Ryan/Jonathan #11: 'Togoliciously Bringing Sexy Back'

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He's the sort of police officer where you'd manufacture reasons to get arrested. And then do something so he'd need to restrain you. *dreams*
Oh, nice wall papers Ali.

:D He said my name in 'Open Water' (Mandy) I actually prefer Amanda, but my family always call me Mandy. My mom calls my Mandy-Loo-Hoo, like all the little hoos down in Hoo-vill. :lol:

I didn't count how many times he said my name though. She was the killer, blah. :p
ryan wasn't always my favourite character ... in the beginning when i just watched miami a few times when it was on tv i didn't even realize that someone died and someone new where there ... i thought speed and ryan where the same person :lol: but when i started watching the show regularly and bought my first dvd's i certainly got that ryan and speed are NOT the same person :rolleyes: and i liked both of them ... i don't know why but somehow ryan won and now i love him more than anyone else on the show :p

I read somewhere online someone was making jokes about shows and one was d/c saying his lines and how after he says something you expect that "who song" to scream aaaaahhhhh or however it goes at the begining. Back to topic...all hail togo..

:lol: i saw that !! and it was actually very funny *hides laughing*
When I first watched "Legal" my jaw literally dropped to the floor. I had actually been a closet-Delko fan (but this being my third ever CSI episode) I didn't know much about him. Then when I saw Ryan, I have to say I fell in love. I spent most of the episode forming a puddle of drool at my feet. He truly is THE GORGEOUS ONE!

Can the Temple of Togo have a swimming pool? then that way we can have pool partys at any time with The Gorgeous One.

Ooo... I like that idea there ryan_lover. What I would pay to see Ryan in swimshorts. *Dies from a Togo OD then mysterious comes back to life*
Amen to everything Twiz said. My Togo encounter/experience sounds a lot like yours. I didn't really start watching Miami until S3, but I fell in love with Ryan almost immediately. And yeah, I couldn't stand it when people used to hate him in the beginning. I really wished they just gave the guy a chance. It seems that S4 changed a lot of that, though, and that makes me happy. Now, he's the main reason why I watch the show and why Monday nights are not so bad anymore. :D

Nice wallpapers, Ali! The Taste the Rainbow one made me smile... reminds me of the Skittles commercial. I wouldn't mind tasting the Ryan Rainbow myself. :devil:

I was watching that part of COTC with my hubby where DC said "burn, baby, burn," and I literally laughed and said, "Oh, the cheese!" But it's still one of my fav episodes to date -- lots of adorkable Ryan to oggle :eek: so I can't complain. Highly worth watching! :D

TOGO = TOtally GOrgeous... Hmmmm... I can't believe I didn't see that before. Alex, that's brilliant! *bows down and worships The TOtally GOrgeous One* :lol:

Oh, and glad to hear you're feeling better, Neelie. *hugs you for good measure* :) I went rollerblading with my students yesterday, got to have fun and be a kid all over again, and I had a blast... only, now my shins are bruised and hurt like hell! :lol: Take care of yourself, hun! :D
first, OMG, I made sooo many mistakes in my last post here. :( sorry, I think I fixed a few.
It's always the same, I'm thinking more about the content and not so much about grammar and spelling.

wow, Lucy, I really didn't know that Ryan is your number 3 (after Horatio and Yelina ;) or maybe you count them as one item :lol:).
(off topic: I feel with you about Horatio, but never give up hope. ;))

I think he changed after Season 3. He saw a lot of murders, dead people, bad people and people who lost everything.
He was soo naive during Season 3 and I think he grown up during season 4 especially after the nail accident and the problems with his eye. Also the mole story left deep marks.
IMO he will never trust Natalia. I have the feeling that a Meredith/George (from Grey's anatomy) thing happened between them or maybe I have too much fantasy. ;)

I also think there is more to detect about Ryan. I hope no drama, we had enough drama.

Ali, your wallpapers are great. :D

He's the sort of police officer where you'd manufacture reasons to get arrested. And then do something so he'd need to restrain you.

:lol: It's very dangerous to read this thread during work. I'm soo glad that I'm alone in the office at the moment. *phew*
Yeah I actually didn't hate him either, I instead liked him from the beginning. One of the few people who did, might I add :lol:

Seriously though, people grew on him and I can't believe they're making him look so bad again. It's crappy, in my opinion. Why would he be a CSI if he constantly messed up, right? So I'm hoping for some positive storylines for Ryan :)
I have to say this: Any of you who are also LV fans...am I the only one who always thinks Ryan bears a resemblence to Greg? Once I got the names mixed up and almost called him Greg LOL.
I'm a Greg fan as well, but I've never gotten them or their names mixed up. To me, they look different. :rolleyes:

Ryan will always be #1 -- The TOtally GOrgeous One in my book! (Though Greg comes in at a close 2nd) :D *bows down before TOGO* :lol:
^ Hey Shadowfax I totally love your lil photo of Ryan. He is so cute!!

And here is an ode to Togo (its a little CaRWashy but I thought people here would like it):

There was a young man called Togo,
Who was always in touble- oh no!
He was the one who brought sexy back,
While looking at Calleigh's rack
But I'll still have an order of Togo to go-go
^^^ Love it

and i also see a similarity between greg and ryan..in fact my mate though they were one in the same. Then i set her straight...shes a greg person but i managed to get her to worship the Totally Gorgeous one to the same level!!!

RYAN/JON Lovers SLOWLY TAKING OVER THE WORLD!!! *bows down at the temple*
^ I don't think they look anything like each other! besides Jon has bigger eyes....Oh god, his eyes! I could gaze at them all day...*dreamy sigh* :p
I don't think they (Greg and Ryan) look the same, the don't dress or behave in the same way, so I've never mixed them up. In fact I don't like Greg *hides from Greg's fans* I love his character 'cause he's funny but that's all. Although I'd love to see them working together in a crossover that would be great :D.
it's right that they don't have the same character .. but i think they do look similar ... and i like them both although i like ryan more :p

oh and i watched COTC today (finally) ryan is so cute when he's scared ^^ and i noticed that his under arm and his elbow were injured ... means jon hurt himself ... aww :(
awwww The Gorgeous One was (or still is) injured *gives him hug* I wonder how his arm got like that? I hope he wasn't doing anything stupid! :lol:

They are showing 'Deviant' tonight in the UK which is on in 10 mins so I best go sort my bed out! ( I watch CSIM in bed
and then I can go to sleep and dream of the gorgeous one as soon as I turn the TV off). :lol:

Goodnight for now y'all and happy Halloween!...*Tear* I don't wanna go this place is my home! :lol: but there is CSIM that needs to be watched so I'm gone.
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