I'm not sure if it was spelled the same but close enough.
:eek: Thanks for the picture Twiz!!

I always see those yogurts that say Silhouette on them, so you know who I think of :lol: :D

I've noticed that about Ryan...slowly. I'm still in the playing catch up on shows. He is proud of what he does and who he is. It is like he wears his emotions on his sleeve but there is just a trace visible. Then again...those eyes betray a lot. Those illustrious eyes that pull you into his feelings. There is much more that lies behind them. ::imagination runs wild::::::

Wow... That was deep :lol: :D I watched Urban Hellraisers last night and he looked SO good in green. Not to mention they showed alot of close ups on his eyes when he was playing the game. I was like *DROOL* the whole time :p
Those pics are lovely, Twiz . There's a hint of James Bond about him - he just needs a bow tie. :p Could you imagine Jon playing James Bond? I'm not sure - I think he'd be better at a humourous role. Not that I'd object to seeing him in an action film... :cool:

I had an idea, a while back, of him playing Inspector Clouseau. I could really see him enjoying the slapstick and joking. :D His own humour seems to be quite dry and sharp. Plus, when I was watching one of the Peter Sellers Pink Panther films, Peter Sellers raised one eyebrow, and all of a sudden I was thinking "Ryan!" (I love that expression :p ). It struck me that when I'd seen the pic of Jon in the back of a car with glasses on (a myspace pic, I think), it was Peter Sellers he reminded me of. Does anyone still have that pic? I've been looking, but I can't find it. (I know, you probably all think I'm crazy, but... you're right :D ).

Is Nailed the best Ryan episode ever? It certainly had me in an emotional turmoil! So many things to love about it. And if he gets hurt, it just makes us want to go and cuddle him. Urban Hellraisers was brilliant too! And the shots of his eyes... Ooooooh! I think (I'm not sure) that his eyes may be the most beautiful thing about him (but I might need to have a closer look at the rest of him to check :devil: ).

Here, then, is my Mondaypic for today. I love this pic. He's just so cute! So irresistible! You'd never be able to say no to a smile like this...

AliGtr's Mondaypic


Credit to Miami Style

ETA - Is it too big? It looks really big. It is 400x400 - I checked. Sorry if it's wrong, mods. :confused: (Mind you, can a pic of Jon ever be too big?)
^^ that pic is soo cute^^ *Drool*

Ok I have questions about posting pictures cuz I seriously don't get how to do it:
1. how do you change the name of the picture to just 1 word with out losing the picture.

2. how do you make a moving avatar or add text to it??

sorry to be a pain but could someone please explain how to do these things step-by-step cuz I am soo usless with computers!! :lol:
thanks I would appreciate it loads *gives out chocolate chip cookies*. :D
No photo of Ryan could ever be to big for me. The man is so damm sexy! I'm totally popping out to buy CSI: Miami DVDs if there is a feature about Ryan. Imagine all the drooling....
Whoa I haven't been around here lately... But I thought someone was saying my name? :p
sandersidle said:
I always see those yogurts that say Silhouette on them, so you know who I think of :lol: :D
:lol: Twiz, sandersidle, that's so sweet :D
Well my middle name's Catherine, so sometimes people call me 'Katie' too, Katie :D Hmm that reminds me. You know when you open a bottle or something that you need to twist? Someone's trying to open it and I'd be like, "Just twist it..." Twizt id... Twizt id 4 Togo... :lol: Nevermind, I'm weird! :lol:
So yeah I always remember you both too *huggles* :D

Talking about ToGo To Go... I saw this fast food restaurant, and above the take away booth there's a huge sign 'ToGo' (well they put To and Go pretty close :p) I was like -> :eek:... I wanna take home that sign! :lol:

Talking about his eyes... I was just watched 'Fade Out'. Omg, I know I really should be sad about Ryan's eye problem and everything, but when they show the close up of his eyes... *drool* I could only stare in awe...

AliGtr, that pic is soooooooo cute!!!! Awwwww! :D I wanna run my fingers and mess with his hair and... I can't say the rest :devil:
Hey great pics everybody :D

You were talking about what things could make Ryan cry, weren'y you? Well I'd say, losing a friend like in the RP or a relative, I can't see him crying because of a woman, or because he couldn't so something in the job.
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