Ryan/Jonathan #11: 'Togoliciously Bringing Sexy Back'

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Welcome to the Ryan thread, Yurek and alex21591! :D

szmandatogoholic said:
I'm on for a quick five minutes. I had a seizure on Saturday and I've been forbidden to get on the computer since then. Until Monday, anyways. I've missed all that has went on.

*starts chanting 'Hail Togo, hail Togo'* I was going to watch our "slow walking Champion" tonight but my aunt wanted to watch the NASCAR race.

I hope you're feeling better, szmandatogoholic. :)

btw...your aunt has great tatse in sporting events. ;)
I thought this was funny; I was reading the blogs on the CBS site for Miami, and found this.

David has some intense scenes with the motorcycle gang leader, actor Andy MacKenzie. Adam and Eva rekindle a little of that fire from last season. Rex and Brendan have some funny moments together. Jonathan, who spent one layout scene knee deep in waterlogged evidence, joked before cameras rolled, “I’m suddenly feeling very overwhelmed. Can I just sit in a chair and talk about my feelings?”

He's too cute. :D
hehehehe . I just rewatched the scene where Ryan is introduced, and he's still in his cop uniform and has that weird Keira Knightley hairdo.
so cute.
You know, the one where H checks his gun AND the backup gun, and Ryan thinks he's "fired" cause he's a bit compulsive?

warmed my heart that scene did.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

( he does look better in short hair though.) :)
OOOOHH people always tell me I'm a good listener, so Jon, catch a plane to Holland, I'll set up a chair for ya and you can talk all you want. ;) Was that about Going Under? Motorcycle gang, waterlogged evidence...must be Going Under, right?

Welcome to the newbies! And hey Alex! Don't I know you? :p *hands cake*

szmandatogoholic, I hope you're alright now! Let me post a pic to cheer you up.

isn't he adorkable? *faints*

Thumpy, name-is-used-in-csi:miami-episode-and-said-by-Jonathan-Togo buddy, Shock has aired here! (remember? dead girl named Nikki? My name also Nikki?) Did you keep score of how often he said your name? I did, lol. :D 16 times.

Hey, what happened to the POTD? :confused:

Yeah Juma, that was one cute scene. *grabs UtI dvd*
He'd have no shortage of eager listeners here. He's so sweet. And so funny. I know it's acting, but I think that Jon's so different from Ryan. He's funny too, but in a different way.

(Quick break while I go to let my cat in the back door. He's forgotten how the cat-flap works again :confused: ). I wonder if Jon's cat is this thick?

Welcome, alex and Yurek . *hands out Togo chocolates* Come and join the Togo adoration! :D

szmandatogoholic , you take care. It's easy enough to overdose on Togo hottness when you're feeling well. Make sure you're sitting down somewhere comfy when viewing Jon pics. :D Seriously, I hope you're feeling better.

I can't do you a POTD, Dutchie , but here's a Mondaypic. From Skeletons. I saw that last week, and I thought Ryan was so pretty. The pale colours he's wearing make him seem darker, somehow. I could drool over this all day. :p But I've got to go to work. Boo! :(

AliGtr's Mondaypic


Credit to JTO.
Dutchie said:
Thumpy, name-is-used-in-csi:miami-episode-and-said-by-Jonathan-Togo buddy, Shock has aired here! (remember? dead girl named Nikki? My name also Nikki?) Did you keep score of how often he said your name? I did, lol. 16 times.

I didn't keep score, lol. I do believe it was only once in 'Vengenance'...and I'm not sure how many times in 'Legal', I don't think it was anywhere near close to 16 though. ;) This is going to bug me now...I'm going to have to watch 'Legal' again, just so I can count them up. :p

Oh...and the POTD got put on hold for awhile, real life is a little busier these days. ;)

AliGtr...great pic choice! :D
No really, I was so lucky in Shock, there was like this one quote:

Ryan: She's a pretty good actress!
Calleigh: She's not that good. She only does Reality TV.

And I was like: HEY! Let the man compliment me! :lol: And this one scene where he said my name like, 4 times. In one scene. HEHE. :D

Moday pic will do as well. It's okay Jen. Real life sucks sometimes, huh?
Dutchie said:
OOOOHH people always tell me I'm a good listener, so Jon, catch a plane to Holland, I'll set up a chair for ya and you can talk all you want. ;)

Same here. I'm also told I'm a great listener, cause I don't speak very much. Oo So when Jon's on a catch to Holland he can surely travel up to me. It's not that far away. Just "around the corner". :D

Your Monday pics are awesome. Sweetening my day. Have to clean the bathrooms. So I could need some nice imaginaries. :lol:
So we all are insane, crazy and hail the Temple of Togo! Hmmm.....that sounds about right! Kinda has a nice, warm and fuzzy feeling doesn't it?

Hey AliGtr, I'm sure Jon's cat has mastered the premise of dusting for prints or nose prints on the cat door. I'm sure he reminds his faithful master who really is the master.

As Treasurer of the Temple of Togo, I've been busy cataloging all of the givings. Now, there are a few things that I'm not sure where to catalog.

Item 1. Whoopee cushion. Hmmm....sure it could come in handy. Why do I keep hearing muffled laughing?

Item 2. Speedos in various colors. I think the dark green ones and maybe the navy blue ones would...oh...yeah...not sure if it is a clothing item, there isn't a lot there you know? :::::passes out paper bags for the hyperventelating:::

Item 3. Froot Loops and string. Now here is a new one! I've gotten lots of ideas on what to do with this item. Ideas which would not be able to be printed. :D I still can hear laughing and heavy breathing. Did I just hear someone gasp? ::::makes mental note to have a first aid station set up for any sudden loss of breath or consciousness:::::::
If we're designating places to be in the Temple of Togo- I think I should definitely be next to THE GORGEOUS ONE as I've been at the temple the longest lol.

At the mo I'm uploading ALOT of THE GORGEOUS ONE-goodness onto my MP4 player. Honestly, how attractive can one guy be? But if Miami is the world's most watched TV show- does that make Jon the world's most gorgeous man? I think so!
MikeW said:
But if Miami is the world's most watched TV show- does that make Jon the world's most gorgeous man? I think so!

lol definitely .. so jon is the most gorgeous man on the world ... i like it :D
welcome newbies! *gives togo cookies* *Hug*

I never realised that if CSIM is the no.1 show in the world then The Gorgeous one will be the most watched as well...its friggin amazing when you think about it! :lol:

*all hail Togo....all hail Togo*
Thank's for all the welcome cookies and togo cookies *arms full of em ;)*
Heck though even if miami wasn't the no1 show in the world then the Gorgeous one would Still me the most Gorgeous in the whole world...its jon he is gorgous anytime anyplace and anywhere :p
The Gorgeous One will allways be gorgeous no matter what. :p

Can the Temple of Togo have a swimming pool? then that way we can have pool partys at any time with The Gorgeous One. :p
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