Ryan/Jonathan #11: 'Togoliciously Bringing Sexy Back'

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Kiara, hun, don't hotlink. The site owners don't like that and neither do the mods here, since it's against board rules. Just use an image uploader such as Imageshack of Photobucket before you share The gorgeous one with us. ;)

Maybe he got stuck on something making the hole in his pants. Lets just hope he gets stuck on it some more...can you imagine? *rip* :eek: :devil:

Katie I know what you mean. *goes to look for more info* :D
KiaraMebarak said:
There goes our chance of seeing him with a three o' clock shadow!

*gasp* Like this!!! *passes out*

*is at the temple chanting* All Hail Togo!

OMG! :eek: I truely have died!...he looks soo hott is that picture. :p *drool*

I agree that the temple should have rooms for us togoholics to stay in ...and I also want to be a Togo priestess!! is it ok if I stick to my wiccan religion also wilst in the temple? then that way I can preform rituals to bless and bring more love to The Gorgeous One! :lol:

I now have 2 religions: Togoholicism and wicca! hehehe...yes it is possible to worship both!
Shadowfax said:
Really? There was a coffee smudge on the blue shirt? Where?

here's the pic:

The coffe smudge is near his badge.
credit: Modern Day Gallery
and I like his hands too. ;)

(I should really organize my photobucket account. :rolleyes: )

oh and thanks for the info about spoiler discussion Thumpy! :)
Hmmm... a 40ft statue of The Gorgeous One? Make it 70-80ft! And it should totally be errected by Boa Vista fans as thier punishment for liking such a vile, vile woman. Anyway...

It should be made law that each new word in "The Gorgeous One" begins with a capital letter!

Oh and the statue should have Ryan in a sweatervest- perhaps cradling that child? I would so totally worship that man! Actually, I already do. As Susanna knows from my persistent Togo-mail (soz about that hun lol) that NO-ONE in my household is allowed to talk through any Miami incase i miss the wise words of The Gorgeous One.

Gorgeous and Funny... I'd leave my man for him lol.

Togolism holidays included "National Sweater Day" and "National Ryan Wolfe Week" (which commorates his first appearance on show). With NSVD everyone would be required to wear sweater vests and shout "Togo" at random intervals. Most of the other holidays ended up being CaRWash related!
And it should totally be errected by Boa Vista fans as thier punishment for liking such a vile, vile woman.
Just a reminder to respect the opinions of other fans please, even if we disagree with them. Thanks. :)

There may be Natalia fans who post in this thread and we want everyone to feel welcome here.
I wanna see nailed again! it contained enough of The Gorgeous One to OD on :lol: (enough wasn't enough though!) I hope that as soon as S4 finishes in the uk they repeat it all again like they did with S3 then that way I'll get to see my fave eppy again.

I have realised that when I talk to ppl at college ect I use 'to go' in my sentences alot but its starting to come out as 'Togo' alot and ppl give me funny looks!! The Gorgeous One has taken over my brain!! .....mmmmmmm Ryan in shower....*drool*....sorry I just can't stop trying to picture that inside my mind... * gets back on topic of worshipping THE GORGEOUS ONE...bows down...All hail Togo..All hail Togo!*
*bows down at the Temple of Togo*
*worships the GORGEOUS ONE*
*puts up a Togo Tent by the Tempo of Togo*
*practices the ways of Togolism*

Amazing what happens when you see Ryan in a powder blue t-shirt, with a small coffee stain, those well toned powerful arms, those elegant fingers, those well fitting jeans...whew! It is a bit hot in here!

I want to see Season 4!!!!!! Ahhh....I'm melting!
^^ you no see S4 yet?^^ poor you! how come you no seen it yet?

I wonder what THE GORGEOUS ONE will think of the Temple of Togo once we have finished building it? do y'all think he would be proud of us? I think he would:lol: hehehe
Whoa! How did I miss that smudge? Thanks for the pic, inge! That's a good eye you got there. :D I guess I was so mesmerized by his arms and the look on his face :eek: that I totally overlooked that teeny-tiny smudge. :lol:
Thanks Dutchie for the warning, I guess I better get myself a photobucket account after resisting for so long ;)

lol I'm loving the priestess (sp?) thing for the temple of Togo lol

Gotta Admit we're freakin' funny...
Here are a couple of things to keep us entertained..you guys can add some more if you want

Architecht: ME! Kiara M. (taken)
Painter: Availabe
Main Priest(ess): Availabe
Sculptor (reliefs): Availabe
Treasurer (in charge of keeping count and putting away all the offerings brought to The Gorgeous One): available
I wanna be the one who does the ritualized dance in front of The Gorgeous One. :D You know? The one where the dancing invokes his presence and therefore blessings upon us Togoholics? :lol: What do you call that position? Is that a priestess as well? Or maybe it's a Temple Dancer or something? :confused: When you figure out a title, that's what I want to be... unless you wanna call it Assistant Priestess or something of the sort. :lol:
*puts hand up* Can I be the one who washes The Gorgeous One's statue :devil: :lol: I wouldn't mind that.

Good eye, I would have never noticed that stain!

*Bows down to The Gorgeous One* before leaving.
I'm playing catch up on CSI Miami. I haven't seen any re-runs of season 4 on tv. But I've pre-ordered season 4 on DVD and having a Togocow waiting. So I have to let my imagination run amuck. Trust me....it is running amuck! I'm asorbing as much info as my mind will allow. Which may take a while, my mind is a bit slow on the uptake!

<<Treasurer (in charge of keeping count and putting away all the offerings brought to The Gorgeous One): available>>

I will be happy to keep count and track all offerings of the Gorgeous one! I will be happy to provide safe keeping of all given!

::::bows down to the Temple of Togo:::::::
I wanna be the painter!! I wanna be the painter!! I will wash with washable paint so I can paint and repaint as often as I want!! *bows down at the temple of Togo* He is The One. :lol:

I have a great story. I fell asleep last night watching CSI: Miami on A&E again, and it was the five episode thing they show every Friday. Well, when I woke up, it was 1:10 and they had Jon on. A split-second later, they took him off and showed Calleigh and H. (I think...) I call myself The Lucky One because I woke up at that moment. I stayed awake until the next Ryan scene and then I went back to bed.

Our Temple of Togo
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