Ryan/Jonathan #11: 'Togoliciously Bringing Sexy Back'

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Gah, I love your icon Ali! *stares in awe* :eek:

I'd like to change my idea for the next thread title:
Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP* :lol:

Katie you know I'd cry with you. Over the microphone too probably. Like laughing over the microphone. Gotta love a microphone. (No, wait: gotta love you! ;))

I know thousands and thousands of girls would sign up for auditioning the role of the questioned person. I have an idea, how about a suspect from Holland? :devil: They've had Germany, time for Holland. I volunteer! :p
I wanna be a suspect or victim what gets interviewed by Ryan! I don't think they have had any one from the UK on yet. :D
can anyone audition to be a suspect or whatever on CSI or do you have to allready be into acting or something??

*goes to find where to que up for auditions* :lol:

I have now got used to seeing The Gorgeous One with short hair. :p OMG he is sooo SEXXAY! *Drool* :p

I have just seen the extras on the S3 DVDs for the first time and YAY! Jons in them!! *drool* its not enough of him but its way better than no Gorgeous One at all! :lol:
I wanna be a suspect or victim what gets interviewed by Ryan! I don't think they have had any one from the UK on yet.
..i would give anything for that :lol:
*pop* - i swoon at the thought :devil:
I think that if the pop happened everyone watching would swoon...i know i would , and it would send viewer ratings sky high ...
*all hail togo...the one who can me us all swoon!!!*
If we all think about buttons popping at the same time and if we all strongly believe it will happen then maybe it will be enough brain power to will it to happen!! :lol:

Ryan: "huh? what was that?"
Ryan: "OMG! whats going on"
Ryan: "oh no! my buttons are escaping" :lol:

muwhuhuhu! :devil:

*goes and meditates at the Temple of Togo: Yumm yuuuuuummmmmmm yum yummm yuuummmmmmmmmmmyumyum yummm!*
:lol: Nikki, thats totally true!! I would make you stay up while it airs and then when he was crying you could hear sobbs in the backgroud.

Katie: *sobbs*
Nikki: Are you crying!?
Katie: "N-noooo" *sobbs*
Nikki: *raises eyebrow* Yes you are.
Katie: It's just soo sadddd!
Nikki: Rightt...

hehe :D I love the pop thread name :lol:
Katie, I would never say right, I would say: "WHAT IS HAPPENING THERE??? OMG TELL ME WHATS GOING ON!!" :eek: or something like that.

Make me stay up? Girl, when the episode airs with you, it's 4 am in my morning! :lol: Make me stay up until 4 am, uh-uh. I will set my alarm clock then. Oh, and I can't raise just one eyebrow, strangly enough, the other one always follows. :confused:

OKAY, enough off-topicness for the day.

Ryan lover, get in line, Holland's first. :p

I seriously like my thread title suggestion.
I totally miss this thread. I can only stay online for a little bit. But I had a Togo- To Go experience yesterday. It'll come next time I log on. (10 min. from now.)
I love the "my buttons are escaping" post! I laughed so hard at that post!

Has anyone bought S4 on DVD yet? I've requested it for Christmas/birthday (because my birthday is 15 days after Christmas) and I dunno if I'm getting it. I'll persuade Dad's side of the family! lol.

*runs to the temple and stays there for the next 10 minutes* All hail Togo...
how come no ones metioned any thing about The Gorgeous One in the new S5 episodes or have they stopped showing S5?? because I was looking at the CSIM episode guide and there is only 6 episodes when there is normally about 25.
so whats going on???:confused:

Sorry I went a bit off topic there :D *gets back on topic*

If Ryan crys then Im gonna cry too *gets box of tissues* :(
He probably crys off screen like at night when he is at home
or something.
so we will just have to imagine what its like cuz I don't think we will see him cry but saying that Greg from CSI got teary eyed when he saw that burned victim and Danny from CSI:NY cried when his brother got beat up so maybe we will see teary eyed Ryan after all or not since the writers never have Ryan doing the things we want to see him doing . :(

*gives writers evil stare* :mad:
Eh, I'm getting all teary-eyed now! All of this talk about Jon crying is making me cry! :(

Okay, my Togo-To Go experience: Yesterday my friend Darcy was wearing a shirt that said "Stupidity isn't a crime so you're free To Go" I nearly flipped out!! I have had that on my mind all day and night!! I saw it and thought, "Togo- To Go!! AHHH!!" I couldn't concentrate on reading Romeo and Juliet at all!
I've not seen anything with TO GO on it for ages but I haven't really been paying attention to anything apart from watching S3 and gazing dreamly at pictures of THE GORGEOUS ONE....oh god, I soo wish I was his g/f Diana. :(
I wonder if she realises just how lucky she really is.
Yeah, thats true again Nikki. :p Anyway, my point is I would be bawling. Don't worry I can barely raise one eyebrow either.

I always see things that say TO GO.. It makes me laugh actually. It reminds me of how obsessed I am.
ryan_lover said:
how come no ones metioned any thing about The Gorgeous One in the new S5 episodes or have they stopped showing S5?? because I was looking at the CSIM episode guide and there is only 6 episodes when there is normally about 25.
so whats going on???:confused:

Season 5 is in progress; only 6 eps have aired so far.

Oh, and someone was asking earlier if someone has Season 4 on DVD yet. I do... I was disappointed that there weren't more extra scenes, but I'm loving being able to make big screen caps. :D

ETA: About the crying thing; when I see guys cry, it's instant crying for me. :(
^^ thanks for the info^^ *hug and gives cookie* :D
I thought they filmed an enire season and then showed it instead of showing episodes wilst they where still filming.
oh well.

*Yummm yuummmmyumyum yum yum yummmmm yuuuuummmm* Whoa! :eek: the Temple of Togo is getting very loud! :lol:
There's a new episode tomorrow, isn't there? *hopes* Is it High Octane with the tight trousers? :eek: :p I know I won't get to see it, but I love reading what everyone's got to say about it. And it's only a matter of time before there are new pics and clips to drooooool over!

I think that Ryan's actually more likely to get angry than cry. If he had any control left, he'd cover his hurt with aggression. I think he's very proud - he doesn't want to display what he's really feeling, especially if it makes him feel vulnerable. I think he'd have to be really hurt to let it out, and then he'd probably wait until he ws alone. Awwwww. :( I'm getting sad just thinking about it.

On a slightly brighter note, I've finally managed to post that babyfic on my lj. :) Lj was down yesterday, and I'm sorry, inge , but I had to delete what I managed to post yesterday and post it again, and your comment got deleted too. It's up now, and working, so if anyone's interested in a babyfic (it's a bit sad), they can go to my lj via my profile page here.
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