Ryan/Jonathan #11: 'Togoliciously Bringing Sexy Back'

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There are extras, MikeW ! I've just been watching some today. And Jon's in them! :D It's Delivering the Goods that I'm talking about, on the 3rd disc of the 2nd part of S3. It was obviously filmed when he was doing Recoil, because he's got that lovely pale green t-shirt on. :p The extra is talking about Speed's departure and Ryan's arrival, and the difference between the two. I don't know if US DVDs have the same extras.

But yes they're worth spending your hard-earned on. And a lot of UK shops have buy-one-get-one-free going on right now. That's what I did. What else do we earn money for? :D

I meant to mention popping buttons earlier, but I got distracted. How could I? :eek: I can just imagine him tucking his hands into the back of his waistband and stretching his chest, and... pop, pop, pop... All the way down. :devil: Ahhhh. :p What a thought!
I have all of S3 on DVD now and I so do not get why the second half is an 18 the only episode I can think of being an 18 is that episode with that guy what chops people up with an axe but they didn't really show anything that would scare people.

*gets back on topic*

mmmm..*thinks about hugging THE GORGEOUS ONE* oooh! I feel all warm and fuzzy.hehehe :p

I wonder how long I have been aware of THE GORGEOUS ONE and how I managed to survive not knowing about him before. :lol:
does anyone Know when S3 first aired in the UK? cuz then I can work out how long I have been worshipping!!....ignore me I have gone insane from OD on Togo yummyness!
It started showing in September of last year. So, I've been addicted to Ryan for about a year now. And even with wirthdrawal symptoms between seasons, it's not going away, so it must be true love! *ODs on TogoLove*
Sorry Jen for being shippy in here but I have to say in defense that if Nikki hadn't persuaded me to check out a certain ship I would never had got into it and I'm glad I did. I think everyone should at least check out a few, you just never know which ones will make you go hhmmmm. Anyways no more, I get it. zips lips...well typing fingers..

Baby ipods..that's great Quicky. I wouldn’t doubt they sell those at like Babies R Us. I mean they do sell videos for newborns why not ipods that you put on their head like earmuffs……

I agree AliGtr that if ryan did break down crying he’s need someone there to hug him…ME, ME raises hand…..

Spontaneously popping buttons and shrinking of the t shirts are a definite must for this season, I totally agree Shadow. Oh the thought of his raising his arms up and bammmm abs, belly.…ooooo fills drool bucket up.
chocolate togo hehe (why do i immediately think of pooring chocolate over jon mwaha :devil: someone would have to clean that mess up me! me! *raises hand*)

Baby ipods..that's great Quicky. I wouldn’t doubt they sell those at like Babies R Us. I mean they do sell videos for newborns why not ipods that you put on their head like earmuffs……
awww i can imagine that :p soooo cute hehe

popping buttons? shrinking shirts? *starts daydreaming*
You know whats cuter ? Jon with a baby with a baby ipod...jogging with the baby in one of them pich things *forgets what they are callef* now i owuld pay money to see that... :D I saw yet another gorgeous Jon pic again today...of course i was ment to be doing my IT but ...the choice was easy to make :p

You know, Ryan is a shady character! And I love that about him. There is so much we don't know about him. :devil:

Two things that intrigue me are:

Who are his friends? Who were the ones that took him to play the death pool? I mean, he kept quiet all this time. That is, until he was caught with the fake $100 bill and calleigh confronted him about it.

And how about in Urban Hellraisers? When they were trying to figure out how to get to the next level of the game and it was ryan that told Delko that he needed to rape the girl to get to the next level. He said that he didn't keep on playing because he thought it was sick. But did he? And, what kind of video games he plays?

I find these things intriguing. Sadly, we have to make room for a character that needs to have her life story shoved down our throats. :rolleyes:
I agree with you KiaraMebarak about the dark side of Ryan that we don't know but seems to be there. Like in "Legal" he had been to that bar he said..hhmmm naughty. I've thought about this a lot. Yes 3 season now and we barely know anything about Ryans social life or family life but we are getting another "new" persons whole life shoved down our throats in just a matter of a few eps. I'm not happy with it. TPTB really need to figure out which charaters they should be investing more time on and putting other out to pasture.
Oh and how about in the epi where H was a suspect in the murder of a woman he dated? While he and Delko were walking down a street and he asked delko why he didn't deposit some money..he goes on to say that he has all these student loans and bills to pay, and because of Eric he had an overdraft on his bank account. I was like "hmmmm..."

Does Ryan live in a house or apartment?
You're so right, Twiz , but isn't that what makes him so intriguing? If we knew everyting about him, would we be so interested? This way, we can pick up little hints, and wonder about them at length. It feeds our fantasies. And he's an absolute gift to the fanfiction writer!

I like your new icon, by the way. (And I agree with you about NBV).

