Ryan/Jonathan #11: 'Togoliciously Bringing Sexy Back'

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New thread! Yay!!! *hands out chocolates and throws confetti* (got it the right way round :D ).

Neelie (is it OK for me to call you that?), I love your pics. Ryan looks really tired in the first one - he needs a hug. And the smirk in the Three-Way one makes me giggle every time - he's so smug! :lol:

And athlov , lots of lovely pics! Thank you for thinking of us when you're not well. :( Are you feeling any better now?

He looks so good in that sweater. Whoever said it was last year was obviously just making it up because they're jealous, envious, feeling inadequate... Or maybe they just fancy him and they're trying to hide it. He likes orange / red. So do I - on him. :p

Can anyone tell me why he's got the guy by the arm in one of the last few pics? :confused: Is it the forensic accountant guy that tracked down the Rolls in... was it Sex and Taxes? He looks similar.

(And thanks everyone for explaining to me what a condo is. I've got a better idea now what it is. :) )
inge said:
cool, new thread! :) *takes some cookies* Thanks Tinkerbell. ;)
I actually made the cookies in a Ryan shape with orange icing for the shirt. :lol:

Mrs_Togo said:
What's your favorite thing to do in Miami?

"Go to the pool. There's so much toplessness that goes on at the pool, it's insane. Miami is sort of a place that doesn't have a lot of rules."
I read that yesterday. Cheeky Jonathan. *coughs* topless Ryan by the pool *coughs* :devil:

Wow, that wallpaper is awesome JTangel! :)

athlov great picture, he looks gorgeous in red. :eek: :)

By the way, Silencer aired in the UK last night, I actually thought it was a really good Ryan episode. Also - He winked! :eek:
Yay! new thread! congrats guys *throws conffetti*

PARRRTY! :lol: .... I'm soo happy *wipes away happy tear* :p

what episode was that when that woman moaned at Ryan about his clothes?? stupid woman *slaps woman for being mean to our Ryan* :lol: :lol:
Thanks guys. It took me a long time to make that haha. I love Ryan/Jon a whole lot I really do. But I was watching LV for a LONG time and Greggo has been one of the perks for me so I kinda like them both equally. I am going to try new wallpapers soon.
I thought that when the brunette was like "Oh and by the way, that look is SO last season." The way that Ryan/Jon looked down with that what?? face was absolutly adorkable.
It's a brilliant wallpaper, JTAngel! So much Ryan goodness! You can never spend too much time working with Ryan pics (and Greg's not half bad either). :p

And welcome IcePrincess ! :D

Do you like my new banner? I hope it's OK, Thumpy. I followed the guidelines. I'm just impressed that it works. :D
athlov amazing caps¡¡¡¡¡¡ im breathless¡¡¡¡, hope youll get fine soon

JTangel the wall paper is fantastic, i didnt know where to look :lol:

Thank you
sandersidle life style and AliGtr
:eek: Can't believe I missed the opening of the new thread!
Congratulations!! :D :D I can't wait to see Shadowfax's reaction to the new title. I'm sure she'll be pleased! :)

Ooh JTangel cool wallpaper! I love both Ryan and Greg too!!! :D :D Well if I have to choose, I can't choose... but why should you choose if you could have both? ;) :p :D

Oh athlov, love LOVE the caps!! :eek: My goodness, he looks so delicious in orange... *drool* yumm... almost makes me wanna peel him, and make him into a juice ;) :devil: :lol:
Thank you for posting. Hope you'll get better soon :) Maybe you should get yourself more Togo dose... Togo in orange is healthy for you. Filled with Vit C :lol:

Btw I saw E!News earlier today and there was a bit about 'Hot guys of CSI'. I can't believe it they don't mention Jon (or Eric Szmanda) AT ALL!!!! :mad: I mean, c'mon... you can't spell 'Hot CSI' without Jon! Don't they realize that Jon is bringing sexy back? ;) I just can't believe it... It focused on Carmine btw.
NO way..NO JON? WTF..well I'm glad seeing I missed it, but they are retarded. First tv guide puts E/S, A/R, and Carmine as the hott men of CSI, leaving Jon out and now this. Is there a petition for this? Good to see you Silhouette, I've missed you being around.
Athlov I was so blown away by your pics I didn't even notice you were sick. Sorry hon. I hope you feel better today. Sil is right about the togo dose of vitamine C. Maybe you overdosed on it yesterday with those pics and that's why you were ill. Can you overdose with vitamines? Oh well just get better soon.

Hey overdosing on togo would be the way TO GO....
OMG! E!News didn't mention Jon or Eric Szmanda? That is so against the law! I mean Im so shocked to here that. :eek:
they should be slapped.
Silhouette said:
Maybe you should get yourself more Togo dose... Togo in orange is healthy for you. Filled with Vit C :lol:
OMG :eek: I hadn't think about that :lol: so, he's filled with Vit C??? :lol: OMG I hate Vit C, I'm more than 20 and my mom still chases me to make me take it :lol: but if I can take it by having Togo :eek: I'd be the healthiest girl in the world :eek: Hot Vitamin C!!!! That vitamin must be so sweet and good!!!!

I need a cold shower :lol: ;)
Silhouette said:
Maybe you should get yourself more Togo dose... Togo in orange is healthy for you. Filled with Vit C :lol:

:lol: Thats so funny!! See what the writers are doing to us! We need our Vitamin C!! :D Hot Vitamin C :p
inge said:
Thumpy, nice to see you here! missed you.

Thank inge...I missed you all too. I was away over the weekend. ;)

Welcome to IcePrincess! :D

AliGtr said:
I hope it's OK, Thumpy. I followed the guidelines.

It's just fine, Ali. :)

athlov...thanks for the screencaps, I haven't had a chance to look through them yet, but hopefully I'll be able to tonight. Feel better soon, ok. *hugs* :)
To answer your question, Twiz, you can overdose on some vitamins, they can make you sick, but Vitamin C isn't one of them. It's water soluble so you just pee it out. :lol: So, basically, there's no such thing as too much Togo! Yay!

But as far as the Vitamin C comment goes, my mind kinda got stuck thinking about 'peeling of the orange layers.' :lol: I wouldn't mind if someone would peel off those orange sweaters, and I know none of you would mind either. :lol: :p
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