Ryan/Jonathan #11: 'Togoliciously Bringing Sexy Back'

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Thanks, MikeW! I love the look on his face too... so cute! :D

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that Ryan and Greg do not look alike. Like I said before, I like Greg, but I'm totally mesmerized by Ryan's beautiful eyes. :eek: *joins ryan_lover in staring all day* :devil:
Ryan and Greg do not look alike, EXCEPT from certain angles. Hey, just a useless observation, the last 9 posts (including this one) have been made by CaRWashers. :D Huh. Stupid useless observation. :rolleyes:

Like the poem Mike. It's a lymeric, isn't it?
Now it's going to be the last 10 posts :p. I realized that too. Hehe. Oh and btw, Happy Halloween everyone. :D *throws candy and little pictures of Togo* He can be our eye candy ;)

I got mixed up with Ryan and Greg (or Eric and Jon) but it was only for a few seconds. Now I don't really see the similarity. But I agree with ya Nikki. From certain angles they look more or less alike.

TOtallyGOrgeous? I. Love. It. :D
OH Happy Halloween and yay togo eye candy. it's not even bad for your teeth and it doesn't make you fat... So you can have all the togo eye candy you want...grabs handfuls filling up pockets.
MacsGirlMel said:
I have to say this: Any of you who are also LV fans...am I the only one who always thinks Ryan bears a resemblence to Greg? Once I got the names mixed up and almost called him Greg LOL.

You are not alone. My mom and I always thought, for quite awhile, that Jon Togo and Eric Szmanda were distantly related. (But if they weren't, it was Greg and Ryan.) I sometimes even get them mixed up, I admit it. But it wasn't until I did a Google search on "Are Jonathan Togo and Eric Szmanda related?" did I rest my case. I found a website and it said something about no matter how much they look alike, Jon and Eric aren't related. Jon is 29 and is from Rockland, Massachusetts. Eric is 31 and is from Mukwonago, Wisconsin. Therefore they aren't in any way related. (Hmm... my memory's coming back!! YAYYY!! And I read this about maybe a year ago?)

Neelie's JTogo POTD from a photoshoot for Joe Schmelzer- I SEE TATTOO!!
I just got the season four DVDs, and sadly there is little of Jon in the extras. There is just one little piece that is even worthy of capping, but it's only about 3 seconds long. (Jon sort of jogs over to the rest of the group, and his jog is really cute.) :D

There was more of Eric in the behind the scenes stuff than any of the others (Adam adding some lines in the post production part). I might cap some of those moments for the Adam fans sometime. But I'm a bit disappointed with the extras as a total. :(

I am, however, going to love making full size caps for all of the episodes to add to my web site. I plan to work on that a little bit after I do my home work each day. I think I'll start with my favorite Jon episodes first. :D
Now Athlov if you said that Togo was shirtless jogging around for 3 seconds i'd be driving to Wal-Mart at 6 AM tomorrow morning when my hubby gets home from work. I'd be like "um we're out of TP, I'll be back..then dip into the food funds...we can all use to loose a little weight..But Togo with a shirt on..eh. I'll wait for your beautiful caps you always supply us with..
szmandatogoholic said:
MacsGirlMel said:
I have to say this: Any of you who are also LV fans...am I the only one who always thinks Ryan bears a resemblence to Greg? Once I got the names mixed up and almost called him Greg LOL.

You are not alone. My mom and I always thought, for quite awhile, that Jon Togo and Eric Szmanda were distantly related. (But if they weren't, it was Greg and Ryan.) I sometimes even get them mixed up, I admit it. But it wasn't until I did a Google search on "Are Jonathan Togo and Eric Szmanda related?" did I rest my case. I found a website and it said something about no matter how much they look alike, Jon and Eric aren't related. Jon is 29 and is from Rockland, Massachusetts. Eric is 31 and is from Mukwonago, Wisconsin. Therefore they aren't in any way related. (Hmm... my memory's coming back!! YAYYY!! And I read this about maybe a year ago?)

Neelie's JTogo POTD from a photoshoot for Joe Schmelzer- I SEE TATTOO!!

In that photo, he kinda looks a little like Jake Gyllenhaal.
Lucy said:
He may have made mistakes, but to me, that makes him an interesting character.

Agreed. I like the fact that he's not perfect and not one dimensional...Ryan, to me, is one of the most 'real' characters on the show.

I also have never thought that Jonathan and Eric Szmanda look alike at all. For that matter, I don't even think Jonathan looks like Jake Gyllenhall, lol. I just think that Jonathan looks like Jonathan. ;)
:D Check *link removed* out. It's not much of a jog really; it's more of a hop-skip. :p

*Link removed by Mod due to Board Rules on video clips and possible copyright infringement*
OMG!!! The arms! The arms! :eek: *oggles, drools* :eek:

Awwww.... how cute was that?? :D Were they introducing him or something? :confused:

Thanks for sharing, athlov!
^ No it was a group thing I guess, and someone pushed him out there with the rest of them. :p

I updated my web page. Look here . :D
awwww that's so cute thanks athlov

i think that jake gyllenhall looks a bit like jon (especially the eyes like ryan said :p) and jon looks a bit like greg ... soo it's kind of a half-circle here :rolleyes:
Awwww, isn't he cute? It is a kind of hop-skip, athlov . I'm going to go back and watch him again in a minute. :p

Now I know them better, I don't think Jon / Eric / Jake look that similar at all. There is a similarity around the eyes that is more noticeable when you're not so familiar with how each one looks individually. Jon's the most beautiful, though. (Sorry, Eric and Jake).

I'm glad you liked my wallpapers. I've posted a bunch of S3 Ryan icons on my lj this morning. I hope it's OK to put links in for this - they are all Ryan pics.
Long-haired, sweet and innocent Ryan goodness, this way.
Just watched the lil clip of Jon 'jogging' and he is so cute! And DC actually stands like Horatio to!! Thats so cute as well!!

Anyway just been watching "Deviant" (I had it taped so I could go and see my mate who was 18 yesterday.... grrr) and I love that episode so much. Ryan looked so amazing! I love the scene where he and Calleigh are fighting. Annoyed Ryan... so hot. And as usual, he looks impecable with the white jacket (from "Skeletons" perhaps) and the green t-shirt. Yummy!

And Ryan and Greg looking alike- strange that people say they are!

*Now at the Temple of Togo chanting* TOGO! TOGO! TOGO! TOGO!
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