Ryan/Jonathan #11: 'Togoliciously Bringing Sexy Back'

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We could have a lifesize statue in the middle of the forum (open place) before entering the temple!
And how about carving images of Togo out of the columns on the front side of the temple so when we climb those first few steps are eyes would gaze up those beautiful 60ft. Atlantids (male fugure functioning as a supporting column) :lol:

Wow we are really going out on this temple..The Parthenon in Athens betta watch out!
Oooh, I love the idea of a Togo Temple. :lol: Rockland, Mass. is his hometown, I think. But don't quote me on that. We should put in carvings of Togo wearing different outfits on the columns in the front. That way, we can oggle at The Gorgeous One's impeccable style before we go in. :devil: :lol:
Togo temple...OMG you guys are friggin great. I'm all for it and his hometown is Rockland Mass, that's the perfect place for it. SO his parents could pass it and know how much he's loved by his fans. But then again they would be freaked out too knowing the psycho's after their child. But we would never hurt him.

Neelie I feel your pain. When I lost my ISP I about lost my mind and now I have to deal with dial up.

OH let me bow down and worship the Gorgeous one...THUD..ok bowed too far thinking about him.
A Togo Temple.. in Togo.

The temple is a great idea. Just one more reason for people to become Jon Togo fans. ;)

Has the epsiode with the informant aired yet, because I haven't been watching Miami in two weeks, so I'd like to know. :)
^ no, hasn't aired yet.
I hope they changed the spoiler and it will not happen. :p

about the promo pic:
yes, I noticed the 'hole' in his jeans too.
It looks cool, but I always thought that Ryan has OCD. do you think a person with OCD would wear a jean with a hole?

did you remeber the promo pic from shock?
There was a coffee smudge on the blue T-shirt... :rolleyes:
Really? There was a coffee smudge on the blue shirt? Where? :confused:

Maybe the holes are part of the more casual/worn down style so it's okay with Ryan. I don't think he would've worn it if it was entirely out of place, but who knows? *shrugs* Maybe he had an accident on the set and didn't notice the hole there. :lol:

ETA: Okay, I just checked the promo pic again and it doesn't look like a 'hole' hole, it just looks a bit ripped, like worn rip. Maybe something happened on the episode that caused it to tear... :devil:

Oh, and did you see his hands?? Those sexy, manly, pretty, pretty hands?? *drools* Guh! Everything about that man is just too damn sexy! *bows down to worship The Gorgeous One* :lol:
:eek: I've been so lazy today.. I've been reading the thread but haven't posted :p

You guys are having fun with the Togo Temple!! I would totally go and worship him there :lol: I think that there should be like a wax figure of him in a secret room only we know about. Just so there is something that looks exactly like him.. So either a wax figure or a clone :lol:

Jon plays in Emily's band? :eek: OMG. That is so freaking cute. :rolleyes: I want to find a picture :p I wonder if they'll fly to Canada :lol:

Ohh yes, I've seen the promo pics for DR. I love the colour of his shirt (yay no more orange.. sorry but that was getting annoying) I love the jeans too. Hopefully the hole will get caught on something and rip... Therefore exposing his legs or whatever :lol: :devil: Im not a big fan of the tucked in shirt, but its still soo hot.. We need a sweatvest though. Ryan+sweatervest+baby+long hair= HOTT with 2 Ts :devil:... *Ahem* Yes, I like them sweatervests :p

ETA: Mmmm Shadowfax, I love his hands too. I don't think the hole is really a hole either.. He probably bought the pants like that. And a coffee stain? :lol: Thats weird. Was it there in the episode because I dont remember seeing it. :confused: I almost forgot *bows down to Gorgeous One*
inge said:
I only write about his wardrobe, so I don't use a spoiler code. If it is needed then please tell me.

I wouldn't think that discussing his wardrobe from a promo pic would require a spoiler code, inge. ;) You're ok.

However, we would like to ask that if anyone were going to post potentially spoilerish promo pics in this thread, that they post them as links and not images or thumbnails. That was those who may not like spoilers can easily aviod the pics.

And as always when discussing events that are to happen on an 'as-yet-unaired' episode to please use the spoiler code as a courtesy to those who don't wish to be spoiled.

sandersidle said:
Jon plays in Emily's band? OMG. That is so freaking cute. I want to find a picture I wonder if they'll fly to Canada

According to what I've seen in the thread, this isn't confirmed, just speculation. ;) She merely said they had a sax player in the band, and mentioned no name.
Oh my god his hands... I love hands on a man. they're so.. detailed and.. stuff.

Hey I know you from livejournal!

Anyway. Not all things in CSI: Miami let alone all other CSIs are perfect. Maybe they just weren't thinking to clearly about his OCD or his OCD isn't just, that bad. Who knows.
There goes our chance of seeing him with a three o' clock shadow!

*is at the temple chanting* All Hail Togo!
ThumpyG42 said:
sandersidle said:
Jon plays in Emily's band? OMG. That is so freaking cute. I want to find a picture I wonder if they'll fly to Canada

According to what I've seen in the thread, this isn't confirmed, just speculation. ;) She merely said they had a sax player in the band, and mentioned no name.

Oh yeah I knew that. I just got really excited so I just.. said that :lol: Sorry ;)

In 'Shootout' it looks like he is wearing the same or almost the same watch as in the promo picture for DR. Looks expensive :p
Tell me about it! *sneaks into Ryan Wolfe's appartment and steals his razors* :devil:

Lets see how he'll explain this to Delko :lol:

*takes razors and puts it inside the treasury room at the Temple of Togo* :lol:
Oh Delko and Wolfe <3 I love those two!!

Delko won't mind. Anyway, the farthest I'll go is a clean shavin' to a little bit o' peachfuzz :)
you guys are soo awesome ... a togo temple ^^ *runs to put up a tent in front of it* okay i'll stay here forever :D or do we have special rooms in this center to live in ?? i wanna be one of the priestess' :p

and i agree with _ransom maybe the writers forgot about the "hole" anyway i like it :D togo rocks :p
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