Ryan/Jonathan #11: 'Togoliciously Bringing Sexy Back'

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i finaly saw the first epi with Ryan he looked very cute, and so little.. but he grown alot around the lab i liked the epi very much espacialy the point wiht calleigh and the gater that was fun..
Im being a preistess and then it would be my job to teach ppl the ways of Togoholism.

szmandatogoholic can I help you with the painting? cuz The Temple of Togo is a massive place and you may get tired from all that painting when you could have been meditating infront of The Gorgeous One statue and absorbing the gorgeousness. :lol:
You sure can, ryan_lover. Then we can meditate together. *humnahumnahumnahumnahummm* :lol: One more painter!! I hire... SANDERSIDLE!! Sorry, Katie.

Hey, the good thing is that you can wash the paint off the statue so I can paint it again in different colors! :devil:
Oh My Go...rgeous, you post like crazy ! i missed about 3 pages. This Togo temple thing is so funny :lol: i wanna be a dancer too ! or do you think Slaves positions are available? if yes, this is what i want to be : a slave to Togo ! :devil: *signs in to the Dirty Minds Club*

Thanks for the link to the Promo pics/modern gallery. My favorite is this one - his face looks incredibly hot. And HIS HAIR ! i love his hair!!
Great! As the Architect, I think we'll be needing plenty of slaves to erect the huge colossals and columns! *takes out whip* Now get to work! We wouldn't want The Gorgeous One to see his temple at this stage right now!!! *whip* *whip* :devil:
You know what, you can be painters, and designers, and I'll be the queen sitting next to The Gorgeous One on the thrown. :D No wait, on his lap. :devil: Yeah. *runs from mob of Togo fans chasing her* HEY I thought of it first! We will live happily ever after! In the temple built by you all! :lol:
No Neelie. I quit my job. Im now the queens sister. So im Nikki's sister. I get treated like royalty too. :p Hahahaa. :devil:
inge , I've been looking at that blue-t-shirt arms-folded pic forever, and I never noticed a coffee-stain. I must have been hypnotised by those wonderful arms. :p I can see the stain now I look c-l-o-s-e-l-y. :cool: You must have really good eyesight! Or maybe you've just blown the pics up really big. That's a tempting thought. :p :p

That little hole in his jeans drew my attention straightaway, however. I've got the urge to work my finger through the hole... :devil:

Togoism has to have a temple. I love the first pic, szmandatogoholic - really exotic! Can I do the music for the worship? Who's dancing? Shadowfax ? What kind of music do you want?
Good luck to you gals as you will be only allowed to see The Gorgeous One when only requested...*evil laugh* Bmuahah ahaha I, as the architect, on the other hand will get to spend more time discussing certain private matters *cough* with the Gorgeous One!

Oh Lord, I would die if Jon is actually reading this stuff! I know that he knows about this site cuz I heard him in an interview talking about it.. o.0
I often wonder if the actors or the writers read what we say. The writers can't take that much notice of it because of the things they keep making Ryan do. They'd know better if they read what we say about him.

Jon, on the other hand, I could imagine him reading this, laughing at some of the stuff, and blushing bright red at a lot of things. We're only saying what's true, though. Who can deny how gorgeous he is?

Oh, and Kiara , I love your icon.
o_0 OMG if he reads this we must look like complete fools. :lol: Kiara, if you as the architect would spend a lot of time with him, I can only imagine how much time I as his wife would spend with him. :eek: Especially when all the builders go home :devil:
OMG I could see Jon readin this and falling off his chair laughing. I heard an inteview he did and he mentioned this site and he does peek in at times. Also he did do an couple interviews for this site not to mention the live chat..Sorry Jon for anything I've said about you..it's all in fun and yeah your too hott not to talk about.

Can I be his cook? Or anyting. NOOOOOOOOOO I want to be the one to draw his baths and bathes him...hahahahah I get that ...once again..sorry Jon if you read that..*blushes*
Thanks AliGtr!

Dutchie: *gives an evil look* I'll settle for being his mistress :devil:

Yeah, for the record, Jon, if you're reading this, the whole temple thing its all in good fun!!! If you're laughing, we're laughing too.. :lol:

This is too funny! I wonder if the fans of the other actors are having as much fun as we are :lol:
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