Ryan/Jonathan #11: 'Togoliciously Bringing Sexy Back'

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OH Quicky thanks for the answer and thanks for corrupting my mind with that peeling the layers thought. I surely would love a chance to peel layers off Ryan. Good to see you back here too.
AliGtr, yes, you can call me Neelie. Everyone here can call me Neelie. (But please don't call me Nilie. A boy called me that when I was in fourth grade.)

Love the pics! My drool bucket alarm is going off!! :lol:
Quick said:
But as far as the Vitamin C comment goes, my mind kinda got stuck thinking about 'peeling of the orange layers.' :lol: I wouldn't mind if someone would peel off those orange sweaters, and I know none of you would mind either. :lol: :p

*falls over* That is so great. :lol: If only he peeled that orange sweater off in 'If Looks Could Kill' *drool* :devil: I think when the girl said it was so last season, he should have just said, "ok". Then takes it off. :D
Yeah they had a TV Guide with the "Hot guys of CSI" and they only had Nick/George, Danny/Carmine, and Eric/Adam. I thought to myself "That's messed up, ok so over looking maybe Greg/Eric, or Ryan/Jon one or the other but both. Who is writing this, a dude??"
sandersidle said:
*falls over* That is so great. :lol: If only he peeled that orange sweater off in 'If Looks Could Kill' *drool* :devil: I think when the girl said it was so last season, he should have just said, "ok". Then takes it off. :D

Oh man, that's SUCH a good idea! Dang, I wish that's what would have happened.

Although, I just had a thought -- ok, so, I'm not entirely positive, but it seemed as though the colour coordination was back -- Ryan, Eric, and Natalia all had orange shirts, and I'm guessing many other characters did as well (I just wasn't paying enough attention to notice), so "that sweater is so last season" could almost have the meaning of "that sweater colour coordinates with everyone else, just like last season (Season Four) did."

Ok, so I don't think that's really a likely explanation of the motive behind writing that line, but it is an interesting coincidence, isn´t it?
Quick said: But as far as the Vitamin C comment goes, my mind kinda got stuck thinking about 'peeling of the orange layers.' I wouldn't mind if someone would peel off those orange sweaters, and I know none of you would mind either.
I wouldn't mind at all!!!! I've never peeled anything in my life, neither an orange nor an apple, but I volunteer, I need to practice with something (someone in this case :eek:) and if it's something really hot like Jon, it's better :eek:

sandersidle said: *falls over* That is so great. If only he peeled that orange sweater off in 'If Looks Could Kill' *drool* I think when the girl said it was so last season, he should have just said, "ok". Then takes it off.
*drools* Just imagine that scene... :eek: great idea Katie :D

Quick you're totally right about the color coordination and the girl's comment :lol: that's why Jon put that face!!!! :lol:
:lol: LET'S PEEL JON !! :lol: Hehe he would really need it especially with his usual 3 layers. I'm glad he gave up the jacket.


WARNING ! WARNING !!! Picture of Jon singing ahead :karaoke?

someone posted it on his myspace.
oh and look at his arm and remember the "curse of the coffin" promo pic ;)
Omg thanks Mrs Togo! Thats so cute!! I guess he did hurt himself in real life then! I wonder if they are going to write it in the episode? Poor baby, wonder what happened. He's so cute singing! :p :D
Aww, poor baby!! That's what I said when I saw the pic- TWICE!! I was eating pizza and drinking Dr. Pepper at the same time, but luckily I didn't, um, "spray" over everything. :lol: *signs in on her Myspace*
hahahahahahaha............THANK YOU athlov

OK Athlov my internet is dial up and it's mad slow. NOw I watch a few of those the other day so can ya tell me is that the one where he asks " who's cuter, Jonathan togo or some kitten?" Can't remember the cats name. Or is that the one where he pretends to call JOn on the phone and asks for a shirtless pic for some teen age fans? Or is it a new one that I haven't seen and I will need to sit for 3 hrs to watch it? I hate friggin dial up. OH there was another one where jon loses to a homeless shelter dog. The dog was cute but come on it's JON...who'd vote for a dog?
I say LONG HAIRED JON!! I liked the first link- the girl spelled a word wrong. (I'm a stickler for small things like that.)

How do you vote? I wanna vote. (Not really.)
oh...thanks Athlov for the info and not making me sit and watch the same thing for an hour. That's so funny..Ryan't the slow- motion champion LOL> I agree.
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