Ryan/Jonathan #11: 'Togoliciously Bringing Sexy Back'

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Twiztid4Togo said:
I'm thinking if I was in a crowded room with him in it, id be able to find him me being blindfolded..ok maybe not.

...the only good thing about MOndays. I use to hate them and dread mondays but now i wake up going YAY it's csi miamimonday..I'm pathetic.

Nooooo, Twiz , you're not! No more than any of us. Hmmm. That's probably no comfort.

If you were blindfolded and in a room with Jon in it somewhere, you'd just have to do a lot of feeling. :devil:
Sue, it's open water. So enough Togo for ya there. Yeah I'm dutch and I still know which re-run is airing in America, that pathatic I am.

AliGtr! Don't give her ideas! Lol.
Feeling around for Togo...great idea,thanks AliGtr and shut up Nikki, I need ideas. hehe

That is pretty funny you know what's on in the U.S. I wasn't even sure if it was on tomorrow. I haven't watched any tv this week to see commercials.

I guess we're all pretty pathetic in here. OH Hail Togo *bows down* when will that temple be done..I'm feeling the need to worship him.
we can't build the temple of togo until we have got the stuff to build it with which will probably cost about £60m (got no idea how much that is in dollars or euros). *crys*

I am ill :( I think Im starting to get a cold or somthin' :(

I so badly need to hug The Gorgeous One. :(
Oh I had that leather jacket pic as my background for a loooooooong time. I felt bad for my hubby and I was trying to hide my obsession kind of, so I put the one of him and eric up for a little bit, to throw him off. I went to the store one day and came home and a few hours on the puter I noticed the words in between them in a little cloud saying "We are Gay" HaHa..can't leave the house for a minute with a hubby like that.

:lol: hahaah "We are gay." Thats not cool man, NOT cool!! :p OMG. Togodar!! Thats hilarious. I think I have that too. :D

The mods always have me look at Togo when the site goes down. I always laugh because its like "TalkCSI is down for the moment. You can go to csifiles.com or look at this picture of Jonathan Togo." :lol: Guess what I do. :devil:

Im excited for the re-run, since I saw it before I was a Togoholic, so I didnt pay attention to the Ryan scenes. :eek: So now I can.

ryan_lover, I hope you feel better. *hugs and sends over The Gorgeous One* I hope that helps :(
Tell me about! I'm looking forward to rewatching all the repeats just to pay attention to Ryan since I didn't give a crap about Ryan before. And now, its like a watching a new episode! lol

Yeah, me and my dad were talking about Ryan yesterday. He was criticizing me for watching CSI: NY..something about the flow of the show...anyways..he was like "I like Miami better. I like H with the glasses..."
I was like, "How about the Ryan"
He was like,"Oh the one that got scared! *laughs* yeah I like him, he's funny.."

Since when Ryan Wolfe is funny?! :lol:
Dutchie said:
Sue, it's open water. So enough Togo for ya there. Yeah I'm dutch and I still know which re-run is airing in America, that pathatic I am.

same here! :lol:
Apart from I'm not Dutch, I'm from Austria and know which episode is airing in America.
but I also know which episode is airing tomorrow in Austria. It's Urban Hellraiser.

'Open Water' means pukey green. my icon is from this episode. I think there's some Ryan in this episode.
I really like your icon, inge . It might be "pukey green" but I think it looks great on Jon. :p I know, I'm weird. :D

You'll like Urban Hellraisers. Lots of Ryan. Very serious Ryan. Too many layers, though. How does he not melt? :confused:

Have you found him yet, Twiz , or are you still feeling? :D
Wow...I rummaged now in the Ryan/Jon threads #8/9 and 10 and the pics were awesome!

I'm also a Ryan fan. Some pics are really to die for. Can't wait for the next episode. :D
Welcome newbies!!!

I'm a lab technician finally *dancing*

Yeah I remember once when the board was under maintenance and there was that pic of Jon (the first I saved in my computer *cries*) so I told my mom: "Oh look at this it's very funny. You can look at Jon or go to CSIFiles.", so she said: "Oh, great, but I want a pic of Horatio" and I was like WTF????

The other thing is that my mom calls him "Jonathan Wolfe" or "Bryan".
HI ...erm im Alex and i'm here to worship jonathan and i bring togo cookies :)
I had a nice flick through some pics and all i can say about 'Togoliciously Bringing Sexy back'is that sexy is an understatement when it comes to jon ;)
I'm on for a quick five minutes. :rolleyes: I had a seizure on Saturday and I've been forbidden to get on the computer since then. Until Monday, anyways. I've missed all that has went on.

*starts chanting 'Hail Togo, hail Togo'* I was going to watch our "slow walking Champion" tonight but my aunt wanted to watch the NASCAR race.
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