Ryan/Jonathan #11: 'Togoliciously Bringing Sexy Back'

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OMG! I watch Law and order and I never realised The Gorgeous One was in it.
*apologises to The Gorgeous One for not paying attention*

what about Jons g/f? c'mon ppl its not fair on The gorgeous One to take him away from his g/f unless she is ok with sharing us togoholics with him!

* forgets about what I just said a grabs The Gorgeous One and hides...He is all mine* muwahahahah :devil:
Has this ever happened to you: :confused:
I tried to log on to the talk, and there was this maintenance thing going on. They showed this fabolous pic of JT,and suggested I look at it instead. :lol:

Which I did :)
Yeah, that's happened to me before. It makes me love the mods even more when they do that. :devil: :lol: (Not that I don't love them already, mind you. :D)
same here shadowfax..Usually when I come here and the maintenance thing comes up I get totally bummed out. But then they got smart and put a Togo pic up and it makes not being able to come here a little easier. Hey the pic is in your banner shadowfax.
same thing happened to me the other week though they don't need to tell me to look at the pic my eyes atomatically go to it! :lol:

oh! :eek: we are on page 12 allreadys. * chants: All hail Togo...All hail Togo* :p
Me too, Twiz. :D

Really? Which one??? :confused: Is it the one with the white shirt and leather jacket combo?

ETA: Ah, they didn't need to tell me to look at his pic either, ryan_lover. It seems that our Togoholic Eyes can zoom into him automatically without any prodding. :eek: But it is fun reading the caption they put in for Ryan's pic to ease our pain of not being able to access the boards. :lol:
^^ thats the one: him in the leather jacket^^ *drool*

they should have put a shirtless pic of him...*Drool*
but then I would never leave the computer and my parents would have to drag me out the room. :lol:
i made a screencap of the maintenance site :rolleyes: so i can look at jonathan togo even when the forum is not under maintenance :devil: don't blame me ... i'm insane
yep that's the one shadowfax, unless they've changed it lately.

Oh I had that leather jacket pic as my background for a loooooooong time. I felt bad for my hubby and I was trying to hide my obsession kind of, so I put the one of him and eric up for a little bit, to throw him off. I went to the store one day and came home and a few hours on the puter I noticed the words in between them in a little cloud saying "We are Gay" HaHa..can't leave the house for a minute with a hubby like that.

Yeah no one needs to ask me or tell me to look at his pics. My eyes can spot a togo pic anywhere. I have togo radar. Togodar... nevermind.
LMAO, Twiz! :lol: I remember you telling us about that. Your hubby's pretty sneaky. :devil:

Hmmm... Togo radar? Togodar? I think I like it. :D Wanna list for me what the benefits are of having Togo Radar? :lol:
For some reason I always know when I should Yahoo Jon's name. I usually find a new interview or pic when I do it, that's togodar. I'm thinking if I was in a crowded room with him in it, id be able to find him me being blindfolded..ok maybe not.

I know the ep tomorrow is a repeat UGH. I have no idea which one. I guess i'll be surprised. I'm just hoping it has togo in it cause if I wait all day to find out its a season before 3 i'll be upset. That's the only good thing about MOndays. I use to hate them and dread mondays but now i wake up going YAY it's csi miamimonday..I'm pathetic.
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