Ryan and babies - I wrote a fic, that should be posted tomorrow, all being well. A babyfic. He was soooo sweeeeet with that baby in Shootout. I thought there had to be something behind it. There's no ship as such, so it shouldn't offend anyone too badly, but my favourite ship (you know what that is) is kind of hinted at. This fic is what I was asking about pets for, a while back. After thinking over opinions expressed here, I've given him a Siamese house-cat and an apartment. I hope that meets with approval. If you'd like to read it, you can go through my profile page to my lj. *hides from Thumpy and pretends she hasn't been talking about fanfic*
Oh darn, I didn't think that the button had just suddenly burst open, but then I started to think "Oh, but what if it did!" and "Wouldn't that be AWESOME?!"

So, now I'm adding that to my list of "Things I'd like to see on CSI:M" --->

Ryan (to suspect): You killed her, didn't you.
Ryan: What the...?
*pop pop pop pop*
Ryan: *confused look* Where did all my buttons go?!
Fangirls: *swoon, faint, drool, etc.*


ETA: Whoa, what the crap... there's a 16th page that I missed and didn't see until after I posted...

Twiz said:

Baby ipods..that's great Quicky. I wouldn’t doubt they sell those at like Babies R Us. I mean they do sell videos for newborns why not ipods that you put on their head like earmuffs……

My thoughts exactly, they do all those educational "Baby Einstein" videos or whatever, why not get a Baby iPod and play classical music for your newborn to help improve their brainpower! Studies show that classical music does all kinds of good stuff to your brain, like improving memory and stuff. :D (Just don't quote me on that, I have no official source to back that up, but I've heard about that many times in many places... cool, eh? *is psychology major now*)

Which brings me to my next question/topic, (although I'm sure we've discussed it before): What kind of music does Ryan like? *sigh* So much potential for character development, and what do we get? Nothing!
Twiztid4Togo said:
Inge I think this season we may see ryan break down and cry. I thought for sure last season with his eye problems we would but just never went all that way...I think there's something going on in his life that going to come down to an emotional breakdown...maybe he'll mess up again and fear he'll loose his job. I hope not but then again the angst whore in me does...tries to beat her back..

I really want to see Ryan cry. That would be great, although I would probably cry too :lol: What? It sad *turns red*

Nikki, I love the name. That would be nice. I would probably fall over, but i'll take that chance :lol: :D

I agree that there's so much of Ryan we don't know about. It makes me really curious. The writers have a great character that they could use alot. It would be really interesting but the writers dont seem to understand or realize that. :mad:
first, sorry about talking too much about ships. :(
Hi carly! *waves*

Twiztid4Togo said:
Inge I think this season we may see ryan breakdown and cry. I thought for sure last season with his eye problems we would but just never went all that way...

that's the problem with CSI. a lot of character things happens off screen. I mean, it's not always a problem, because the show isn't about the characters and this is why I got attracted to the CSI shows, but sometimes I miss it.

maybe he had a mental breakedown after 'fade out'. we don't know. I'm sure Horatio asked him about the appointment with his doctor.

Katie, I'm with you. If the scene was very, very sad, I would also cry. :(

good points Kiara. I would also know more about the 'friends'. maybe friends from patrol? or from college?

about music: I really don't know.
maybe rock, or it could be jazz too.

Ali, I'm very excited about the fic. I chose this icon from your collection because of your fic. :lol:
and it's a very cute icon. :D
oh Inge your icon is cute. I haven't seen that ep in ages but I think in that scene that baby was moving around a lot and Jon did really good working with it. I bet he freaked out more about that scene with that baby then any scene he's ever done..he's an only child so i'm sure Jon doesn't have very much experience with children. BUt he's a pro as he showed us and made us all melt the way he held it and acted with it. Give that boy an award.

Thanks AliGtr. I just made the icon and banner the other night. The pics in the icon are my fav pics from each season he's been on csim. I spent an hour going through all my pics searching for my favs. I filled about 4 drool buckets and had to take a couple cold showers.
I'm very interested in reading your fic too..let me kno.

Quicky..pop pop pop good one. he'd look at the person he was q's and no matter the sex they'd be sweating bullets fanniing themself.

Katie you know if I saw Ryan cry I'd cry too, but the angst whore in me would be so lovin it.
It would be so hard to choose favourite pics of Ryan. If I did that, my icon would be enormous, and Thumpy would never speak to me again! Well done, Twiz , for just picking 3. :D

How could anyone not be affected by Ryan suddenly losing all his buttons? :p It's an idea that keeps on invading my imagination. And his puzzlement that it's happened! :lol: I love that idea, Quicky .

And inge , I'm chuffed that you're using one of my icons! :D *feels honoured*

I'm trying to post that babyfic now, but lj seems to be down. :( It'll be posted as soon as I can manage it. *tries again* No, it's definitely down. Sorry. :rolleyes:

ETA. Gah! I set aside time to post that fic, but I can't do it, so I've changed my icon instead. I'm just playing about because I'm at a loose end. So many pics, so little time!
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